This is certainly a year that is different than any other. Many things have changed, as has job searching. And job searching during the holiday season is certainly different this year. Here are four ways holiday job searching is different and how you can make the best of it to still land your next role during this season and before 2021 starts. College Buddy … [More]
Ensure Recorded Zoom Interviews Look as Professional as Possible
In today’s environment, some organizations are turning to video platforms such as Zoom when face-to-face video production poses challenges. It’s worth the effort to ensure a recorded Zoom interview looks as professional as possible. Here are some tips to make sure participants are doing it right. Pick a video conferencing platform allowing participants to easily record … [More]
The Value of Shareholder Letters
Letters to corporate shareholders contain some of the best writing on business. These communications can be particularly valuable for investors probing for high-quality companies and managers. They are of general value for their insights on business and economics. Shareholder letters have an interesting history. Through the 1970s, shareholder letters consisted, as a rule, of … [More]
Workplace Relationships: Millennials vs. Baby Boomers
Regardless of which side of the generational divide you fall, you have probably noticed a difference in how younger and older colleagues act in the workplace. A recent study authored by Olivet Nazarene University analyzed workplace relationships between millennials and baby boomers with the goal to learn more about how they interact and conduct business together. The analysis … [More]
Business Communication Tips to Take Back Control during COVID-19 Quarantine
World Health Organization announcements about the COVID-19 pandemic are raising many uncertainties and questions about the way business will now be conducted around the world. In the face of this unusual situation, companies often do not know what to do and how to communicate with customers, partners, even their own employees. It is obvious that the current quarantine … [More]
Convey Complex Ideas Simply and Persuasively
Not everyone is a natural raconteur. But everyone can enhance his or her skill by keeping three principles in mind: People need to feel something for a story to have an impact. The story must be easy to follow and stripped of unnecessary detail. And finally, because focus is a scarce resource in the brain and attention spans are dwindling, the quicker it gets to the point the … [More]
Networking Is for Introverts
Why do we have a visceral reaction to the word “networking”? I often hear the mental machinations that hold us back, like, “I have nothing to say” or “They don’t want to talk to me.” The other roadblock is how it feels — yucky! I have heard people refer to networking as manipulation, pasting on a smile, schmoozing (which sounds like “oozing,” which makes me think of an open … [More]