Their Take: Why the 4th of July Is My Favorite Holiday 

by Doug Fulton

The meaning of Independence Day never ceases to amaze me. How a small group of rag-tag free spirits thwarted one of the most organized navies in the civilized world and created a country out of thirteen colonies really illuminates my imagination. It shows us that anything is possible with a burning desire to overcome great obstacles. We have built a company in a nation that makes opportunity possible for anyone.

The Declaration of Independence was the culmination of events that escalated tensions between Great Britain and the American Colonies. While the colonists had “home field advantage,” they were at a serious military disadvantage, didn’t have enough funds for the fight, and had little experience- in governing or military strategy.

And yet, they not only survived, they won. They won because they were flexible, inventive and motivated. Also aided by the French, and helped by the Native Americans, they carved out a new government that stands with us to this day. Here we are, 248 years later, living with the same ideals that the colonists fought for in the Revolutionary War.

As we approach the election, we need to remind ourselves that the fight for what’s right is more relevant than ever. Vote.  Read the Declaration of Independence. Learn about the heroes that founded the USA like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin.

Stay informed on current issues and exercise your freedom of speech. Express your opinion. There is a reason that it is the first amendment in the Constitution.

“The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all” – John F. Kennedy

Doug Fulton in the CEO of Fulton Homes.

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