Contemplating Growth

by Don Rodriguez

As the new legislature convenes, sights are set on being ready for anticipated population growth and economic development that will see the creation of a megatropolis from Tucson to Flagstaff The exodus, part II. That’s what Rep. Tom Forese (R-District 21) wants to be ready for when California businesses flee the high taxes and mountain of regulations that have accompanied … [More]

What Does the Legislature Do for Business?

by RaeAnne Marsh

As the 51st Legislature convenes its 2013 Legislative Session this month, we look back at a few of the hundreds of bills introduced and considered by the 50th Legislature during its 2011 and 2012 legislative sessions. Jobs and Business Creation H.B. 2272  Clinical Trial, Public Information Requests This bill expands the exemptions from public records laws of information … [More]

Barry Broome, GPEC

from Barry Broome

After a long election and a year of moderate but much-needed growth, businesses are energized to prosper in 2013 and beyond. Arizona’s economic picture is improving, with the housing market gaining momentum, lending opportunities resurging and a focus on economic development to improve the jobs market and create economic opportunity. One thing is for certain: To inoculate … [More]

Arizona Agriculture in 2013

by Sue Kern-Fleischer

Last month, the 2012 Census of Agriculture mailed forms to farmers and ranchers nationwide asking them questions relating to all areas of farming and ranching operations, including production expenses, market value of products and operator characteristics. In 2007, Arizona was seen as a major agricultural state, ranking third in the nation for total value of vegetables, melons … [More]

The Strength of ‘No Blame Game’ Leadership

by Mike Staver

When you arrive at the office each morning, you find yourself in a blame-free zone. Your team attacks projects proactively and with confidence. When a problem arises, everyone involved “owns it” and takes corrective action. Bob in marketing says he’s personally responsible for an event flier going to the printer late and stays late to overnight them to the client. Meanwhile, … [More]

Top 50 Small Business Resources Guide

Small Business

Serving Arizona Small Business The pace of SBA-backed lending continues to rebound. SBA lending remains strong, providing capital to small businesses at a steady pre-recession pace. The first 11 weeks of FY 2013 (which began Oct. 1) saw more loans and more dollars loaned than the same period a year ago, a year in which SBA recorded the second-highest loan volume in the … [More]

Elliott Pollack: Master of Figures

by Gremlyn Bradley-Waddell

Prominent Valley economist Elliott Pollack, CEO of economic analysis firm Elliott D. Pollack and Company, is a no-nonsense kind of guy, his passion for his profession evident in every word of his rapid-fire delivery. Yet he’s not a strictly by-the-numbers sort; he has a philosophical streak. Just ask, for example, how he got his start. “Life,” he says, “is how you react to a … [More]

Hail to the Selfish Employee

by Moe Glenner

Selfish is a word commonly used in a derisive manner. When Gordon Gekko says, “Greed is good,” we tend to not empathize with him and instead opt to scorn his “all for me” mentality. Furthermore, we have been counseled from an early age about the virtues of sharing and giving, albeit for some of us it was a forced lesson. But is this really the best lesson? There is a common … [More]

Alliance Creates Resource to Fund Business Growth

by RaeAnne Marsh

Expected to help kick-start the flow of capital to businesses for loans they need to grow, At Work for Arizona Business Loan Alliance launched last month with $12 million committed to fund loans of $50,000 to $500,000 to businesses that lack adequate equity investment or sufficient collateral for a conventional loan but are otherwise creditworthy. Forging this groundbreaking … [More]

Council Launched to Address Fraud, Security and Identity Theft in Digital Age

by RaeAnne Marsh

Identity theft comes in many unexpected guises that can harm a business, a realization that prompted LifeLock to sponsor the recently launched Council for Identity Protection. Says Todd Davis, chairman and CEO of LifeLock, “It is our belief that challenges in the digital age are not independent, but must be viewed with a more integrated view of the problem and ultimate … [More]

Diamond Wholesaler Creates New Supply and Demand

by RaeAnne Marsh

Businesses are built on the idea of supply and demand. But what if there is not a supply? In Jana Hadany’s case, even the demand was not assured when she conceptualized Avilan Storied Diamonds to be a sustainable diamond business. The business concept was sparked by conversations in 2010 Hadany heard between her husband, Avi Hadany, and his partner, Ilan Wexsler, about … [More]

Local Bank Offers Import/Export Financing

by RaeAnne Marsh

Businesses are increasingly involved in export commerce, but loans on their foreign receivables are not as readily available as on domestic receivables. “That restricts the amount a business can leverage,” says Greg Lehmann, managing director of Biltmore Bank of Arizona, explaining the decision is made from a risk standpoint. Helping to fill that void, Biltmore Bank recently … [More]

Arizona On Track for Full Recovery

by Mike Hunter

According to many of the nation’s top indicators, local university research teams and various economic scholars, Arizona is moving toward a full recovery. After the recent 49th Annual Economic Forecast Luncheon organized by ASU’s W. P. Carey School of Business, where an assembly of experts was gathered, it seemed to be good news — Arizona is on a fast track to recover. “As … [More]

Bytes: January 2013

by Mike Hunter

LeadGen from Social Media Nimble, a pioneer of social relationship management, now integrates with HootSuite, makers of a market-leading social media management system. Now users can connect social media best practices to Social CRM capabilities, such as identifying, connecting and nurturing prospects; businesses can finally “close the loop” on social selling and customer … [More]

Christopher’s Restaurant

by Mike Hunter

Known worldwide for his culinary creations and restaurant concepts, Christopher Gross offers up an eventful meal in an urban contemporary atmosphere that will please anyone looking to enjoy the perfect lunch. Located in the Biltmore Fashion Park at 24th Street and Camelback, this upscale/casual daytime eatery (also open for dinner and late-night noshing) is a culinary … [More]

Last Year’s Best Business Lunch Spots

by Mike Hunter

Reminiscing on top business lunch spots, here are our reminders of some of the best lunch spots that opened in 2012. Blue Hound Kitchen & Cocktails Described as a contemporary American gastro-lounge, this “off the lobby” eatery at the Palomar Hotel is a downtown urban delight with a creative and flavorful menu. Go back after the day and enjoy the hand-crafted … [More]

Luxury SUV: Infiniti QX56

by Mike Hunter

Not like your father’s sports utility vehicle, the Infiniti QX56 was designed to impress visually and mechanically and emphasizes comfort to an extent not seen before in this class. The engine is a 5.6-liter Direct Injection Gasoline V8 with 32 valves and a sophisticated valve control that slightly enhances fuel economy. Going from zero to 60 mph in nearly seven seconds, its … [More]

The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change

by Mike Hunter

Ours is a time of revolutionary change that has no precedent in history. With the same passion he brought to the challenge of climate change, and with his decades of experience on the front lines of global policy, Al Gore surveys our planet’s beclouded horizon and offers a sober, learned and, ultimately, hopeful forecast in the visionary tradition of Alvin Toffler’s Future … [More]