Overhead and the Nonprofit

by Richard Tollefson

Today’s nonprofits often find themselves looking over their shoulders. “They worry about the scrutiny or debate that may rage over their spending while, at the same time, understanding the critical need to invest in their enterprises in order to fulfill their missions,” says Robert Ashcraft, Ph.D., executive director of ASU’s Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit … [More]

Better Branding = Fundraising Impact

by Richard Tollefson

Two simple questions lie at the heart of a nonprofit’s branding and marketing efforts: Who? and Why? Who is the nonprofit helping, and why? “Organizations often forget what they’re really about,” says Russ Haan, founder of Phoenix-based Charles Russell, a visual storytelling consultancy. Knowing that answer, he says, is the essence of a strong brand and a catalyst for … [More]

Who Manages the Endowment? 

by Deborah Whitehurst

Though they are only one part of a nonprofit’s cash equation, endowments provide a predictable source of income and may be a lifeline during economic downturns. They allow nonprofit entities to produce income as well as growth. But who should manage the assets in an endowment? It might seem a single executive or executives seated at the boardroom table are best suited. After … [More]

Powerful Strategic Planning 

by Deborah Whitehurst 

Annually — or every three to five years — nonprofit board members gear up for strategic planning retreats, assessing the organization’s performance over the previous year or tackling long-term planning. Some view strategic planning as nothing more than a label: Yes. We have a strategic plan. Check. Others see such planning as a waste of time or money. Still others see its value … [More]

Creating a Culture of Philanthropy

by Peter Smits and Richard Tollefson

Ask five different executives sitting on nonprofit boards to define “culture of philanthropy,” and five different definitions will rise to the top. Board members may also differ in their opinion of the role they should play in building a culture of engagement and philanthropy within their nonprofit. Clarity on these two points is essential, however; if organizations can … [More]

The Value of Values-Based Hiring

by Brian Mohr and Richard Tollefson 

It happens all the time: A candidate with impeccable credentials steps up to a nonprofit leadership position only to step down within a year or so. But why? And why so often? A number of reasons could be at play — expectations aren’t being met (by employee or employer), co-workers’ work styles clash, the workload is not as expected — but mostly it boils down to not the right … [More]

Outside Help

by Julie Iacobelli

There are plenty of reasons why nonprofit organizations seek the expertise of consulting firms. They may face financial uncertainty, a major fundraising campaign, an extended project or leadership changes that would benefit from a third party’s professional insight. Additionally, they may seek counsel during program or organizational expansion to help identify and align new … [More]

Coaching for Fundraising Success

by Richard Tollefson

Though they possess innate fundraising instincts and a passion for their nonprofit missions, Kristin Priscella and Annet Ruiter admit they weren’t necessarily born fundraisers. Priscella, Arizona Science Center’s chief operating officer for external affairs, started within her organization in a marketing capacity. Ruiter, vice president of external affairs for Planned … [More]

The Value of Professional Interim Management

by Cassandra Larsen and Deborah Whitehurst

Nonprofits that have lost a leader — to retirement, a career move, or even termination — often feel an urgency to find an immediate replacement. This is, in many cases, a misguided strategy, says Linda Lyman, nonprofit consultant and retired president and CEO of New Pathways for Youth. “For a board that is feeling pressured to hire immediately, interim managers can provide a … [More]

The Importance of Market Research 

by Richard Tollefson

It’s no secret that corporations reap great dividends by conducting market research. They use facts and figures and focus-group results to develop products, explore new markets, test messaging and establish brand positioning. Nonprofits, however, haven’t typically been as quick to embrace market research, often relying instead on tradition, assumption, staff experience and … [More]

No More Fundraising Excuses

by Richard Tollefson

It is official. Philanthropic giving in the United States is not only on the rebound, it has fully recovered since the recession, marking the highest levels of giving in the country’s history. Yes, even despite weak and uneven economic recovery. According to the Giving USA 2015 report, charitable giving has risen 7.1 percent over the last year, totaling $358.38 billion. … [More]

Make Room for Millennials

by Michal Tyra and William Bessette

It might seem an odd fit: a nonprofit aligning itself with 20- to 32-year-olds who, at first blush, appear to have little in common with such institutions. But successful nonprofits believe such a pairing is simply good strategy, especially considering that half the U.S. work force by 2020 will consist of this young demographic known as millennials. They are 80 million in … [More]

Harnessing the Power of Volunteers

by Laurel Kimball

Volunteers are everywhere — sorting donations at food banks, tutoring children at local schools and greeting visitors at the zoo. They play an integral role in nonprofits across America, guiding tours at museums, visiting the sick at hospitals and wielding hammers for Habitat for Humanity. They also are active behind the scenes, serving on boards and committees, and even … [More]

The Real Impact of Impact Investing

by Richard Tollefson

The Desert Botanical Garden of Phoenix relies heavily on one critical natural resource: water. For years its plants were nurtured with the same high-demand, potable drinking water running from residents’ taps. The environmental and cost-saving solution: non-potable water from the adjacent Salt River Project canal, offered to the “turf” industry at a 60-percent discount by the … [More]

P3s: Partnering for the Future

by Cassandra Larsen

A $600-million convention center expansion. Scientific, medical, research and educational collaborations in the heart of the city. A state-of-the-art automated Sky Train … Indeed, today’s downtown Phoenix is markedly different from what it was even a decade earlier. So how did this transformation take place in such a short span of time? It was due, in part, to public-private … [More]

Building Better Fundraisers

by Jan Halpin

Asking for money seems to induce the same sweaty-palm anxiety associated with daring acts such as skydiving and swimming with sharks. Yet fundraising is a key responsibility for executives who serve as nonprofit board members. Some nonprofit board members don’t realize that fundraising encompasses much more than “the ask.” Board members can contribute in plenty of ways: … [More]

Evaluating the Nonprofit CEO’s Performance

by Julie Iacobelli

Nonprofit boards are notorious for dragging their feet when it comes to evaluating the leaders of the nonprofits they serve. For starters, the process is perceived as a time-consuming endeavor. But mostly, boards aren’t really sure how to conduct the evaluation. Nonprofits are, after all, measured beyond profit margins to their community outreach efforts as well as their social … [More]

The Psychology of Giving

by Michael Dimengo

Do people give to philanthropic causes out of a sense of responsibility or guilt, for tax breaks or prestige? Do they give to provide for the public good or for personal pleasure? Individuals open their wallets for plenty of reasons, but a handful of motivations consistently rise to the top regardless of a donor’s income level. According to the Indiana University Lilly … [More]

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