Newly Built Apartments Are Filling Up at the Slowest Pace since 2020

Less than half (47%) of newly constructed apartments that were completed in the fourth quarter were rented within three months, according to a new report from Redfin, the technology-powered real estate brokerage. That’s down from 60% a year earlier and is the lowest seasonally-adjusted share on record aside from the first quarter of 2020, when the onset of the pandemic brought … [More]

The Phoenix Symphony and Musicians Agree to New Contract

Agreement Supports Extraordinary Performances, Community Engagement, and Education Programs and the Symphony’s Role as an Innovative Leader

The Phoenix Symphony and its musicians, members of Professional Musicians of Arizona, American Federation of Musicians, Local 586, announced agreement on a new contract. The one-year agreement extends through November 1, 2025 and reflects a shared commitment to serving Arizona as the state’s largest performing arts organization. The agreement reflects a performance season of … [More]

Innovative Nonsurgical Spine Clinic Opens in Mesa

Escape Spine Surgery opened a state-of-the-art facility in Mesa marking a significant milestone in the evolution of spine health care. Spearheaded by Dr. James Adkins and Dr. Rafah Baig MD, Escape Spine Surgery aims to revolutionize the approach to spine conditions with a focus on innovative, nonsurgical solutions. Dr. James Adkins is a distinguished figure in … [More]

Their Take: The Power of Retail in Scottsdale

by Kate Birchle

Whether it’s the therapeutic effects that release dopamine and make us feel good or the sense of accomplishment when we find the perfect gift for someone, shopping is not only a favorite pastime of U.S. residents, but also visitors coming from far and wide. In fact, shopping is the No.1 activity for Scottsdale’s 9.6 million U.S. visitors, and it is hugely popular with the … [More]

Federal Infrastructure and Inflation Reduction Bills Continue to Benefit Region

Millions of dollars in increased funding to the region results in notable projects

The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Regional Council received an update this week on the impact two federal pieces of legislation are having on the region in funding major transportation infrastructure and environmental projects. In 2021, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) was signed into law. The IIJA reauthorized the surface transportation program … [More]

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