Hope you’re ready for a packed-full first day of knowledge sharing and networking at PHX Startup Week 2022. If you are attending in person, scroll down for location & parking details. All attendees should download and use the Whova app to connect with everyone and access sessions.
We invite all from the #yesPHX community to join us at our daily happy hours happening at locations throughout the Valley. Follow along on social media for event updates and announcements.
Thanks for your support and participation in this year’s event. We hope you enjoy the content and networking offered from this community.
Attending virtually?
9 a.m.
Five Principles for Scaling SaaS Through Generosity
Gabe Cooper, CEO, Virtuous
10 a.m.
Disrupting What It’s Been + Reimagining Capital Access
Keneshia Raymond, Program Director, Startup Tucson
Danny Knee, Executive Director of Community Investment Corporation, Single Focus Web
Liz Pocock, CEO, Startup Tucson
11 a.m.
Bootstrapping to Millions: List Perfectly + Powerful Communities
Amanda Morse, Founder + CEO, List Perfectly
Clara Albornoz, Founder + CEO, List Perfectly
1 p.m.
Empowering Arizona’s Venture Landscape
Mark Moeremans, Senior Vice President Entrepreneurship & Venture Development, Arizona Commerce Authority
2 p.m.
Authentic Scaling by Knowing Your Audience
Watchen Nyanue, Founder & CEO, I Choose The Ladder
3 p.m.
Roadrunner Resilience: What Two Years of a Pandemic Taught Small Businesses
Kimberly Roland, Vice President of Innovation and Entrepreneur Programs, Better Business Bureau Serving the Pacific Southwest (BBB)
E+I @ 850PBC
850 N 5th St.
Phoenix, AZ 85004