Black- and Woman-Owned: Business in the Shadow of COVID-19 

by RaeAnne Marsh

Building their businesses here in Phoenix, these two black women business owners had little in common — until the COVID-19 pandemic wrought disruption indiscriminately throughout the economy and put us all in the same boat. Retail is commonly acknowledged to be the hardest-hit sector. As a concessionaire with gift stores in airport terminals, Lachele Mangum’s retail … [More]

The Monday Blues

by Oliver Yao

With the impact of COVID-19, Americans across the country went from wishing for the weekend, to living it daily. To many, it is feeling a bit like the film Groundhog Day. But the current state of the country won’t last forever, and before too long Americans will be back to counting down for the weekend. The typical countdown begins when they arrive to work on Monday. From … [More]

Emergency Coronavirus Loans Will Cripple Some Small Businesses

by Marc Levin

As America prepares to get back to work, will some people be left behind? The Small Business Administration (SBA) has adopted rules for emergency coronavirus loans that exclude otherwise eligible existing small businesses from relief solely because they are owned in part by individuals who have a criminal record. Given that at least nineteen million Americans have a felony … [More]

J. Crew Files for Bankruptcy Protection. Is this Just the Beginning?

by Richard Lawless

The imminent devastation of U.S. retail is just beginning to be revealed by the Bankruptcy of J. Crew. J. Crew and its affiliated companies have approximately 500 retail outlets throughout the country. These store-front operations employ thousands of people. Unfortunately, J. Crew is not suffering alone. According to the National Retail Federation, there are 3,700,000 retail … [More]

The Viral Spread of Leadership Confusion Is Epic Worldwide Failure

by Peter Kozodoy

Over the past few months, the headlines have been dominated by horrendous counts of sick individuals and — even more sadly — deaths due to COVID-19. But unfortunately, the most threatening atrocity to humanity here isn’t the coronavirus itself; instead, it is the viral spread of confusion that has made a difficult situation into an epic worldwide failure. It doesn’t take … [More]

Hardship Presents Opportunity for Creativity

from Rice University business experts

[Editor’s Note: In these times, we’ve been lucky to get submissions from around the country – even around the globe. We wanted to pass this one along to our readers. —RaeAnne Marsh] The massive disruption of our social and work lives is unnerving, but there are benefits to shaking up our routines and feeling uncomfortable, according to Scott Sonenshein and Jing Zhou, … [More]

There’s a New ‘Business as Usual’

by Liz Elting

In this third week of mass social distancing (with more than 225 million Americans ordered to stay at home), CEOs are beginning to ask not only how to survive the pandemic, but what they will be surviving into. Radical events bring radical change, and the American workplace — and quite possibly the American economy — is in the midst of its most significant disruptive and … [More]

Mentoring in the Workplace: A Modern Approach

by Maura Nevel Thomas

Mentoring relationships in the workplace are key to ensuring long-term employee success, strengthening both the people and the organization. After all, workplace mentor programs not only demonstrate that the organization cares about its people and their development, but they also give workers a safe space to grow. But with aspects like invasive technology and the shift to open … [More]

Banking AI Advantages Business

by David Duan

For businesses, gaining visibility and control of spending is vital to maintaining adequate cash flow. However, currently, this is something many U.S. businesses, SMEs in particular, struggle with, as shown by the fact 82 percent of business failures are due to poor cash management. As banks begin to address this problem, we are seeing the adoption of more technologies that … [More]

Courage Drives Emotional Intelligence

by Kerry Goyette

In The Wizard of Oz, when Dorothy and her friends set off on that yellow brick road, they needed three things to succeed: a heart, a brain and courage. Most of the time, when people think of emotional intelligence, they think only of heart. They think heart = empathy, compassion and kindness. But emotionally intelligent leaders who are full of heart possess more than just … [More]

How to Halt the Tide of Environmental Decline that Threatens the Viability of Our Modern World

by Simon Lamb

This question haunts everyone who cares about the world our grandchildren will inherit. Older readers will remember how it was just half a century ago — vibrant and thriving. In the post-war economic boom, governments were oblivious to the slippery slope ahead, the warnings of respected ecologists left unheeded. In due course, this generation will pass on, and, like those who … [More]

A Corporation’s Biggest Threat Is Its Leaders

by Glenn Llopis

Most organizations and leaders say they want to empower people to contribute at their fullest capacity. But most leaders are never taught how to do that. Those who started their corporate careers 20 years ago or more were given a formula for success by their bosses: Do these 10 actions to drive these 20 outcome; multiply those actions and outcomes across a department, and … [More]

Performance Review: Useless Procedure?

by Rob Wilson

Evidence from a recent survey by Gallup and others has found that two-thirds of organizations feel their performance reviews are not effective. Described as “subjective and highly ambiguous,” performance reviews can be a very impactful tool when used appropriately, but, as this research shows, most companies say they are falling short of the mark. As a response, some … [More]

Have the Best Benefits Open Enrollment Ever

by Jolean Fleck

Open enrollment can be a stressful time for employees and HR professionals alike. Educating employees on how their choices will affect them and their families is important when it comes to making decisions like how much to contribute to a 401K, or if a high deductible health plan is the best option. To help your company have a successful open enrollment, I’m sharing some of my … [More]

What Business Owners Should Know about Lobbying

by Rana Lashgari

What do you picture when you think of a lobbyist? Perhaps an older gentleman, with a slick suit, power walking down a marble hallway in Washington, D.C., flanked by a team of big-money corporate executives congratulating each other on the deal they made on the golf course? Most people have a Hollywood idea of what lobbyists do; they have no idea what the day-to-day work of a … [More]

Solve Problems from the Root

by Ken Chan

Juggling the demands of clients, suppliers, family – it’s easy to take the path of least resistance. It’s easier to not ask the hard questions and quickly “assume” what is needed. We may be surprised, however, if we ask more questions. And the result may go much further than the immediate sale or solution. As a business owner in a highly competitive industry, I am always … [More]

Networking Is for Introverts

by Michelle Tillis Lederman

Why do we have a visceral reaction to the word “networking”? I often hear the mental machinations that hold us back, like, “I have nothing to say” or “They don’t want to talk to me.” The other roadblock is how it feels — yucky! I have heard people refer to networking as manipulation, pasting on a smile, schmoozing (which sounds like “oozing,” which makes me think of an open … [More]

Negotiation: How to Defuse Tension and Mistrust

by Samuel Dinnar and Lawrence Susskind

Most entrepreneurs enter a negotiation thinking they will be successful and are surprised when they fail to reach an agreement. We have found that, in order to negotiate productively, entrepreneurs or their agents need to learn how to defuse tension and mistrust right from the beginning. Implementing the following actions can be highly effective: Defuse Tension before It … [More]

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