5 Easy Ways to Protect Yourself in a Commercial Lease 

by Karen Urman

The pandemic has created an influx of people looking into residential and commercial real estate investment.  Here are some useful tidbits as you look for a commercial lease: Know your clauses. In most instances, a force majeure clause in a commercial lease allows for either a temporary delay or a complete excuse of certain landlord obligations and/or tenant obligations … [More]

A Message from Jean Briese, President

from Jean Briese

I just returned from my first business trip since our world was shattered by the pandemic. It was, in many ways, just another business trip. But in other ways, it was so much more. I was meeting with a small group of international leaders. The goal: to inspire these leaders to break barriers. The pandemic has created so many new barriers. We began our time together with a … [More]

Why I Should Have Known the Name of My Banker

by Shellie Berry

It was a great idea. But then … the Great Recession. Houses and neighborhoods popped up everywhere. Freeways lengthened; highways expanded. Pharmacies, grocery stores and hospitals burst into existence. Demands arose for more schools, fire departments and roads. In the early 2000s, a record influx of families swelled the East Valley. The economy boomed as business owners … [More]

4 Marketing Pillars to Grow Your Online Sales in 2021

by Melanie Moscicki

Nearly 150 million people shopped online for the first time in the pandemic, according to an eMarketer report last year from “Insider Intelligence” (emarketer.com/content/global-ecommerce-2020), and it is predicted that the number of ecommerce buyers will only continue to rise. So much so that some industry insiders are dubbing 2021 as “The Year of Add To Cart.”  With all … [More]

7 Things to Do in the Post-Pandemic World to Grow Your Business

by Nancy A. Shenker

We are still in the midst of challenging and fast-evolving times. Over the past months, we’ve all learned how to survive and thrive amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and economic uncertainty. As a woman business owner and former corporate executive, I’ve lived through several volatile eras and a massive influx in technology-based changes. Although the pandemic is radically … [More]

3 Dangerous Mistakes Women Make that Lead to Burnout

by Jen Butler, M.Ed., B.C.C., D.A.I.S.

Women from all over the world contact me sharing the struggles of their daily lives. Inevitably, they use these three words to describe how they feel about their life: stress, overwhelm and burnout. After years of working with female professionals and talking to tens of thousands of women about what specifically stresses them out, I’ve identified the three dangerous mistakes … [More]

From the President

by Jean Briese

It is such an exciting and interesting time to be the President of NAWBO Phoenix. As we navigate uncharted waters, the sea of change has felt rough and wild as a storm, with brief moments of calm, only to stir up again in our constantly changing environment.  One thing that will not change: NAWBO’s commitment to propelling women business owners — through advocacy, through … [More]

Technology in the Age of COVID-19 and George Floyd

by Denise Meridith

Americans are dazed and confused. It is as if they got hit over the head from behind. They are hazily regaining consciousness, trying to figure out who clobbered them, wondering when their heads would stop hurting and they could return to work, and worried if the lack of taste is recurring or permanent. The pandemic, also, suddenly thrust technology to the forefront of their … [More]

Don’t Forget to Follow-Up

by Tish Times

If you attended any large conference recently (virtual or in-person), you probably met many amazing people. You are, more than likely, in your office with a stack of business cards or a list of contacts sitting on your desk, with great intentions of calling, emailing and maybe even handwriting each of them. You probably have a thousand other priorities that could easily take … [More]

Yes, the System Is Failing Us

by Angela Garmon

COVID-19 has changed the way we work, live and do business. In just a matter of days, the world was disrupted by the pandemic. As time progressed, it seemed like some businesses have excelled. Some industries ceased in just a matter of days. Others swiftly shifted their business model to stay afloat. While the world was still grappling with the changes that COVID brought, … [More]

Dude! We’re All on the Same Team

by Dr. Nadia Brown

One of the challenges with having a sales team is building the right sales culture. Years ago, I was on a sales team — and there was an opportunity I was working on, with the goal of getting a particular deal closed. There were some questions from the prospect I was speaking to that I couldn’t answer. I knew there was another member of the sales team who had more expertise in … [More]

President’s Message: Is It the System?

by Angela Garmon

Most systems are fallible at conception because they are not designed for everyone to excel. Systems are generally created to reinforce beliefs or constructs that already exist. And in some cases, concerns for the minority, meaning those who are not represented in the decision-making, are not part of the equation. This lack of consideration leads to oppression if gone … [More]

Telling Your WHY Story to Connect

by Michele Trent

Finding the perfect pair of pants that look great from every angle —that’s an age-old quest with a modern solution thanks to Sara Blakely. Her coveted shapewear solution became Spanx, a now billion-dollar company. Blakely experienced a problem and created a solution. That’s what entrepreneurs do! You started your business to somehow address a need or overcome a problem. That … [More]

How to Get Out of Your Head and Write from Your Heart

by Laura L. Bush, Ph.D.

You’re under a deadline to write a 750-word blog in a couple of hours. What do you do? If you’re anything like me, you start writing a sentence, then correct a word in that sentence, write a second sentence, delete the first sentence, then delete the second sentence — and you’re back at ground zero with just 90 minutes left on the clock to finish. “What in the world am I … [More]

Find Your Brand Voice It’s Right Behind Your Smile

by Jeffri-Lynn Campbell

Chances are good you have settled into 2020 and the new decade. Goals are set and you are optimistic about reaching them by planning your work and working your plan. You know what you offer and feel confident around your process for delivery. There’s only one problem: You don’t feel comfortable with how you communicate it. The MOST IMPORTANT part of selling yourself, your … [More]

5 Ways to Manage Risk as a Business Owner

by Veronica Archer 

I worked with a business owner several years ago who unexpectedly passed away after a heart attack. He was in the prime of his life; having spent nearly 20 years building his business to the point where he had “made it,” he was finally able to enjoy the success he had built for himself and his family. Then, everything changed in an instant. Thankfully, he had life insurance … [More]

How to Put the Heart back into Leadership

by Carmen Payne

Photo courtesy of Financial Potion In a 2018 article, “The Real Crisis in Leadership,” Forbes shared the following data: “One in two employees at some point in their career leave their job to get away from their manager — solely in an effort to improve their overall lives. Think about this fact for a moment: 50% of employees leave their jobs at some point because their … [More]

Do What you Love … and Lead Your Money!

by Karen Russo

Remember 30 years ago when Marsha Sinetar told us to Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow? What an encouraging and inspiring idea! You do your passion. You trust. You will be supported. So has that been your experience? Really? The answer for me and smart, hardworking businesswomen like our NAWBO sisters is YES, when we do what we love, it’s satisfying. But — and it’s … [More]

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