Empowering Women to Build Wealth through Impact Investing

by Tish Times

As the newly appointed president of the National Association of Women Business Owners – Phoenix Chapter, I am excited to champion the cause of women entrepreneurs. NAWBO has been a vital community for women business owners for more than 40 years, advocating for change, influencing policy and building networks that empower women. My commitment to these goals is deeply personal, having witnessed the profound impact that informed investing and strategic entrepreneurship can have — not just on individual women but on entire communities.

NAWBO: Advocating for Women Entrepreneurs

Our core mission at NAWBO includes strengthening the wealth-creating capacity of our members, influencing public policy and fostering community connections. As president, I am thrilled to introduce new initiatives that will further empower women to not only participate in the economy but to reshape it. These include the Wealth Wise Women program, which focuses on building assets and legacy through entrepreneurship, a comprehensive mentorship program and engaging quarterly public policy discussions.

RISE: Investing with Impact

Alongside my role at NAWBO, I also lead RISE (Rewarding Investments Smart Education), a community dedicated to empowering women through impact investing. At RISE, we believe in the power of women’s financial contributions to drive significant social and environmental changes. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just starting, RISE offers a supportive environment to explore impactful opportunities across all asset classes. Our mission is to educate and enable women to make strategic investments in areas like clean energy, sustainable agriculture, affordable housing and women’s health.

Introducing the Wealth Wise Women Program

This 11-month initiative under NAWBO is designed to guide women through the complexities of building wealth and legacy through entrepreneurship. The Wealth Wise Women program is structured to provide financial empowerment through monthly workshops, robust mentorship and active public policy engagement.

Month-by-Month Workshops:

  • Month 1: Making Tech Work for You: Learn how AI can streamline operations and enhance decision-making in your business.
  • Month 2: Capital Confidence: Explore funding options and learn how to craft compelling pitches.
  • Month 3: Managing Money: Gain insights into financial planning, managing cash flow, and strategic tax planning.
  • Month 4: CEO of Your Life: Discover strategies for balancing personal and professional life.
  • Month 5: Elevating Your Brand: Develop a strong brand identity and effective digital marketing strategies.
  • Month 6: Maximizing Business Value: Learn to optimize processes and enhance productivity.
  • Month 7: Achieving Operational Excellence: Dive into process improvement and quality management.
  • Month 8: Driving Growth through Partnerships: Understand how to form and leverage strategic partnerships.
  • Month 9: Elevate Your Sales: Master negotiation skills and learn how to close deals effectively.
  • Month 10: Legal Protection for Women Entrepreneurs: Navigate the legal aspects of business ownership.
  • Month 11: Leadership in Scaling Businesses: Develop leadership skills to guide your team and grow your business.

Mentorship and Public Policy Engagement

In addition to the monthly workshops, the Wealth Wise Women program includes a structured mentorship component, connecting participants with experienced business leaders who can provide guidance, support and valuable insights. Furthermore, our quarterly public policy platform will offer a platform for engaging with policymakers, advocating for women’s business interests and staying informed about relevant policy developments.

NAWBO: Advocating for Women Entrepreneurs

As president of NAWBO Phoenix Chapter, I am proud to lead an organization that has been advocating for and supporting women entrepreneurs for more than 40 years. NAWBO’s core tenets include:

  • Strengthening the wealth-creating capacity of women entrepreneurs;
  • Creating innovative and effective changes in the business culture;
  • Building strategic alliances, coalitions, and affiliations; and
  • Transforming public policy and influencing opinion makers.

NAWBO provides a platform for women business owners to network, share resources and advocate for policies that support women-owned businesses. The Wealth Wise Women program aligns with these goals, offering a comprehensive approach to building financial resilience and creating lasting impact.

Join Us on This Journey

We invite women across Phoenix to join us on this journey of building wealth and legacy through impact investing and entrepreneurship. Whether you are looking to start a new business, grow an existing one or enhance your investment knowledge, the Wealth Wise Women program offers the resources, support and community you need to succeed.

For more information and to join the RISE program, please visit RISE the Movement.

Join us at NAWBO Phoenix and register for our Wealth Wise Women Building Assets and Legacy Through Entrepreneurship, Mentorship program or our quarterly Public Policy program.

Together, we can rise, invest and create a brighter future for ourselves and our communities.

Tanaha Hairston is the founder of RISE The Movement, a collaborative investment community dedicated to empowering women through impactful investments. Her vision is to provide women with the tools and knowledge to make a positive impact through investing in areas such as climate, gender equality, and social change. 

With a background in engineering and entrepreneurship, Hairston successfully navigated a business exit, showcasing her business acumen. She has a strong passion for empowering women and supporting ethical projects. 

Through RISE The Movement, Hairston promotes financial empowerment, gender equality, and social impact by fostering sound investments in diverse asset classes. Her advocacy for financial literacy aims to empower women for financial success. 

Hairston holds an MBA with a focus on finance from the Thunderbird School of International Management, along with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering from Arizona State University. 

Her ultimate aspiration is to contribute to a better world for future generations.


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