When Is a Strategy Not a Strategy?

by Rich Horwath

Make no mistake — bad strategy can literally kill a company. In a 25-year study of 750 bankruptcies, researchers found that the No. 1 cause of bankruptcy was bad strategy. And anyone who has worked for a manager who didn’t have sound strategies knows all too well the frustration of drifting aimlessly with no strategic direction. But the secret no one wants to talk about is, … [More]

For Best Results in Business, Think Like a Designer

by Michelle Eichner

Most business leaders don’t need to be professional designers to effectively think like one. Thinking like a designer, otherwise known as design thinking, is a process that should be leveraged by all business professionals due to its effectiveness for big-picture planning. Design thinking is a ubiquitous process that allows companies to put themselves in a frame of mind that’s … [More]

Why Small-Business Assets Matter

by Susan Talbott

When getting to know small-business owners, financial planners typically ask about their company’s value at that point in time. Unfortunately, many times, their first inclination is to share their latest bank statement or the amounts of various checking, savings and investment accounts owned by the company. While these are terrific indicators of cash-at-hand value, for many … [More]

It’s Lonely at the Top – and at the Start

by Amber Miller 

According to Richard Branson, the billionaire CEO and founder of Virgin Group, “If you really want to grow as an entrepreneur, you’ve got to learn to delegate.”  Starting a business — managing clients, networking, trying to balance long work hours with family life — can be a daunting task. But more and more people in Arizona are doing it — and many of them are doing it … [More]

Menacing Mistakes on Social Media

by Rachel Strella

Social media marketing was once relatively new and mysterious and many just weren’t sure how to effectively use it. Today, it’s a much different story. The online world has changed dramatically and we see widespread use — and misuse — of social media by businesses all the time.  Organizations of all sizes and in all industries struggle to meet the challenge of using social … [More]

Use Document Management to Conquer HR Challenges

by Jesse Wood 

Human resources managers are playing a growing role within business expansion; more than ever, they are expected to weigh in on company decisions with executive teams, engage in strategic planning, and foster employee wellness in a world of workers overwrought by personal problems. An HR document management tool can simplify these challenges. As if these responsibilities … [More]

Make Internal Comms Fun

by Susan Bowden 

Most employees dread the “Company Update.” Newsletters and messages often gather dust in staff members’ inbox — unopened and unloved. When this happens, chances are the business has a case of boring comms.  Gone are the days when internal communications were an afterthought, comprising a quick email sent to all staff — job done. Nowadays, internal communications are … [More]

Tariffs: Up and Down the Arizona Craft Brewing Supply Chain

by RaeAnne Marsh

It may be stating the obvious to say that a tariff on any commodity will have a repercussion all along the supply chain it touches. Yes, that includes our favorite locally brewed beers. In Business Magazine spoke with Rob Fuller, executive director of the Arizona Craft Brewers Guild, to learn how President Trump’s recent tariffs impact these businesses and the businesses … [More]

Businesses’ ‘Magnificent Seven’ Investments

by Baldwin H. Tom

Every day, businesses lose money by not understanding or leveraging their investments. When one considers the financials of organizations, it is clear that a significant portion of those investments are not captured in financial statements. Why? Because these are the people-side or soft-side intangible investments the accounting industry has yet to document. This may be a … [More]

Five Cryptocurrency Tax Mistakes the IRS Takes Seriously 

by Steve Moskowitz

Since the release of Bitcoin in 2009, more than 4,000 alternative currencies have emerged in the decentralized banking market. For nearly 10 years, the IRS has sought to gain a foothold in what has since become a booming market with a rising number of participating asset holders. The recent Coinbase, Inc. case ruling makes it clear that the United States government is intent on … [More]

Mobile Billing: Growing Opportunity

by Mia Papanicolaou

There was a time, not so long ago, when the best and most effective way of sending a bill to a customer was to deliver it to them by mail. In a world where mobile devices are almost ubiquitous and in constant use, that should no longer the be case.  Done effectively, mobile billing — whether app-based or email — is cheaper and more convenient than traditional billing … [More]

Use Disagreement to Build Stronger Teams

by Audrey Epstein

Because I facilitate team sessions for a living, I’ve seen a lot of team interactions. All kinds of drama, some shouting and tears, but also a lot of laughter, joy and bold action. Much about teamwork has been researched, dissected and discussed. Yet lately, situations have come forward that fall into an unexplored topic: how to get team members to disagree.  What do you do … [More]

Chat Bots Are the New HR Managers

by Beerud Sheth

Chat bots will continue to transform virtually every business function, from marketing to sales to customer support. One of the other areas where we’ll see a major transformation is Human Resources. HR teams have a very challenging job with seemingly conflicting objectives: keeping employees focused and working hard while also keeping them happy and satisfied. HR teams are … [More]

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017

by RaeAnne Marsh

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was passed in December. As with any law, there are the specified rules and regulations that are written into it as well as impact that extends from those rules and regulations. But Austin Graff, an accountant with Schwartzer Tax and Accounting, notes the key effects of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will depend in large part on how the business is … [More]

Money, the Final ‘Off Limits’ Topic

by George Grombacher

Religion and politics used to be the “off limits” topics around polite company, but now a visit to Facebook suggests Americans are more than comfortable with those subjects. Two subjects that have also remained off limits until recently are sex and money. The #MeToo movement that started in Hollywood has opened the door to conversations about sexual abuse as well as many … [More]

How Firms Manipulate Numbers for Market Gain

by Ken Beckrich

Businesses constantly hear that, to succeed when selecting partners, they need to do their homework. But what if the financials they review don’t really reflect reality? How does a firm make good decisions when it comes to their money? Or, maybe more importantly, how do businesses know the real strength of the firms they’re intending to partner with? GAAP vs. Non-GAAP … [More]

Getting It Right the First Time 

by Glenn H. Varney, Ph.D., and James M. McFillen

Leaders and managers of an organization often face the challenge of change. Unfortunately, managers often make costly mistakes when they start making changes in their organizations. In fact, the record shows that 70 percent of change projects in organizations fail. We’ll look at one such failure as an instructive example to discuss why the attempted organizational change … [More]

Addressing the Absence of Community in Personal Finance

by George Grombacher

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” —Aristotle According to Charles Duhigg in his book The Power of Habit, a habit consists of three elements: a cue, a routine and a reward. The cue triggers our brains to determine which routine, or habit, to use, and the reward helps us decide if it’s worth remembering. If the reward is strong … [More]

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