The Employer Shared Responsibility of the Affordable Care Act

by Kathy Steadman

After considerable fits and starts, the employer responsibility provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) are now in full play. While implementing regulations and related notices can be complex, business owners should understand the basics in order to avoid penalties, identify the best-suited healthcare solutions for their workforce and remain … [More]

RAADR: Using Technology Against Cyber Threats

by RaeAnne Marsh

Bullying and stalking in the cyber world is not only easy to accomplish, it’s easy to hide. Jacob DiMartino took the expertise he’d gained in helping businesses engage effectively in social media, and developed RAADR as a platform to, he says, “arm parents with a snapshot of what’s going on with their kids.” His concern, he explains, is “kids don’t know how exposed they make … [More]

Waste Not

by RaeAnne Marsh

Waste Management’s tagline for the Waste Management Phoenix Open is “The Greenest Show on Grass,” and the details in the adjoining column give testament to its commitment to that goal. The company’s dedication to “green” also extends beyond its own operations, and it hosts a forum every year alongside the Open that “gives us a chance to investigate and think more deeply about … [More]

Litigation on the Rise from Americans with Disabilities Act 

by Lindsay G. Leavitt 

Arizona is quickly joining the ranks of California, New York and Texas as a hotbed for lawsuits arising under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Over the past six months, a handful of serial plaintiffs — known as “testers” — have filed hundreds of lawsuits against Arizona businesses. First there was Theresa Brooke, a wheelchair-bound woman who filed more than 150 lawsuits … [More]

Email and Worker Turnover

by RaeAnne Marsh

The percentage of people nationwide who don’t intend to change jobs this year is only 42. The “2016 Industry & Productivity Perspectives Report” from business operating system Bolste, which commissioned accredited research firm YouGov to poll the views of a representative sample of 2,766 American adults, shows employers are at risk with 49 percent of the … [More]

To Telecommute or Not to Telecommute?

by Anne Caldwell 

Today’s workforce is changing. More than 80 percent of employees consider telecommuting a job perk, and 36 percent would sacrifice salary for the option of telecommuting at work, according to a survey conducted by Global Workplace Analytics. This begs the question: Should employers provide telecommuting options? The increased demand and employee popularity of telecommuting in … [More]

Technology Isn’t License

by Jennifer J. Walsh

Technology has transformed many aspects of our lives, and we’ve come to take for granted that we can implement it. However, technology doesn’t exist in a vacuum; there are use repercussions. The common practice of screening movies in waiting rooms is one widely misunderstood example. Purchase of a DVD bestows ownership rights that allow it to be played in small groups in … [More]

Private Health Exchanges

by Mark Morgan

Private health exchanges, or marketplaces, are one of the “new kids on the block” and they’re fast becoming a compelling option for employers and employees. In fact, 6 million people enrolled in their employer-sponsored benefits through private exchanges in 2015, double the previous year, as reported last year by global professional services company Accenture. Exchanges … [More]

Women-Owned Businesses: A Growth Demographic

by Kristin Slice

Women represent the largest growing demographic of business owners in the country. This is among several interesting trends revealed in final data from the 2012 census that was just recently released. The number of women starting businesses was almost three times that of men — more than expected. As of 2012, women business owners (WBOs) represent 36.2 percent of all businesses, … [More]

Conversation: Still a Powerful Tool in Our High-Tech World

by Brady G. Wilson

You may not realize it, but your organization is home to an incredibly powerful operating system (O/S). Think outside the realm of technology. What has the potential to engage and energize your employees, bring teams closer together, and create a high-performing workforce? It’s conversation. Conversation is the common denominator behind “apps” like customer service, … [More]

Smart Automation and Artificial Intelligence a Boon to IT Workers

by Mike Hunter

Smart automation tools and artificial intelligence (AI) that automate daily tasks in an enterprise go hand-in-hand with job satisfaction, according to sentiment expressed by IT workers. The surprising results of a recent survey reported by arago GmbH reveal that IT workers not only welcome smart automation but a clear majority also identify concrete benefits these technologies … [More]

Feedback: January 2016

by Judy Bernas | Rick DeGraw | Kimber Lanning

Question: What do you feel is the one thing the Arizona State Legislature needs to focus on in the next year or two that would dramatically improve the economic picture in Arizona?   Judy Bernas Associate VP for External Relations The University of Arizona Sector: Education There are too many needs and never enough money. But what provides the biggest bang for the … [More]

Keeping Business in the Family Way

by Darren T. Case

Earlier in May, Cathy Hughes, an attorney-adviser for the Estate and Gift Tax Policy Office for the United States Department of the Treasury, sent shockwaves into the tax and estate planning community by announcing that new regulations would be implemented to make it much more difficult for families to transfer a family business to the next generation utilizing business … [More]

Benefits and Challenges of BYOD

by Ryan Treisman

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has been gathering momentum among businesses and their employees alike. BYOD is a model of business technology deployment whereby employees, rather than companies, provide and maintain their own personal technology devices — such as computers and phones — for business use. While there are many potential benefits to adopting a BYOD model, businesses … [More]

Holiday Etiquette, HR Style

by Whitney Sedwick Meister

’Tis the season … when merriment sometimes gets the better of good HR sense. Here are a few tips to help companies stay out of hot water at the annual holiday party. Invite the “better halves.” Holiday parties are synonymous with alcohol, and while there are many ways a company can reduce its risk, a non-traditional (yet highly effective) option is to invite employees’ … [More]

Manage Energy, Not Engagement

by Brady Wilson

After 20 years of trying to get it right, few organizations truly understand employee engagement or have failed to see its improvement in their company. And yet, there are organizations that have increased engagement — but find their employees are drained and depleted. What causes this “engagement paradox”? It’s simple. Managing engagement turns out to be just another drain … [More]

Criminals Have a Plan to Steal Your Money. What’s Your Plan to Keep It?

by Keith Parsons

Cyber criminals have become more sophisticated than ever. Thwarting cyber thieves begins with awareness and education — for business owners and everyone in their organization. Common Scams and Ways to Defeat Them “Our bank account was compromised … please wire your payments here, instead.” A trusted vendor sends an email with new wire instructions, claiming that their bank … [More]

Equity Crowdfunding Comes to Arizona

by Kevin J. Walsh

Arizona’s new crowdfunding law, which is intended to give small companies in the local Arizona economy greater access to capital, took effect on July 3, 2015. Arizona joins a growing number of states that have recently enacted laws permitting some form of equity crowdfunding. For startups and other emerging growth businesses that may not have ready access to traditional sources … [More]

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