From improved high school graduation rates to reductions in teen pregnancy, food insecurity and underage drinking, Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley is making a positive, measurable impact on youth and the greater community. These are the findings from a study by the L. William Seidman Research Institute at Arizona State University’s W.P. Carey School of Business. The … [More]
Goodbye Zoom Gloom: 6 Tips for Better Online Training Facilitation
I’m Zoomed out. Done. Toast. Finished. Full. What part of not doing this for a while don’t you get? You know, I think they might be multitasking while I’m trying to teach. (You don’t say, Sherlock.) This virtual stuff is here to stay, and I think I’d like to go. Years after the world went home and most classrooms moved online, a lot of people still haven’t cracked the … [More]
41% of People Report Not Feeling Valued by Their Boss or Employer
A recent study of 1,000 people across the US and Canada conducted by Jonathan Shroyer, CX Innovation Officer at Arise, found that 41% of all people surveyed said they did not feel valued by their boss or company. It also revealed that the top 3 traits people prioritize in a boss are trustworthiness, clear communication and dependability. If you are a boss or perhaps will be … [More]
Observe Cyber Security Month by Making Internet Safety a Team Effort
In October, National Cybersecurity Awareness Month brings into focus three indisputable truths about the Internet. One, it is an incredible resource that offers a universe of opportunities to connect, transact and be entertained, and learn. Two, pursuing these activities comes with the risk of falling victim to digital delinquents intent on separating you from your personal … [More]
Arizona Voters’ Agenda: Voters Want the State to Do More to Address the Housing Affordability Crisis
With early voting in the 2022 General Election fast approaching, Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) today released survey findings on affordable housing & homelessness to conclude its latest rollout of a new Arizona Voters' Agenda survey. The survey of likely Republican, Democratic, and independent/unaffiliated voters of all ages was conducted in late August and builds … [More]
Arizona Voters Concerned about Long-Term Water Supplies; Support Investments to Address Environmental Issues
Today, Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) released new findings on water & environment as part of their ongoing reveal of the Arizona Voters’ Agenda. The Voters’ Agenda identifies what likely voters prioritize in Arizona’s midterm General Election and what they want to hear from candidates campaigning for votes. The most recent survey of likely Republican, Democratic, … [More]
Want to Be a Great Boss? Here’s the Top 5 Ways to Achieve It
What makes a good boss a great boss? As a founder and business executive in the service industry for over 20 years, Jonathan Shroyer has learned a lot about what makes a great boss, great. People want great bosses, and this is becoming even more important in cultivating and retaining the right workers for your company, and is something everyone in management should … [More]
New Survey Reveals What Shrinks the Gender Gap for Working Women
A July 2022 Great Place To Work® market research survey of nearly 4,200 workers found: More than half of women (54%) are open to leaving their jobs in the next six months One in 10 women want to leave their job, but don’t feel they can Only 45% of women report fair pay (56% for men) Only 45% report fair promotions (53% for men) The gender gap, however, … [More]
Lessons for Business and Leadership
For the last 10 years, I’ve experienced the pleasure and pain of building, operating and growing a small business. The knowledge I’ve gained through big failures and even bigger successes have made me passionate about helping entrepreneurs realize their dreams. I’ve compiled a list of lessons I’ve learned on my journey: There’s never a great time to start a business. I … [More]
EN NEGOCIOS: 10 maneras en que ser ecológico en su pequeña empresa ayuda a la economía local
La economía global se está volviendo más ecológica y se han abierto muchas oportunidades para los empresarios sostenibles que quieren ser parte de la revolución verde. Una empresa sostenible, o “verde,” es aquella que muestra un compromiso con un futuro ambientalmente sostenible al esforzarse por crear un impacto positivo en los recursos naturales y sus comunidades … [More]
10 Ways Going Green in Your Small Business Helps the Local Economy
The world’s economy is going green, and many opportunities have opened for sustainable entrepreneurs who want to be part of the green revolution. A sustainable, or “green,” business is one that shows a commitment to an environmentally sustainable future by striving to create a positive impact on natural resources and their local communities. Small businesses are a powerful … [More]
Transform Employees to Emergency Responders in 3 Easy Steps
Responding to disasters is one of the most important activities that employees can be asked to grapple with. From natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes to technological situations such as power outages, chemical spills and transportation accidents, as well as security emergencies like acts of terrorism and mass shootings, a property should be prepared for any of … [More]
EN NEGOCIOS: 6 maneras en que la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación ayudara a las pequeñas empresas a pagar para volverse ecológicas
Ahora es el momento de comenzar a invertir en una transformación ecológica. La Ley de Reducción de la Inflación de 2022 firmado por el presidente Biden en agosto incluye una serie de nuevas normas fiscales sobre nuevas disposiciones de energía "verde". Estas nuevas disposiciones de energía “verde” están destinadas a combatir el cambio climático y mejorar la eficiencia … [More]
6 Ways the Inflation Reduction Act Will Help Small Businesses Pay to Go Green
Now is the time to start investing in a green transformation. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 signed by President Biden in August includes a range of new tax rules on new “green” energy provisions. These new “green” energy provisions are intended to combat climate change and improve energy efficiency while incentivizing domestic manufacturing of green energy equipment and … [More]
The Chip Challenge: Growing a Workforce for the Semiconductor Industry
According to the Arizona Commerce Authority, "Arizona is the best state in the nation for entrepreneurship, innovation and emerging technology." At the end of August, Governor Doug Ducey capitalized on that sentiment with a five-day trip across the globe to visit the Republic of Korea and Taiwan for relationship building within the international technology industry. Reported … [More]
The Hidden Benefit of a Solid Brand Identity: Crisis Protection
What is your company’s purpose? What does it aspire to be? What does it stand for? Anyone who occupies an executive position within their organization has grappled with these questions, or at least acted on the answers laid out by the organization’s founders ― answers that lie within the nucleus of a brand’s identity. Founders seldom think about the moment when everything … [More]
Their Take: Software Asset Management in the Age of Blockchain
CIOs, CTOs and even CFOs face an enormous challenge: how to keep track of their information technology investment and ensure IT is adding value to the overall business. There is a dizzying array of acronyms — ITAMS, SAMS, FinOps, CMDB, SaaS, etc. — that promise to provide clarity to the chaos and yet fail to deliver. But, more importantly, there is a solution on the horizon: … [More]
Four Areas Every Business Must Examine to Gain Market Share Come What May
What if the pandemic was only a dress rehearsal? Could your business survive the next big devastation? "Instead of guessing or seeing how things play out, use data to give your organization the best chance of success and potentially gaining market share, even while other companies struggle," says Lisa Apolinski, author of the book Grow Your Market Share In A … [More]