Much of the world has felt the impact of numerous crises in the past two years. From COVID and its many profound effects to social injustice, surging inflation and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the planet has been rocked by life-changing events. It’s been an ongoing test for leaders in business and government. When crisis occurs and all eyes of the organization are on them, … [More]
Their Take: AZ Is Fostering Job Growth, Higher Revenues, and a Better Economic Climate for Taxpayers
Common Sense Institute (CSI) released The Economic Implications of Repealing the 3.50% Surcharge & Moving to a 2.50% Flat Income Tax. In 2020, the simplicity and relatively low tax rate enjoyed by Arizona residents was put in jeopardy after the passage of Proposition 208. The measure would have imposed a new surcharge on incomes over $250,00 and raised the state’s top … [More]
PREVIEW: What to Look for in the First Quarter 2022 GDP Report
The main story in the first quarter is likely to be a sharp slowing in GDP growth from the extraordinary 6.9 percent pace of the fourth quarter of 2021. The biggest factor in this slowing will be a slower pace of inventory accumulation. Inventory growth added 5.3 percentage points to GDP growth in the fourth quarter. Inventories are expected to continue growing in the first … [More]
How Digital Transformation Is Changing Project Management
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed how important it is for businesses to adopt digital processes. Many companies closed largely because they didn’t digitize, but for other firms, the pandemic accelerated their digital transformation. In the midst of this massive change, project management’s role has shifted but remains crucial to helping improve overall efficiency and … [More]
DAY 2: PHX Startup Week 2022
It's DAY 2 of PHX Startup Week 2022! Today's sessions include the popular Founder F Ups panel, venture development success models and why ESG principals matter to your start up. Lots of great content! We hope you join us for happy hour at AZ Wilderness after - all are welcome! Be sure you have download the Whova app to connect with everyone and access session details. Event … [More]
5 Steps Business Owners Can Take to Manage Surging Inflation
The U.S. economy has been hit by one thing after another the past couple of years – COVID-19 and the resulting supply chain issues, a labor shortage, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and high inflation. Small business owners are feeling the brunt of it, and many aren’t confident that economic conditions will improve any time soon. The Small Business Optimism Index was down 2.4 … [More]
DAY 1: PHX Startup Week 2022
Hope you're ready for a packed-full first day of knowledge sharing and networking at PHX Startup Week 2022. If you are attending in person, scroll down for location & parking details. All attendees should download and use the Whova app to connect with everyone and access sessions. We invite all from the #yesPHX community to join us at our daily happy hours happening at … [More]
Earth Day: America’s Mayors Are Leading the Way on Climate Change
America's mayors continue to lead the fight against climate change through innovative policies and programs that are building climate resiliency, promoting the use of clean energy, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in cities across the country. In recognition of the 52nd Earth Day, U.S. Conference of Mayors President Miami Mayor Francis X. Suarez released the following … [More]
Small Business Productivity Apps That Can Help Your Company Soar
From business operations to personal productivity, it’s no surprise that business owners are exploring the benefits that new productivity apps provide. Whether you own a startup, or are looking for ways to improve your company, take a few minutes to explore these resourceful apps to help get you started! Homebase. It makes hiring and onboarding run smoothly with team … [More]
5 Steps to Overcoming a Skills Gap and Increasing Your Earning Power
The U.S. labor shortage remains problematic for many employers, and a skills gap is exacerbating the situation as companies struggle to find employees who fit their needs. According to McKinsey & Company, 87% of companies worldwide acknowledge either a current or future skills gap. As people seek a new position or advancement in the wake of the Great Resignation, Great … [More]
The Importance of Managing Stress without Alcohol
We all have stress in our lives. Whether it’s a demanding job, juggling responsibilities at home or simply dealing with the challenges that life inevitably brings. In recent years, living through the unprecedented uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as other global external factors, have compounded this stress. According to a recent American Psychological Association … [More]
EN NEGOCIOS: Inflación: 7 consejos para ayudar a las pequeñas empresas a superar la inflación
Ser propietario de una pequeña empresa durante los últimos dos años ha venido con una serie de desafíos, y ahora con una inflación creciente. De acuerdo con la Oficina de estadísticas laborales, la inflación de EE. UU. subió a un nuevo máximo de cuatro décadas del 8,5 % en marzo con respecto al mismo mes del año anterior, impulsada por el aumento de los costos de la energía y … [More]
Inflation: 7 Tips to Help Small Businesses Ride Inflation
Being a small business owner during the last two years has come with its set of challenges, and now rising inflation. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. inflation surged to a new four-decade high of 8.5% in March from the same month a year ago, driven by skyrocketing energy and food costs, supply constraints and strong consumer demand. These new challenges … [More]
How to Use the Right Side of Your Brain to Build Relationships with Your Team
Being an effective leader requires numerous attributes, but which side of the brain is most important in connecting with today’s workplace? One thing seems certain: Leaders using one hemisphere of their brain almost exclusively may not command the room like they used to. Though business leadership for decades has leaned toward left-brain thinking – the analytical, … [More]
New Social App Combines Reality with Risks
Applications like BeReal and TikTok are often in the news due to security concerns, but most users are ignorant to the dangers posed by these tools. TikTok was released in September of 2016 and BeReal started sometime in January of 2020. Both applications encourage users to create media of their immediate surroundings and collects a phenomenal amount of data from … [More]
The Pandemic, Ukraine, And Inflation: How We Got to the New Normal Economy
Will we ever get back to normal? Or, are we stuck in the new normal for an extended period? Economically speaking in the U.S., the answer to the first question is “hopefully,” and to the second question, “probably.” In the wake of the two-year COVID-19 pandemic’s massive effect on the global economy, Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine has added another seismic shock to … [More]
Capitalizing on the Crazy Real Estate Market – with or without Upfront Cash
The real estate market continues to experience skyrocketing prices and lower-than-normal inventory, leaving a general state of frustration and confusion in its wake. But despite these unsettling times, real estate as an investment remains a good option, even for people who aren’t flush with cash, says Toby Mathis, a tax attorney and ForbesBooks author of Infinity Investing: … [More]
Leaders Undermine Their Own Authority When Words and Actions Are at Odds
Employees can’t help but grumble when the boss claims to value work-life balance, but then works well into the evening each day, firing off late-night emails with the expectation they be answered by morning. Their morale plummets and they start updating their resumes when managers insist on top-notch results from everyone – everyone except the managers themselves, that … [More]