Hollywood has always known how to take a meeting. Tinseltown tête à têtes are how movies get made, box-office records are broken and stars are born. In the business world, fate-altering meetings don’t happen in directors’ or producers’ offices, they happen in the C-suite. For those, that is, who can break through. Thirty-three minutes and 13 seconds into the 2005 movie … [More]
HonorHealth’s Tradition of Impact
The word honor conjures up all kinds of thoughts about respect, ethics and pride. Whenever honor is brought into a conversation, the assumption is that a place of integrity and distinction is being described. This is exactly the case where Valley hospital group HonorHealth is concerned. Since 2013, HonorHealth has been serving the Valley. However, its legacy of helping the … [More]
Attention to Detail Can Make or Break a Company
“Pay more attention to detail.” It’s something we’ve all said to an employee, co-worker or even spouse at some point. It can be a frustrating statement for both the speaker and the listener because it is often akin to saying, “Don’t make mistakes you can easily avoid.” And, many times, the mistake or omission was one easy to avoid, especially if it had been supported by a … [More]
The Compounding Effect of Community Carry
It’s in the headlines on a daily basis — yet another startup secures major investment from one venture capital firm or another. On the surface, this appears to only be great news for the investors and the ones on the receiving end of those funds, but the impact actually reaches far beyond that. Funding a startup sets off a ripple effect. It’s not just an investment into that … [More]
Corporate Culture & Employee Retention
Good companies invest in their employees. The reason is obvious. Happy employees tend to hang around and provide a return on that investment. But when it comes to employee retention, are companies investing in the right thing? In the Silicon Valley, the latest statistics show a new trend — one of unrest and high turnover. New employees stay on the new job between 1.8 and … [More]
Two Weeks’ Notice?
The last 20 years in the workplace have seen sweeping change: resume submission by paper in the mail to computerized applicant tracking systems, hard copy live paychecks to direct deposit, and completely cashless businesses. Longstanding practices and traditions have died out, whether as a result of being replaced by technological innovation or simply because they couldn’t keep … [More]
10 Warning Signs of a Dysfunctional Corporate Culture
The growing spotlight on dysfunctional corporate culture and its potentially devastating impact on organizations has given new urgency around the issue in boardrooms today. Research shows that 30 percent of M&A deals fail to achieve financial targets due to culture-related matters, and some studies suggest that even workplace incivility can have an average cost of … [More]
It’s Risky Out There without Digital Policies
Almost every day, somebody makes headlines for a digital misstep: a data breach, an inappropriate comment on social media, online content that cannot be used by individuals with disabilities, etc. If you’re like a lot of business leaders, you may think, “We would never do that.” But unless you’re a one-person business, your good intentions aren’t enough to prevent someone else … [More]
Successful Succession in a Family Business
It’s wonderful to be able to work with your children and imagine them taking the reins some day. But it requires a careful strategy. Seventy percent of all businesses are family businesses in the United States, but only two thirds survive past the first generation. Why? There’s a myth surrounding family businesses that sets them up for failure. If you want your children to … [More]
Agents of Organizational Change
There has always been a co-dependent relationship between program and portfolio management (PPM) and organizational change management (OCM). After all, projects are the agent of change, and change is required for enterprises to survive and thrive. Businesses need projects and programs to implement a strategic initiative, deliver a new service or bring a new product to … [More]
Differentiating the Gen Y/Z Market
With each new generation, a different set of rules presents itself for marketers. And, with five generations of consumers currently represented in the United States, it can be somewhat complex to differentiate between newer generations that, at first glance, appear to be very similar. But to say that generations Y and Z are the same, or could be marketed to using the same … [More]
Fear and Consequences
The all-hands meeting was called abruptly on a Friday afternoon and the entire staff shuffled into the largest conference room. Ten chairs for 30 employees. No one knew what was happening but all had a concerned look on their face. For the nine months prior, everyone in the company had worked harder than they ever had before in their career. They believed in the company’s … [More]
The Future of Blockchain Technology
This article is intended to scare and be a wakeup call for anyone who considers himself a middleman, because he will soon no longer be needed. But first, let’s examine what a blockchain is, as businessfolk may as well understand the technology that is going to make some jobs redundant. What Is Blockchain/Tangle? Not to be confused with Bitcoin, as it so often is, … [More]
Social Media – Where It’s Going and How to Keep Up with It (Part I)
The year is young — now is a fine time for businesses to start doing the right things, to take charge of their social media strategy by evaluating trends and revisiting and refining their plans. Positive changes made now will position the business for better outcomes all year long. Gone are the days when companies can treat social media as an afterthought or a supplemental … [More]
Social Media – Where It’s Going and How to Keep Up with It (Part II)
Achieving goals of any sort involves doing more of the right — and less of the wrong — things. Marketing and social media goals are no exception. How can you better ensure your social media efforts will help you accomplish your brand’s objectives in this new year? Dos DO: Think first. Then post. Remember that what you post on your personal social media accounts can affect how … [More]
Unlocking Your Company’s Hero Potential
An idea can come from anywhere, or anyone — from the C-suite to the mailroom. Leaders don’t have a monopoly on innovation and strategic ideas. However, many people are afraid to innovate because they’re afraid to fail. Don’t be afraid to fail! Throughout my career, I’ve bought and sold more than 250 business and handled billions of dollars in transactions, and one of … [More]
The 5 Most Cringe-Worthy Privileged Data Breaches of 2018
Privileged attack vectors and stolen personally identifiable information (PII) obtained have been a constantly paired news item throughout 2018. In 2019, we can expect privileged attack vectors to continue to reign as the No. 1 root cause of breaches for both consumer and business data theft. Below, I have compiled my list of the top-five most noteworthy breaches for this … [More]
Handshakes Speak for You
Have you ever wondered what your handshake says about you? Your handshake is like your business card. It conveys your confidence, credibility and influence without a single word being spoken. Studies have shown this one simple gesture can enhance a social situation and make a positive impact on others. In our culture, a handshake accompanies almost every introduction and … [More]