Steven G. Zylstra, president and CEO of the Arizona Technology Council, was named the Leader of the Year in Public Policy in the technology category by the Arizona Capitol Times in recognition of his efforts to influence Arizona’s technology industry. Under Zylstra’s leadership, the Council’s Public Policy Committee is directly involved with the process of evaluating … [More]
Two New Members Added to Council’s Board
Security software and securities law have been added to the mix of expertise as two new members have been named to the Arizona Technology Council Board of Directors. Rich Hlavka, CEO of Lynx Technology Partners, and Travis J. Leach, partner at Ballard Spahr, were appointed to a board that represents a diverse set of prominent Arizona-based organizations. “The talent, … [More]
Be Everywhere
Who has time to be everywhere? No one person can be, not even a group of people within one company. And so the team at Global Chamber® works around the clock and around the world to grow our global network of more than 5 million business connections, so that as a member, you’ll benefit. Because there’s no question — opportunities are everywhere, and you can’t be everywhere. … [More]
Build an Advisory Board for Global Success
No one builds a great global business alone, and whether it’s a start up or an established industry leader, having access to high-quality advice can enhance an organization’s odds of success. When setting up an advisory board, you need to answer a key question: “Why are we establishing an advisory board, and what do we want out of it?” Your company may be seeking … [More]
Global Chamber® Phoenix Expands Advisory Board with Leaders
Jeff Campos, who leads the Denver chapter of Global Chamber®, has been an inspiration across our global network on several items, including advisory board development. Jeff has in the past led an award-winning Hispanic chamber in Colorado, and his experience is highly valued. It was Jeff who inspired me to grow our advisory board in Phoenix from 15 members to more than 45. His … [More]
Importing Is Global Trade, Too
Doing business in the U.S.A. is quite easy as long as you are aware of existing laws and regulations. Exporting to the U.S.A. is a safe and simple process as well, as long as you have the right information and the right connections. Global Chamber® was established as an organization that supports that. We give information, help with connections, and promote goods and services … [More]
Acknowledging Men while Women Expand Their Influence in Global Business
I’m not surprised that our Global Chamber® Dallas event entitled “Women in Global Business” earlier this year has been our most popular event to date. I have the impression that many men are just as supportive and enthusiastic to see women thriving as global business leaders as their female counterparts. So it was interesting to see the recent “Women in Global Leadership” … [More]
Global Trade Belongs to Entrepreneurs and the Young of Spirit
Entrepreneurship is one of the most terrifying ventures anyone can endeavor. Your business starts with one simple idea, followed by brainstorming, then nurturing and growing. Finally, as you reach the critical stages along the way, you discover the fragrant fruit that has erupted out of what was once nothing. You have something, however imperfect it can be. There are ups and … [More]
Growth Is in Your Hands; Extend Your Arms!
In many countries, including the U.S., less than 1 percent of executives are involved with international business. And yet most people and opportunity are somewhere else. Is it so shocking that we want to do business with our neighbor across the street instead of our neighbor across the world? One of the real barriers to growing across the world is finding more customers, … [More]
Growing from Manhattan to Madrid and Manila
Global Chamber® is officially everywhere, from A to Z — Abuja, Nigeria, to Zagreb, Croatia, and anywhere in between. Our reach to 525 metro areas and more than 5 million connections helps you grow globally. Our “Global Advisor” initiative is adding international experts everywhere to our network that can help identify customers and supporters for your growth. Tap in from … [More]
News from Headquarters
This month, we’re conducting an exporting seminar in Jakarta and ramping up Global Chamber® across Asia, including Singapore, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Japan, Korea and China … and probably anywhere where you have business, or want more. This month, we’re also announcing more new members and collaborations worldwide. Keep watching as we grow to 525 metro areas around the world … [More]
Member News: Fall 2016
Massage Envy Going Global Lee Knowlton and his team at Massage Envy are going global. Their footprint today is nearly all U.S.- based, but Lee is leading an effort to expand to Australia and other English-speaking countries first, and then country-by-country around the world, wherever their message of health will resonate. We’re thinking maybe everywhere! Congratulations on … [More]
Shark Tanks and Cat Drawings
A favorite pastime at our house is watching the popular television show “Shark Tank,” where real-life entrepreneurs have the opportunity to receive investments from billionaire investors, called “The Sharks.” At first our two boys, aged 12 and 13, were bored to tears and begged us to switch back to their adored anime cartoons. However, over time, they started getting into the … [More]
Why Nonprofit Boards Should Prioritize Generational Diversity
Today’s emerging workforce is the largest and most diverse in American history. According to The Millennial Impact Project, it numbers nearly 80 million strong, and will account for 50 percent of the workforce by 2020, less than four years from now. Despite their position as an emerging economic and social force, young professionals are not proportionally represented on … [More]
On The Board and In The Spotlight
What drew you to this organization? I came to the Alliance via my board work for the Arts & Business Council — having transitioned one of its programs, Business On Board, to the Alliance, I was invited to serve on the board. It’s one of our programs that I think has tremendous potential for growth. What would you say is one of the biggest challenges for a businessperson … [More]
Nonprofits and Elections Are Intertwined
In the middle of this noisy election season, I ask the question: What is the connection between elections and nonprofits? The answer, in short: They are intertwined. This may surprise many of you, so let me explain. First, I will explain what I don’t mean. You may have heard a lot about “dark money.” This is spending to influence elections that is not channeled directly … [More]
The Nonprofit/For-Profit Connection
On the first day of school the small girl walked to her teacher, one of her tiny shoes in hand. She held it out to the teacher, who gave a puzzled look. “I need to borrow a pencil, please,” the girl said. Former teacher Barbara Blalock learned that the last school the little girl attended had so few resources students had to trade something for supplies, until the supplies … [More]
Overtime Overview: New Rules Take Effect this December
After more than a decade without change, the U.S. Department of Labor has introduced new regulations governing exemptions from overtime pay. The regulations apply to the enforcement of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The changes are effective December 1, 2016, for most covered organizations. Employees in exempt jobs are not eligible for overtime pay. Non-exempt positions … [More]