Global Chamber® facilitates connections that bring new customers, partners, resources, deals, revenue and profit. We have created a variety of unique methods for members to connect with new opportunities, including via events — both public and private — that connect members with people and organizations that they target. Membership has its privileges!
An example of the way we connect members to opportunities is our “League of Extraordinaries,” which assembles a dozen members at a time for morning coffee, mid-day lunch, or afternoon coffee/tea or wine. We find one member who is looking to connect with certain types of other extraordinary people, and we get them all together, sharing business needs. Magic invariably results!
Attendees are always extraordinary leaders with a global mindset, in a global business, with global clients. Participants can be in the same industry, or are business service providers with no competition between them who are looking for complementary customers or partners.
It’s all a carry-over to our collaborative approach used to generate more success for all our members. In League of Extraordinaries gatherings, members meet, discuss opportunities and create synergies — including referral relationships. When extraordinary people get together, extraordinary things happen, including new growth!
As in any networking situation, warm introductions go much further than cold ones. For instance, a marketing professional recently attended a public event of Global Chamber and, afterward, asked for the speaker’s contact information. Since the person asking for the contact was not a member yet, that wasn’t possible, but the person was unfazed. “I’ll just connect to the speaker on LinkedIn.” Really? That approach might work for some level of connection, but typically not for the high-level people our members are usually looking to reach.
Warm connections go further, and our members understand that. League of Extraordinaries and other approaches we use to get members more business are based on finely honed techniques that work. When growing globally, warmer connections go further.
Dakota Drake is the operations manager of Global Chamber®