Global Chamber Archives - Page 2 of 10 - Greater Phoenix In Business Magazine

Book Authors in the Global Tribe

by Yvonne Luker

We recently concluded the 2nd series of globinars featuring book authors at Global Chamber®. These members have been providing tips and techniques for writing your next book! Whether your next book is number one or 25 (for member Lon Safko), each author can do better and be more effective the next time time with help from the global tribe. By ourselves we can move forward … [More]

Global Chamber Event Planning 2022

by Yvonne Luker

As of this writing, COVID is still with us, and, after nearly two years, illnesses are going strong. Global Chamber® found the switch to virtual events fairly seamless, holding more than 500 events last year. Since most of our members wish to grow business in more than one metro region, and often in other countries as well, virtual meetups and globinars are an effective way of … [More]

Just Do It. Don’t Try.

by Doug Bruhnke

“Don’t try” is the two-word suggestion engraved on the headstone of Charles “Hank” Bukowsky. Charles was a writer and artist with the ability to condense complex ideas into simple sentences. He was NOT asking us NOT to try. In fact, just the opposite. He’s one of three inspirations for how we help Global Chamber® members every day. Number one for me is the memory of my … [More]

New Home at Thunderbird

by Doug Bruhnke

We’ve moved our global headquarters into new quarters in Downtown Phoenix at the new Thunderbird School of Global Management. This is a collaboration made in heaven, with two organizations that are focused on helping companies succeed through the smart implementation of global business strategy. Thunderbird has been an inspiration in the development of Global Chamber, starting … [More]

Why Every Exporter Should Be in Global Chamber

by Doug Bruhnke

Member success further inspires us to come in every day to make more warm introductions and continuously improve our services. Thank you, members, for the inspiration! That’s important because a lot can go wrong when you’re doing global business, including the 10 issues below (a partial list)! A firm’s initial “accidental export” turns into a strategy to expand sales in … [More]

“Trust Me”: Something We Can Count On?

by Doug Bruhnke

The ways in which businesspeople connect with others is being transformed through digital technologies amidst the rigors of COVID and widespread public distrust. How can we establish and grow trust to successfully drive business growth and the world’s digital transformation? How can we shape systems in a fully digitized and integrated economy? These were questions that we … [More]

Expand and Retain Top Talent while Growing Globally

by Natali Oprya

Companies face organizational changes from their global expansion, corporate restructuring and international mergers and acquisitions. One of the key issues that needs to be addressed during the reshuffling is global workforce management. We always want to come out with each new hire as getting an award-winning contributor. When going through acquisition, opening or … [More]

Clubhouse and the Global Tribe Club

by Yvonne Luker

Are you on Clubhouse yet? Clubhouse ( is a new and engaging way to speak with new connections around the community and world. It can be a wonderful way to find new clients, resources and partners to grow your business. Global Chamber® has been in Clubhouse the past few months, and now our presence is primarily through the “Global Tribe Club,” with rooms … [More]

Foreign Investment in Arizona

by Yvonne Luker

In the past couple of months, Global Chamber® has held two significant events in collaboration with regional business and government leaders that spotlighted growth opportunities in Arizona for foreign companies and investors and the international business opportunity overall. The cities of Phoenix, Surprise, Scottsdale and Peoria, especially, are leading the way to support … [More]

Keep Connecting Virtually. It’s OK!

by Cesar Trabanco

For the past 15 months during the global pandemic, Global Chamber® has held many more events every week all over the world, many more per week, than we had ever before held. Last month, we had six virtual events on one day! All these events have allowed members to jump in from anywhere to connect with the trusted global tribe everywhere — and it’s wonderful to hear all the … [More]

Connecting to New Clients and Opportunities within a Pandemic

by Cesar Trabanco

It’s a new day out here for better and for worse, and either way it’s a new reality, and so we regularly share ideas to leverage virtual opportunities for members to find more success. Global Chamber shifted at the start of the pandemic to a virtual platform that has been assisting our members to grow in a variety of ways. The main thing that we’ve always done and continue … [More]

Women in Global Leadership – Mayor Kate Gallego

by Doug Bruhnke

Global Chamber® “Women in Global Leadership” events began five years ago in our early days. Last month, we were pleased to include the co-developer of the idea, Jaime Daddona of Squire Patton Boggs, as one of the illustrious panel of leaders in 2020. Thank you, Jaime! We were also honored to feature Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego at the fifth annual event. Mayor Gallego is the … [More]

Insights on Women and Men in Global Leadership

by Yvonne Luker

We hosted a globinar with the team at Reesmarx titled “Insights on Women and Men in Global Leadership.” The conversation covered women and men in the workplace, including progress made and next steps — globally. Our approach was informational on the progress women have made, and we also heard from strong women and men in business talk about their growth, struggles, lessons and … [More]

Leveraging Our Trusted Network to Grow Your Business

by Doug Bruhnke

Are you prepared to grow in the next phase? The global tribe at Global Chamber® is a large network of globally minded leaders located around the world in 525 metro regions who are serious about growing business across metro regions and borders. Each member is trusted because he or she has demonstrated the characteristics to earn that trust. We’ve used the new pandemic reality … [More]

Wrap-up Export League by Global Chamber Phoenix

by Yvonne Luker

Global Chamber® Phoenix completed the first Export League this summer with top exporters in metro Phoenix gaining “warm introductions” in order for them to reach their next new markets, virtually. Originally, we had planned to do an in-person exporter “pitch” event at Grand Canyon University and pick the top 12 exporters as determined by judges, assisting those 12 firms in … [More]

Connect through Global Chamber to Grow in 2020

by Cesar Trabanco

As vice president of member services at Global Chamber®, I have the pleasure to lead our activities to connect members across metros and borders with new clients, investors, opportunities and trusted resources as they look to expand worldwide. Connecting the right people at the right time, and “in time,” is an essential part of growth. We create many opportunities for members … [More]

Adding Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the Connecting Process

by Doug Bruhnke

Global Chamber® has partnered with based in Montreal, Canada, to facilitate international trade and investment for our members.’s AI-enabled sales intelligence platform is now being used by Global Chamber as part of our daily “warm connections” process to research companies and industries on behalf of members worldwide, and then to make just the right … [More]

International State of the PHX Metro 2020

by Doug Bruhnke

How is the metropolitan Phoenix region doing with international business? That’s the question we answer annually with our International State of the Metro, held in metro regions around the world — and in Metro Phoenix annually since 2007, predating Global Chamber®! Many metro areas are hot for business, meaning that companies are thriving, growing and continuing to arrive … [More]