Going Global Makes You More Creative

by Doug Bruhnke

An article earlier this year by Brent Crane in Atlantic Magazine put forth the premise that traveling and experiencing the world makes a person more creative. There’s even science behind it. The article reports that scientists found new sounds, smells, language, tastes, sensations and sights spark different synapses in the brain — inspiring creativity. “The key, critical … [More]

The League of Extraordinaries

by Dakota Drake

Global Chamber® facilitates connections that bring new customers, partners, resources, deals, revenue and profit. We have created a variety of unique methods for members to connect with new opportunities, including via events — both public and private — that connect members with people and organizations that they target. Membership has its privileges! An example of the way … [More]

Why FDI Matters

by Doug Bruhnke

One of the events years ago that inspired creation of the Global Chamber® was a public meeting in Phoenix that featured a prominent Arizona businessperson standing up and declaring that “foreign companies are not welcome in Arizona because they take away jobs.” And yet nothing could be further from the truth. Part of our mission is to dispel wrong thinking like this. In … [More]

Discover Global Markets 

by Doug Bruhnke

Last month, Global Chamber® was a supporting partner for the Discover Global Markets Conference in Silicon Valley. These are events — four per year — that connect U.S. companies to global opportunities through the U.S. Commercial Service resources around the world. The first session of 2015 was focused on sustainability solutions and was held in February in Santa Clara, … [More]

Crowdfunding in Arizona

by Rick Murray

Raising money to start a business or take a business to the next level has always been a challenge. Many great ideas and businesses have gone under because they lacked the ability to stay in the game long enough before revenues could support the business. Under-capitalization is the number one reason businesses fail.  Banks know this. Unless there is collateral or solid … [More]

Timeless secrets for aligning people, story and brand

by Chris Smith

Imagine every day when your people come to work, it’s like sitting around the campfire. A place where people effortlessly trust, reflect and connect with their purpose and the purpose of your organization; a place where they are focused and present. As a 5th generation native of Arizona, I was raised in a ranching, rodeo family, and I know firsthand the power of campfires and … [More]

Practical & Legal Considerations for Launching a Business in 2015

by Amie Mendoza

If all it took to make a new business successful was the desire to be your own boss, no business would ever fail. A new business includes lots of sacrifice, determination, hard work and a clear understanding of both your business and your ability to perform well as anentrepreneur. Before deciding if owning your own business is a right fit for you, consider: Time: Think … [More]

Six Characteristics of Success

by Les Taylor

When you study success, you’ll find unequivocally that successful people in any endeavor have one thing in common: they think differently than less successful people. Roger Ailes, the founder and CEO of the Fox News Channel, is quoted as saying: “There’s a big difference between those who want to be something and those who want to do something. About 95 percent of America is … [More]

Value Matters – Improvement Matters

by Natalie J. Sayer, i-emerge.com

When you started your business, what was your motivation? What do you aspire to deliver to your customers – your value? What gets in the way of using all of your resources to deliver that value? Many activities in our business consume time, energy, and resources, yet are they truly adding value? The business grows so quickly that the processes and methods we use to deliver … [More]

Trademark Primer for Small Business

by Scot Claus

Juliet famously mused: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” I humbly submit that if Juliet was in the business of selling flowers, she would have seen things a little differently. She would have realized that there is a lot “in a name.” Because if Juliet sold flowers for a living, then people all around Verona (that’s where … [More]

2015 Women in Leadership highlights women and empowerment

by Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce

More than 120 attended the Third Annual Women in Leadership event, held Feb. 11, at the Silverleaf Club in Scottsdale. Presented by APS, with additional sponsorship by Cox Communications, Scottsdale Community College, Merestone and Encore Creative, Women in Leadership focuses on topics, stakeholders and policy-makers that help women manage work/life balance while excelling … [More]

Message from the CEO

by Rick Kidder

Spring has sprung, and with the beauty of the season comes an astounding array of events and activities that help show Scottsdale to the world, much of which is still covered with snow. No other part of the country can boast the world’s largest-attended golf tournament and a Super Bowl — all on the same weekend! Corporate and private aircraft, collectively worth billions of … [More]

Visions for city’s future discussed at 5th annual event

by Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce

Where is Scottsdale today? Where do we want it to be in the future? What is the common ground that will lead us to that vision of the future? Those were some of the questions discussed at Scottsdale Forward 2015, held Fri., March 27, at the Scottsdale Community College Performing Arts Center. Rep. David Schweikert (AZ-R) and former Sen. John Kyl (AZ-R) keynoted the annual … [More]

Breakfast With A Side Of … Immigration

by Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce

Demographic trends tell Arizona’s evolving story Arizona’s story has always been closely tied with the people that come here to make it their home. This story continues to be a dynamic one as shown by Jim Rounds, senior vice president with Scottsdale economics firm Elliott D. Pollack & Company, at the Scottsdale Area Chamber’s Breakfast With A Side Of … Immigration. Held … [More]

Letter from the President 

by Dorothy Wolden

How to make it last: Business Longevity 2015 marks the 40th anniversary of the National Association of Women Business Owners, national association and the 30th anniversary of NAWBO Phoenix. The National Association of Women Business Owners came into existence in the early 1970s when two women, Dottie Grandy and Denise Cavanaugh, realized that if they got together with … [More]

Accountants vs. Bookkeepers vs. Certified Tax Preparers

by Inna Korenzvit

Most business owners are kept busy with the day-to-day operations of running and growing their companies. While they do their work because they are passionate about it, not every aspect of being a proprietor is pleasant. In a study done by TD Bank, over half of all the business owners surveyed ranked bookkeeping as their No. 1 hated responsibility of a business owner. … [More]

Striving for Balance When Your Team is All Female

by Nancy A. Hetrick, CDFA™

As women business owners, we’re often drawn to hiring other women as we build our team. We like the camaraderie, the easy conversation and the like-minded ways of thinking. Let’s face it, we tend to be drawn to people who are JUST LIKE US! This actually applies to men, too, and it can be a major barrier to our business success. Diversity among your team is a huge benefit, … [More]

Building Lasting Relationships with Content and Social Media Marketing

By Tracie Rollins

People buy great products and services from people they know, like and trust. But, how do you get people to know you if they won’t visit your store or call you for a consultation? You do it by building lasting relationships with content and social media marketing. The process of building relationships hasn’t changed. You still build them through authentic engagement and … [More]

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