There is no age limit to learning, and CTE (career and technical education) is a great way to continue education or find a promising career path at any stage of life. In a new study by the World Economic Forum, 50% of employees worldwide will need to upskill or reskill by 2025 to adapt to the evolving nature of the workforce – and CTE could be the answer. Also, for those who … [More]
Cybersecurity Blind Spot: The Rising Threat of Digital Supply Chain Attacks
The recent exploit of the widely-used Polyfill[.]io JavaScript library sent shockwaves across more than 110,000 online destinations, impacting major media, government, and education platforms. This event, reminiscent of the SolarWinds attack on the software supply chain, underscores a growing vulnerability in our digital supply chain—a vulnerability that existing cybersecurity … [More]
Study Reveals Arizona’s Most Dangerous Job Sectors
A new data study has revealed the most dangerous job sectors in Arizona. Workers' Compensation Attorneys Hansford Law studied fatal injury rates from the BLS for each sector in Arizona; to determine the ranking, the number of fatal injuries in each state was compared to the total hours worked. 1. Transportation and utilities The transportation and utilities sector reported … [More]
Entrepreneurs, Your Time Is Money. Are You Being Too Generous with It?
If you’re an entrepreneur, you’ve probably done your share of pro bono work: helping a family member or friend, or volunteering to do some work for your child’s school or a favorite charity. You’re happy to help; after all, these projects crop up only occasionally and don’t take up large swathes of time. But what about the pro bono work you do on a regular—even daily—basis? … [More]
Fix It Before It’s Broke: Leveraging a Forward-Resolve Approach for Better Customer Service
While a fix-it-the-first-time approach may be the gold standard of customer service, addressing potential issues before they materialize is the true mark of an exemplary user experience. Consider the pace of our modern world; customers today want instant solutions, and any hurdle might be a reason for them to jump ship to competitors. By ensuring their path is clear from … [More]
Their Take: Leaving a Lasting Legacy on the State Bar of Arizona by Increasing Diversity and Inclusivity
The State Bar of Arizona made history in June 2023 when unanimously electing the first Black President in the 91-year history of the organization. With a one-year term, we had a lot of work to do in a short amount of time and it was my goal to make lasting changes. The president of the State Bar is tasked with overseeing Arizona attorneys and judges, implementing new … [More]
Embracing the Cactus: A Step-by-Step Guide to Navigating Difficult Conversations
“I don’t like confrontation, but I’m tired of his abuse. He signed me up for another committee without asking.” “I know I need to say something about her taking credit for my work, but how to start?” “Another joy of adulting, I’ve got to have one of those thorny conversations. Not fun.” Difficult conversations are inevitable at some point in most people’s lives — … [More]
You Might Be Headed for Small Business Burnout If… (Ten Signs You’re Almost Out of Runway)
You knew it from the beginning: Being an entrepreneur is no walk in the park. Hard work, hustle, and the occasional all-nighter come with the territory. But if “up to your eyeballs” has become your everyday reality, small business fixer Julie Bee says you’re headed for trouble. That way lies lower performance, poor decision-making, health issues (or health emergencies!), … [More]
Their Take: Why the 4th of July Is My Favorite Holiday
The meaning of Independence Day never ceases to amaze me. How a small group of rag-tag free spirits thwarted one of the most organized navies in the civilized world and created a country out of thirteen colonies really illuminates my imagination. It shows us that anything is possible with a burning desire to overcome great obstacles. We have built a company in a nation that … [More]
Their Take: The Power of Retail in Scottsdale
Whether it’s the therapeutic effects that release dopamine and make us feel good or the sense of accomplishment when we find the perfect gift for someone, shopping is not only a favorite pastime of U.S. residents, but also visitors coming from far and wide. In fact, shopping is the No.1 activity for Scottsdale’s 9.6 million U.S. visitors, and it is hugely popular with the … [More]
Mentors Are Often the Unsung Heroes of a Successful Career
Whether she was building resilience from mentors who were unfair or downright cruel, or gaining confidence from mentors who were supportive and helpful, R. Barbara Gitenstein was honing the skills that would one day propel her to the highest level of academia. “Mentors make all the difference in an individual’s success in the world,” Gitenstein said. “I was blessed with … [More]
Arizona Wine Tourism Study Reveals More Than 500% Growth since 2011
Strong visitor spending, employment and labor income metrics highlight benefits of supporting industry
Arizona’s wine tourism industry has seen explosive growth during the past decade, headlined by an astounding 677% increase in wine experience-driven visitor spending and a 500% leap in wine-related employment since 2011, according to a recent study of Arizona’s wine tourism industry conducted for the Arizona Office of Tourism by the Economic Policy Institute at Northern Arizona … [More]
You Are a Leader: Whether You Know It or Not. Whether You Want to be One or Not …
You inspire people — whether you know it or not. You empower people, sometimes even if you’re not trying to. You guide people — whether you want to or not. What is your definition of “leader?” Before you go any further, let’s see if you’re singing in harmony. If not — there’s no point in pursuing this venture any further. Here’s the definition adopted for this article. … [More]
Majority of Americans Say Ban Office Romances in 2024
While dating apps and social media have revolutionized how we find love, traditional methods of meeting partners - weddings, bars, and chance encounters at coffee shops – are still common. The workplace, however, occupies an ambiguous space in the dating landscape. With the shift to remote work in recent years, office romances became less visible, but as companies usher … [More]
Arizona Named among the Best States in America for Entrepreneurial Success
A new study has revealed the best states in America for entrepreneurial success, with Oregon taking the top spot and Arizona coming in tenth. Digital marketing site DesignRush analyzed data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics to find the change in the number of business establishments per state between September 2022 and September 2023. The states with the greatest … [More]
Understanding the Three V’s of Business Leadership: Vision, Variety and Vitality
As a leader, understanding your own leadership style is essential for success in your business. To stay relevant, innovate and grow your business, as a leader, it takes dedication to self-reflection, analyzing your Whys, looking at your own competencies and all the ways you are adaptable for sustaining your particular type of work. A powerful way to self-reflect is through the … [More]
Their Take: Merit Selection – A Respected Arizona System of Judge Selection Worth Preserving
Fed up with a system that featured campaigns for judicial office that included yard signs and bumper stickers, that forced judges to seek campaign contributions from lawyers and parties who would be appearing before them, and that produced judges who occasionally delegated decision-making to their judicial assistants, Arizona voters decided nearly a half century ago to choose a … [More]
Conducting a Mid-Year Financial Health Checkup
As we find ourselves midway through the year, it's a great moment to take stock of our financial journey so far and recalibrate for the months ahead. This is the time when many of us pause to review our progress, tweak our plans, and realign our aspirations to ensure a successful year's end. Take a moment to acknowledge your achievements thus far, rectify any missteps, and … [More]