Tax season is here, and it is one the busiest times for small business owners and tax preparers to get these important financial responsibilities done. Keeping good financial records is a recipe for success for every small business. But small business owners have many other priorities, and a good financial regimen will ensure tax season is not as hectic. From hiring the … [More]
EN NEGOCIOS: ¡La temporada de impuestos está aquí! 7 consejos para preparar su declaración de impuestos para su pequeña empresa
La temporada de impuestos está aquí, y es uno de los momentos más ocupados para que los propietarios de pequeñas empresas y los preparadores de impuestos cumplan con estas importantes responsabilidades financieras. Mantener buenos registros financieros es una receta para el éxito de todas las pequeñas empresas. Pero los propietarios de pequeñas empresas tienen muchas otras … [More]
How Local Businesses Can Get In on New Federally Funded Arizona Infrastructure Projects
Arizona will receive $12.8 million flowing from the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Act) to help the state recover from three major wildfires. Arizona’s water authority also recently received $18.5 million The new funding will support the creation of wastewater treatment plants, water pipelines, flood detention and filtration treatments for rural and … [More]
Decisions! A 7-Step Process to Help Entrepreneurs to Make Good Choices
Entrepreneurs make a lot of daily decisions to lead their business to success. Some decisions are so simple that the entrepreneurs are barely aware they are making them, while others are time-consuming, high-risk, and can leave them feeling anxious. Decisions can make or break a project or an entire business. And they often involve complex and unpredictable interpersonal … [More]
EN NEGOCIOS: ¡Decisiones!: Un proceso de 7 pasos para ayudar a los emprendedores a tomar buenas decisiones
Los emprendedores toman muchas decisiones diarias para llevar su negocio al éxito. Algunas decisiones son tan simples que apenas se dan cuenta de que las están tomando, mientras que otras requieren mucho tiempo, son de alto riesgo y pueden hacer que se sientan ansiosos. Las decisiones pueden hacer o deshacer un proyecto o un negocio completo. Y a menudo también involucran … [More]
When Global Events Disrupt Markets, Remain Alert to Opportunities
The images flicker across our TVs, laptops or phones every day. Russia’s war in Ukraine continues. Some Ukrainian civilians flee while others take up arms against the invaders. The United States and other NATO nations contemplate how to help the Ukrainians without escalating the conflict into another world war. And all the while inflation remains high, supply chains face … [More]
It’s Time to Reevaluate Your e-Commerce Presence…Again
Early 2020 brought an onslaught of many adjustments for obvious reasons. Many companies and small businesses made a mad dash to establish or enhance their e-commerce presence to stay afloat amidst the pandemic and the data certainly reflected the rapid shift to online shopping. According to Forbes, during May 2020 total online spending was up $82.5 billion, up 77% from the … [More]
Are To-Go Alcohol Sales Still Boosting Bottom Lines for Business?
After two years of fewer diners and lost revenue, the permanent ability to still sell liquor to-go is helping restaurants rebound from the COVID closures. The nationwide lockdown in March 2020 forced many restaurants to temporarily close, alter business plans or shut down entirely. As pandemic uncertainty grew, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signed an executive order allowing the … [More]
Are You Reaching Today’s Customer? Keys to a Great Multichannel Marketing Strategy
Getting customers in the door means first getting, and keeping, their attention. As consumers have moved more toward e-commerce, the challenges for digital marketers have become greater, but so have the opportunities. Marketing to a target audience is more complex today, but the evolution of technology has opened numerous doors to reach consumers effectively through … [More]
EN NEGOCIOS: Cómo los vehículos eléctricos revolucionarán las necesidades de transporte de los negocios
Casi todo el mundo ha sentido el pellizco en la bomba de gasolina en los últimos meses, y los vehículos eléctricos están demostrando ser una opción de inversión más inteligente para los propietarios de pequeñas empresas. Los vehículos eléctricos (EV por sus siglas en inglés) contribuyen a un aire más limpio, costos de transporte reducidos y costos operativos más bajos en … [More]
How EVs Will Revolutionize Transportation Needs for Small Businesses
Just about everyone has felt the pinch at the gas pump over the last few months, and electric vehicles are proving to be a wiser investment option for small business owners. Electric vehicles (EVs) contribute to cleaner air, reduced transportation costs and lower operating costs compared to diesel and petrol equivalents Transitioning to electric vehicles can be a savvy move … [More]
Nearly Half of Construction Workers’ Families in Arizona Enrolled in a Safety Net Program
A new research brief by the UC Berkeley Labor Center highlights the public cost of low wages and few benefits in some sectors of the construction industry in Arizona. Modeled after a national report released earlier this year, this brief is released today along with ones for Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, and Wisconsin. In past … [More]
Business Travel Helps Organizations Get Competitive Edge, Says Report
An analysis conducted by the San Diego State University School of Hospitality & Tourism Management on behalf of the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) found that in-person business travel and meetings have undeniable advantages over virtual options, and that businesses and organizations that resume business travel and meetings more quickly are likely to have a … [More]
Survey Identifies Disconnect Between Phoenix Employers and Workers on Coming Back to the Office
After two years of remote work, Phoenix companies say they want staff back on-site full time, however workers say they’d rather quit than return to the office full time. According to a new survey from Robert Half, as COVID-19 restrictions continue to loosen, Phoenix senior managers said they will require their teams to work: Fully in-office: 73% Hybrid of in-office … [More]
How COVID Changed the Cleaning Industry: Best Practices in Big Facilities
After two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. is returning to a semblance of normalcy. More people are fully vaccinated, more feel safe removing their masks, children are back in school and buildings by and large are open again. But at the same time, there’s cautious optimism. We’ve seen what happens when variants arrive and we let our guard down too quickly. The virus … [More]
77% of Business Travelers, 64% of Workers Say Return to Business Travel More Important Than Ever, Says Survey
A new survey conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) finds that sentiment around business travel is shifting, with 77% of business travelers and 64% of employed Americans agreeing that it is more important than ever to bring back business travel. Nearly two-thirds of business travelers say the increased reliance on … [More]
Your House Probably Made More Than You Did Last Year
The term "household income" was given new meaning in 2021 as a banner year for home appreciation found houses themselves earning more than the median worker in major metros across the country, according to a new study by Zillow®. "More than anything, 2021 was a year of haves and have-nots, and the chasm between the two widening throughout," said Zillow … [More]
The Time Is Now to Get Your Tax Strategy Right for Retirement
Financial planning for retirement should always be a thorough and careful process. Fundamental to it is being cognizant of the many variables that can affect our income, investments, taxes and savings. Well, some of the key variables are volatile right now. Inflation has hit a 40-year high. The Federal Reserve likely will raise interest rates in 2022 from current historical … [More]