Running a business is a very demanding task, requiring you to and find ways of improving efficiency. However, to truly make your operations smoother, you need to invest in technological solutions. One of the best choices you can make is to start using cloud computing services to create safe backups and facilitate easier access to all of your vital data. You might also want … [More]
Common Misconceptions about Workplace Culture That Can Be Costly to Companies
The subject of workplace culture gets a lot of attention these days. Its importance in the life of a business has seemed to increase in the wake of the Great Resignation and the culture-related reasons why millions of people have left their jobs. Adding fuel to the fire are some misconceptions companies have about workplace culture that are harming their employees' … [More]
Do You Want to Be an Impactful Leader? 5 Key Points to Getting You There
It’s an ongoing debate: Are great leaders made or born? It’s a bit of a trick question. The answer is both. One study shows that leadership is only 30 percent genetic and 70 percent learned. While cases have been made that both nature and nurturing are responsible, those who aspire to high-level leadership positions should never stop learning or developing the traits and … [More]
Why In-Person Interaction Remains Critical in the Age of Remote Work
Not long after the COVID-19 pandemic forced a shift to remote work, the internet security research firm Twingate conducted a national survey to find out what workers missed most about going to the office. Heading the list: “Social connections,” followed closely by “human contact in general.” Those answers aren’t surprising to Phil Kelley Jr., author of Presence and … [More]
Will Your Leadership Stand Up in the Metaverse? How Your Voice Holds the Key
COVID-19 and the massive shift to remote work led many companies to change the way they hold meetings. They’ve grown accustomed to using virtual meeting apps, but as often happens in the fast-moving technology world, there’s another advancement around the corner, and it will impact businesses across the globe. No less a technology authority than Bill Gates says the … [More]
6 Milestones Every Small Business Should Strive to Accomplish
Roughly half of all small businesses in the United States fail within their first five years, often before they have had a chance to hit key business milestones. A milestone is a key event or action in a project or business journey that marks a significant stage of progress. Milestones are not random goals or tasks that you are unlikely to reach. They are key points or … [More]
EN NEGOCIOS: 6 hitos que toda pequeña empresa debe esforzarse por lograr por Edgar R. Olivo
Aproximadamente la mitad de todas las pequeñas empresas en los Estados Unidos fracasan dentro de sus primeros cinco años, a menudo antes de que hayan tenido la oportunidad de alcanzar hitos empresariales clave. Un hito es un evento o acción clave en un proyecto o viaje comercial que marca una etapa significativa de progreso. Los hitos no son objetivos o tareas aleatorias que … [More]
6 Things Every CEO Needs to Know about Branding to Better Manage the Human Side of Business
We live in an upside world where the old rules no longer apply. Many call it a VUCA world – volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Mass consumerism has been replaced by a new consumption paradigm as people are driven by new essentialism where things matter less and relationships, experiences and self-being dominate all. In this new world, workers are restless, customers … [More]
Feeling Inflation Pressures? Industry-Specific Small Business Economic Trends Survey Released
The NFIB Research Center today released an industry-specific Small Business Economic Trends report highlighting the construction, manufacturing, retail, and services industries. The overall Optimism Index for small businesses in April was 93.2. “The construction and manufacturing industries are especially feeling the impact of inflation pressures,” said Holly Wade, … [More]
How Digital Transformation Is Changing Project Management: 4 Things to Know
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed how important it is for businesses to adopt digital processes. Many companies closed largely because they didn’t digitize, but for other firms, the pandemic accelerated their digital transformation. In the midst of this massive change, project management’s role has shifted but remains crucial to helping improve overall efficiency and … [More]
Joining the Wave of New Entrepreneurs? 5 Mistakes That Can Sink You
More than 5 million people became entrepreneurs in 2021 – a total that smashed the single-year record for new business applications by about 1 million. But hovering over that tide of entrepreneurial optimism is some historically discouraging data: about 20% of small businesses fail within the first year and 50% fail within five. If you’re among the many who recently started … [More]
Study on American Workers’ Reasons for Switching Jobs Released
University of Phoenix College of Doctoral Studies announces the release of a whitepaper examining factors contributing to employee turnover, as well as possible solutions: “American Workers’ Reasons for Switching Jobs.” Drawing upon data from the 2022 University of Phoenix Career Institute™ Career Optimism Index® study, Louise Underdahl, Ph.D., a Research Fellow with the … [More]
5 Reasons Why Organizations Should Champion Men’s Health Benefits to Compete in the Great Resignation
The Great Resignation is looking more and more like The Great Negotiation, to borrow a headline from one recent article. This renegotiation is more than just better pay and better hours. It’s about the other things that make a workplace attractive, such as health benefits and other perks. Companies have three primary drivers when adding better health benefits: to attract and … [More]
What Does ‘Clean’ Really Mean? How to Be Thorough and Stay Safe
The COVID-19 pandemic inspired a cleaning frenzy in many American homes, but how many people are cleaning thoroughly to prevent the spread of germs? Some don’t know what “clean” really means in the context of infection prevention, says Tricia Holderman, author of Germinator: The Germ Girl’s Guide To Simple Solutions In A Germ-Filled World. “The COVID-19 pandemic got a lot … [More]
Shifts in Tech Hiring to Alter Post-Pandemic Office Landscape
Over the past decade, the tech industry expanded beyond the traditional hubs of the Bay Area, Seattle, Los Angeles and New York City into new frontiers in Atlanta, Austin, Denver and Orlando. Firms sought out new talent and planned expansions in lower-cost areas. Despite this, nearly 50 percent of new tech job openings from 2015 to 2019 were still located in high-profile tech … [More]
EN NEGOCIOS: 5 preguntas para ayudar a los empresarios a realizar estudios de mercado
Cuando está iniciando un negocio, conocer a sus clientes es una de las cosas más importantes que debe hacer. Sin este conocimiento fundamental, la creación de planes de marketing se volverá difícil y sus proyecciones de ventas siempre estarán fuera de lugar. Tener una intuición sobre su mercado solo le traerá más dolores de cabeza. En su lugar, esfuércese por desafiar sus … [More]
5 Questions to Help Small Business Owners Do Market Research
When you are starting a business, getting to know your customers is one of the most important things you need to do. Without this fundamental knowledge, creating marketing plans will become difficult and your sales projections will always be off. Having a gut feeling about your market will only bring you more headaches. Instead, strive to challenge your assumptions with data … [More]
U.S. Mortgage Delinquencies Continue to Fall in February, Says Report
CoreLogic, a leading global property information, analytics and data-enabled solutions provider, today released its monthly Loan Performance Insights Report for February 2022. For the month of February, 3.2% of all mortgages in the U.S. were in some stage of delinquency (30 days or more past due, including those in foreclosure), representing a 2.5 percentage-point … [More]