Telemedicine Leading Co. Offers Help to Healthcare Organizations


As the industry leader in telemedicine, GlobalMed knows that implementing a virtual health program can seem daunting. However, given the explosive rise of COVID-19 cases, there is an unprecedented demand for solutions to tackle the pandemic. Telehealth brings forth innovative tools to monitor and contain COVID-19 patients and provide ongoing care to those without the virus. … [More]

160+ LGBT Community Centers Request COVID Relief Funds


It has been several weeks since Congress passed the first stimulus package, and leadership in both the Senate and the House are planning to add new resources to assist hundreds of thousands of organizations and individuals who face financial crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic. CenterLink: The Community of LGBT Centers is bringing attention to its 250+ community center … [More]

Report Shows 4 in 5 State Unemployment Websites Fail Mobile and Accessibility Tests

The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF)

Nearly 17 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, yet the digital infrastructure meant to support them is inadequate. A new report by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), the leading think tank for science and technology policy, shows that the vast majority of state unemployment websites fail … [More]

Relief Fund Created to Provide Immediate Funding for Restaurant Workers in Need

Rick McCartney

Since its inception, the Arizona Restaurant Association (ARA) has been dedicated to the support and advocacy of the Arizona food and beverage industry. In recent weeks, this has been exemplified in great strides with the immediate implementation of the Arizona Takeout Weeks promotion to help drive continued support and marketing efforts for restaurants who closed their dining … [More]

Gig Platform Repurposing Restaurant Chain Staff for Delivery Options


ShiftPixy, a gig engagement platform provider, today announced the company’s initiative to catalyze digital infrastructure reinforcement and human capital management repurposing for multi-unit restaurant operators during the COVID-19 pandemic by leveraging the new Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) small business loans. As some of the hardest hit businesses by the global … [More]

7.5 Million Small Businesses in Danger of Closing Permanently, Report Finds

Main Street America

A new report published by Main Street America, a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, reveals that approximately 3.5 million businesses are in danger of permanent closure over the next two months, and nearly 7.5 million are in danger of closing over the next five months as a result of the Covid-19 crisis.  Further, approximately 35.7 million Americans … [More]

New Main Street Lending Program Boosts Business Owners

CBIZ - Phoenix

On Thursday, April 9, 2020, the Federal Reserve announced additional financing solutions up to $2.3 trillion in loans to support organizations, banks as well as state and local governments. One solution in particular, the Main Street Lending Program will ensure that financial credit continues to be a source for small and mid-sized organizations. The Main Street Lending … [More]

Media Interviews and Promoting Your Brand in a COVID-19 World

by Marsha Friedman

Business leaders and professionals who want to promote their personal and business brands have faced a tough decision in recent weeks: Should they put those publicity efforts on hold during the COVID-19 crisis, or keep pitching their expertise to the media? In most cases, yes, they should keep pitching. There are many opportunities for getting in the media as long as one … [More]

UArizona and State Partner to Provide Tests for Health Professionals, First Responders

State of Arizona Office of the Governor

Governor Doug Ducey announced a partnership between the state of Arizona and the University of Arizona to provide antibody tests for 250,000 health care professionals and first responders who are on the frontlines in the battle against COVID-19. The University of Arizona will administer the antibody tests to check for antibodies through an individual’s blood sample to … [More]

Medicine for Business and Industry Launches COVID-19 Triage Hotline

Medicine for Business and Industry

As confirmed COVID-19 cases continue to rise across the state, essential workers are growing more concerned about potential exposure to the Coronavirus. Phoenix-based Medicine for Business and Industry (MBI, Inc.) has launched a new COVID-19 Triage Hotline staffed by medical providers able to answer questions about symptoms and exposure. This new hotline provides workers with … [More]

CFO Simplified to Create Crisis Plans Free of Charge to Help Businesses Fight COVID-19

CFO Simplified

CFO Simplified, the industry leader for fractional chief financial officers for businesses with at least $3 million in revenues, is proud to announce that its 90-Day Crisis Management Plan is being offered free of charge to the first 80 companies that sign up. “COVID has rocked the market, both operationally and financially and as a result, leaders are protecting their … [More]

COVID-19 Phishing Scams Targeting Businesses

BBB Serving the Pacific Southwest

Scammers have taken on new deception techniques to target businesses affected through the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Better Business Bureau (BBB) advocates for business owners and their employees to practice vigilance and assess possible privacy and cybersecurity risks. As organizations transition to temporary telecommuting, it is important to know how to spot these … [More]

$10K COVID-19 Relief Grant Now Available for Phoenix Small Businesses

Rick McCartney

There is a new $10,000 grant to help with financial relief for small and very small businesses. Companies located within the city of Phoenix can apply for a Small Business Relief Grant of up to $10,000 from the Phoenix IDA in coordination with the City of Phoenix. “Small business owners are hurting, and we’re offering assistance to businesses to keep employees working and … [More]

Tempe Launches ‘Buy Now. Save Local.’ Campaign amid COVID-19 Crisis

by Mike Hunter

“Mom-and-pop businesses are the soul of our community; they give Tempe its character,” says Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell. Recognizing that local businesses are especially hard-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic that affects all of us, the City of Tempe this week launches its “Buy Now. Save Local.” campaign. “Tempe businesses are so important to our community, so we came up with a … [More]

Examining the Law on Health Information and COVID-19 for Businesses

by Meghan O’Connor and Simone Colgan Dunlap

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced unprecedented reliance on technology and remote connectivity and created a significant increase in COVID-19 patient information from the public, media, drug manufacturers, first responders and other providers, family members, and patients themselves. This rapid and significant shift in technology usage and increasing interest in and need for … [More]

Southwest Gas Contributes $65,000 to the AZ Coronavirus Relief Fund

State of Arizona Office of the Governor

Governor Doug Ducey announced that Southwest Gas has contributed $65,000 to the AZ Coronavirus Relief Fund. The fund, established by Governor Ducey, will provide financial support to organizations working to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19, including funding of personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline medical personnel; supporting non-profit organizations that help … [More]

Force Majeure May Be Answer to Contract Performance

by Marc Lamber and Louis Lopez

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has and will be devastating to many Greater Phoenix businesses. Leases, product purchases, vendor contracts for service and employment agreements are just some of the potential casualties of a company’s inability to perform under a contract due to the pandemic. This new reality may cause businesses and individuals to have considerable … [More]

Largest Dental Insurer Providing Rate Stability in Uncertain Times

Delta Dental of Arizona

In response to the unprecedented challenges Arizona businesses are facing due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the state’s largest dental insurer is giving its clients one less thing to worry about by freezing rates for summer renewals. “This is a time of great uncertainty. Business owners and leaders are working hard to balance the needs of their business while … [More]

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