Where are America’s Most Innovative Technology Hubs?

by Mike Hunter

An important question to ask, of late, is, “Who is on top in innovation technology?” because the answer truly can make a difference in local markets that are all vying for the top position — or very close to the top. The good news is, many of the top communities are on top because they are making a concerted effort to compete. The bad news is some, like Phoenix — although they … [More]

For Health and Franchise

by RaeAnne Marsh

Healthcare franchises are hot. Non-medical homecare was the No. 1 franchise industry a few years ago (2006 - 2009), according to Peter Tourian, founder and CEO of locally based SYNERGY HomeCare, noting that, while it is not necessarily still selling the most franchises, “it is consistently growing at the top level.” The passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care … [More]

NLRB: Off-Hours Email OK

by Alexandra Lyon

Employers who monitor workers’ electronic communications cannot discipline workers for using company email off hours for non-business-related purposes, according to a ruling issued last December by the National Labor Relations Board.  The new ruling (361 NLRB No. 126) states that employees with access to employer email systems “in the course of their work” must, in most cases, … [More]

Passion Fires Sustained Performance Improvement 

by RaeAnne Marsh

Companies need passionate workers because these workers can drive extreme and sustained performance improvement. However, a mere 12 percent of the United States work force exhibits all of the attributes that define the “Passion of the Explorer,” according to a new report from Deloitte’s Center for the Edge entitled “Passion at work: Cultivating worker passion as a cornerstone … [More]

Cyber Security or Digital Vulnerability?

by RaeAnne Marsh

The common advice — and practice — about passwords is wrong, says cyber security expert Hoyt Kesterson. The former chairman of the international committee involved in creating digital signature credential protocols, the current senior security architect for Scottsdale-based Terra Verde Services points out that oftentimes, being required to frequently change their password puts … [More]

2015 Super Bowl in Arizona: What’s Different This Time?

by Sue Kern-Fleischer

Arizona will be in the global spotlight leading up to Super Bowl XLIX on Feb. 1, which many hope translates to a boost in our economy. A lot has changed since we hosted Super Bowl XLII seven years ago, when the economy was declining. “Downtown Phoenix doesn’t look anything like it did in 2008,” says Jay Parry, president and CEO of the Arizona Super Bowl Host Committee.“When … [More]

No Legal Risk with Office Gambling? Don’t Bet on It

by Sue Kern-Fleischer

If part of your office culture includes friendly wagers for Fantasy Football, the Super Bowl, March Madness and Lottery office pools, you might want to quit while you’re ahead and put the kibosh on any gambling activities. That’s because, even though it is widely accepted and popular among employees, any wagering involving money and bets could run afoul of state law and open up … [More]

eHealth: Technology Advances Healthcare Delivery 

by RaeAnne Marsh

Telemedicine has been around more than 100 years, but it is advancing with gains in mobile technology. A study by the Journal of the American Medical Association found no difference in care levels or outcomes using telehealth, notes Jim Prendergast, CEO of Scottsdale-based Healthiest You. Alan Roga, M.D., founder and CEO of Scottsdale-based Stat Doctors, has seen increased … [More]

Move Fast for the R&D Tax Credit Refund

by RaeAnne Marsh

Arizona keeps company with 36 other states in offering an R&D credit, with the distinction of not only offering the largest (24 percent) but also the unique attribute of having a refundable option. It is the refundable aspect that adds an element of urgency to this information, according to Tom Sanger, leader of accounting firm Moss Adams’ R&D tax services practice — … [More]

Can Feedback Help Us Succeed?

by Barry Banther

There are five simple words that can spell doom for a leader — “If I had only known!” These are the words a person utters right after a major client cancels a contract, a customer stops ordering or an error occurs that will cost the business owner thousands out of his own pocket. That’s why the best leaders and the most competent managers thrive on employee feedback! So why … [More]

Wearable Tech: Small Is Very Big Data

by RaeAnne Marsh

Force Impact Technologies, an enterprise at ASU’s SkySong supported by the accelerator Edson Student Entrepreneur Initiative, entered the expanding field of wearable technology a little over a year ago with its FITGuard mouthpiece. An item of sports equipment, it combines an accelerometer that measures how fast something starts and stops and a gyroscope that measures how fast … [More]

Positive Impact: Women and Millennials in Leadership Positions

by Sue Kern-Fleischer 

Some $50 billion a year is being spent on developing leaders worldwide, but it’s not viewed by company leaders as being effective, according to a report released in July by global talent management consultancy Development Dimensions International and The Conference Board. The 56-page report titled “Global Leadership Forecast (GLF) 2014|2015, Ready-Now Leaders: Meeting … [More]

Employee Cynicism: The ‘In’ Attitude that Hurts Business

by Rich Karlgaard

In an age of cynicism and irony, Northwestern Mutual is a throwback to a more innocent time. The company is the antithesis of “cool.” It has the kind of culture in which people embrace plain suits and sincere handshakes, take pride in wearing achievement ribbons, kick off conferences with patriotic music. It’s the very portrait of wholesomeness and earnestness — the Boy Scout … [More]

Chip and PIN Advances Card Reader Technology

by Alexandra Lyon

Use of Chip and PIN technology is expanding in the United States as an alternative to the familiar credit/debit card “swipe,” allowing customers greater acceptance rates when traveling and security with reliable transactions both locally and internationally. “The EMV/chip in the card uses a dynamically generated string of data with each transaction that makes chip cards … [More]

Technology: Marketing

by Don Harris

Technology is giving merchants a newer, slicker, 21st-century way to offer customers reward/loyalty programs, signaling a shift away from those wallet-clogging buy-ten-get-one-free punch cards. Indeed, merchants of all kinds are signing up for tech programs that enable them to keep tabs on their regulars and reach out to new customers while the customers pile up reward points … [More]

Fraud Is Big in Online B2B Sales

by RaeAnne Marsh

Fraudulent Online Product Inquiries The impact of fraud is felt unevenly. As fraudsters succeed against businesses in an industry, they beget copycatters who continue to target that industry. Percentage of Inquiries that are Fraud Attempts Percent of Businesses Affected 75% … [More]

Even in the Matrix, Labor Does Have a Price

by Russell Harley

Matrix teams — formed by bringing together under a new project leader people who already report to another supervisor — is a common method of staffing projects. This is one alternative to outsourcing a project when a business has no team already available that has the requisite skill set. Matrix teams have their benefits and their challenges. There are pitfalls, however, that … [More]

The Power of the PAC Can Aid Businesses

by Alexandra Lyon

Dozens of local political action committees (PACs) are up and running in this election season, and local businesses as well as major corporations are finding them a viable vehicle for influencing public policy and supporting candidates who best represent their industry or interests. “Being able to be involved in the political process through a political action committee is … [More]

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