As companies worldwide strive to fight climate change by curbing carbon emissions, they lack the tools for calculating and reporting organizational carbon footprints with the same confidence that they manage their financial transactions. Persefoni provides companies across all industries and sectors a detailed picture of their carbon footprint to improve understanding of how … [More]
Innovative Solution Matches Quality Businesses and Job Seekers
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, while national unemployment rates have risen approximately 3% — from roughly 3.4% to 6.5% — amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Arizona’s rates are already more than 7.3%. This number is likely to grow even more in the coming months as the state’s thousands of soon-to-be college and trade school graduates enter the job market in … [More]
Cox Business Leans In with a Powerful Work-at-Home Solution
According to Forbes, the percentage of workers permanently working from home is expected to double this year, and Big Tech is leading the way with companies like Twitter and Facebook having recognized the benefits of employees working from home indefinitely, even as offices reopen. In fact, according to SHRM, 94% of 800 employers surveyed by Mercer, an HR and workplace benefits … [More]
9 Steps to Safeguard Your Business from a Cybersecurity Attack
As evidence mounts about the depth and breadth of the Russian hack onto the U.S. cybersecurity apparatus, and most businesses having to pivot to a WFH business model, now would be an excellent time for business executives to test and review the security of their business organization’s network. They are as follows: Increase email security. Many believe that email is a … [More]
Disposal Box Programs Are Good, but Not Good Enough
There is an emerging awareness that “disposal box” handling of retired assets is not good enough, according to the International Association of IT Asset Managers, the leading authority on IT asset management. One impact of the coronavirus pandemic on business has been causing organizations to no longer operate from a central location. When it comes to IT asset disposition, … [More]
Workforce Management Helps Navigate Today’s World of Work
Workforce management software does much more than automate paper time sheets and manual schedules. The world of work has evolved with complex labor laws, union rules and employee expectations that make the process of managing hourly workers surprisingly challenging. The pandemic has created additional requirements, including new safety regulations to address health concerns and … [More]
Surge in ‘Snitch Software’ Highlights Need to Keep IT Licenses Current
The year 2020 saw the emergence of “snitch software” sneaking into auditing practices, and the International Association of IT Asset Managers, the leading authority on IT asset management, expects its use to proliferate. How does this manifest? One example is a recent court case between a vendor and a consumer. The vendor had placed into its product a Piracy Detection and … [More]
Return-to-Office Technology
Like many companies, Axway is navigating the complexities of returning to the office. And we’ve turned to our own technology to build a unique solution to make the transition. A longstanding specialist in enterprise integration software, Axway is a global organization with 2,000-plus employees and 29 offices in 17 countries. Employees have been working from home throughout … [More]
From Security Camera to Intelligent Sensor
While the security industry’s initial foray into analytics is largely over-promised and under-delivered, today’s artificial intelligence and machine learning are about to fundamentally change the core value proposition of the physical security industry, according to Interface Security Systems, a leading managed services provider, which makes this one of its top predictions for … [More]
Phoenix Startup Uses a Complex Algorithm to Simplify Advertising
Wouldn’t it be nice to get the advice of a professional ad agency — without the cost of hiring one? In the age of algorithms, one has finally been created to jump-start a business’s do-it-yourself marketing — and to get it right. The ADMANITY® Protocol is the algorithmic brainchild of entrepreneurs Brian Gregory, a former magazine publisher and advertising executive, and … [More]
Accidental Screen Snooping Led to a Breakthrough Technology
Identity theft is a very costly issue for businesses. Lower employee productivity and engagement are costly; and then there are the costs associated with what was stolen, be it IP, money or anything else. I was at a cybersecurity conference in Israel in 2017 and was sitting next to one of the cybersecurity experts. As we were talking, I realized I could see confidential … [More]
It’s the Employees’ World, and HR Is Just Living in It
At the start of COVID-19, workforce and human resources managers were given the obligatory duty of furloughing or laying off many employees due to the economic crunch the world was experiencing. As the pandemic continues and businesses and people alike are forced to adapt to their new normal, those same managers have been given the unprecedented job of rehiring and onboarding … [More]
Cloud-based Solutions for Salesforce
Many licensing organizations in the public sector are still operating from on-premises infrastructure, meaning data is not easily accessible outside of the four walls of the office. It often requires in-person visits and for business to be transacted in a brick-and-mortar setting. To solve this challenge, Chandler-based MST Solutions developed the Licensing Solution for … [More]
Buildings Built for Sustainability with the IoT
Buildings are responsible for using a large percentage (42 percent) of the world’s energy consumption for their operations. Worse yet, inefficient systems waste 30 to 50 percent of the energy used in buildings. With recent advances in technology, such as large data storage in the cloud and the decreasing costs of valuable sensing devices, the Architecture, Engineering, … [More]
Have You Tried Turning It Off and On Again?
There are some good things about working in an office: constant supplies of tea and coffee, gossip with co-workers and paper clips in every color. But one of the best things has to be that when something goes wrong with our computer, there’s an in-house IT helpdesk to sort out the problem. Working from home has been a whole different ball game; this time, we’re on our own. … [More]
Intelligent Chat Enables Better Lead Conversion
Buyers today expect businesses to always be available — they have short attention spans, and they’re increasingly unwilling to sift through information to get the answers they need. Long email correspondence, phone tag and contact forms are no longer sufficient, especially since quick response times matter more than ever before. The longer a business waits to follow up with … [More]
ZorroSign Move Boosts Phoenix’s Creds as Blockchain Tech Hub
Blockchain technology has been increasing the security of electronic transactions, and the aim of ZorroSign’s CEO and co-founder, Shamsh Hadi, is to ensure such transactions can stand up in any court of law. The recently announced move of ZorroSign, Inc., a global leader in blockchain-based digital signatures and digital transaction management, to relocate its worldwide … [More]
Trade Bitcoin Securely and Efficiently on a Decentralized Exchange
In the first half of 2019 alone, hackers stole more than $4 billion through cryptocurrency crimes industry-wide. For security purposes, it’s essential that cryptocurrency traders move to decentralized blockchain exchanges. Yet, existing decentralized exchanges can’t handle Bitcoin, as they lack full smart contract support. Fortunately, new revolutionary state channel … [More]