Pioneer Title Agency has been a dedicated member of the Arizona community since its inception in 1985. Formed by a family with the goal to support families, the company has been driven by people with the goal to help people. The Newlon family — Bob and his wife, Betty; son Keith and his wife, Cindy — founded Pioneer Title in Sierra Vista and, through their strong local ties, … [More]
Cannabis Is Driving Social Change through 420 Skin Care and 420 Medibles
As a registered nurse, helping people came naturally to Marvina Thomas. She recognized that opioids were presenting real problems for her patients, serving only to foster an addiction and not providing the pain relief needed. As she saw her patients struggle with serious side effects and dependance, she found her true calling. Thomas set out to help those who were suffering and … [More]
Delta Dental: Brightening Smiles and Communities
Delta Dental believes that everyone deserves a healthy smile. Its long-standing commitment to the communities it serves is evident through its organized grant program and many foundational programs and partnerships. Not only is Delta Dental of Arizona the leading dental benefits provider in state, but it is peopled with leadership and employees passionate about oral health and … [More]
The Power of Calm
Let me be the first to admit I am a personal “work in progress.” There are moments in my career I am proud of and others I regret. Most of the regrets come from the times I was hurt or angry and tried desperately to avoid feeling those emotions. Yet the emotions always won. They would show up in my body, my stomach aching as I repeatedly played the triggering conversations in … [More]
Plexus Worldwide Volunteerism: Nourishing Health and Happiness
Plexus Worldwide is more than a health and wellness company. It is a company built from the belief that people should have the opportunity to meet their wellness and financial goals. Originally started with its flagship product, the Breast Chek Kit, which allowed women to easily perform their own monthly examinations, Plexus has a tradition of exploring solutions that help … [More]
Leading and Living B.I.G.
As human beings, we are meaning-making machines! To make sense of our daily lives, our brains are constantly on the hunt for a story that fits. Yet, there is a problem with stories. Once we give ourselves a good guy and a bad guy, or a right way and a wrong way, our brains reward us with a hit of the feel-good neurotransmitter called dopamine. The brain doesn’t care if the … [More]
Embracing Chaos
Chaos is defined as “a state of utter confusion, or disorder, a total lack of organization or order.” If there is one thing we are not missing right now is more chaos! The world has been turned upside-down in ways that we have never dreamed of! Things that once seemed normal, now require deep preparation, orchestration and facilitation like never before. The new normal is no … [More]
Four Peaks Brewing: All for Teachers
Four Peaks Brewing Company has a storied past in Arizona. The founders have a track record of both honoring history and innovating for the future all at once. This began with their first location in Tempe, a mission revival-style brick factory, which is still standing strong after more than 100 years and continues today with their inspiring community outreach efforts. Having … [More]
To Thrive, You Must Dare to Risk
The world needs braver and more courageous leaders — successful and inspiring leaders who will remove the barriers to good work and healthy workplaces. In this series of articles, I’ve covered the four skillsets of courage-building as identified by Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW, in her academic research and in her book Dare to Lead. The skills she describes are observable, … [More]
Ripclear’s Pivot for Positivity
Ryan Doherty and Zach Hines launched their company, Ripclear, in 2014. Little did they know their innovation would serve as a salvation for humanity only six short years later. And, while the pair originally set out to find a solution that saved expensive goggles from scratches, their effort has taken on a much larger social mission. From its onset, Ripclear was … [More]
To Build Trust, Try B.R.A.V.I.N.G.
Vulnerability is defined as a willingness to feel risk, uncertainty or emotional exposure, according to Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW, in her book Dare to Lead. I know it as the uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach when I am deeply aware that I cannot control the outcome of a situation. In The Thin Book of Trust, author Charles Feltman defined trust this way: “Trust is … [More]
The Risk of Misaligned Values
We are living and leading in tumultuous and vulnerable times. I need only to turn on the news, open my email or tune in to my next Zoom meeting to be faced with a new challenge or crisis. As a leader, I find my core values tested daily. It can be exhausting to show up both bravely and authentically. I’ve learned that the most critical asset of brave, courageous and authentic … [More]
All About Elevating People
Nearly two decades ago, power duo Sherri and Charles Mitchell joined forces in business. As founders of All About People, they have brought a unique perspective to executive placement and recruiting. For the Mitchells and their team, All About People is more than just their company name, it is their core belief. This group has been meeting recruiting needs for corporations … [More]
Sands Chevrolet, Cleaning with Care
Since 1934, Sands Chevrolet has been serving the Valley of the Sun. The company started as a small fuel station and Chevrolet dealership during World War II. Having been overlooked as a potential partner to build tanks for the war, the company was savvy enough to change course and stayed in business by selling bicycles and trailers. Since its early days, this organization has … [More]
Risk: The Heart of Success
Can organizations survive without innovation and creativity? In the early stages of my business, I didn’t realize just how much it did matter. If I stayed focused, took care of our clients and delivered quality work on time, who had time for being creative? The truth is, creativity and innovation are both risky and vital. It’s rare these days to listen to a business expert … [More]
Cancer Treatment Centers of America: Expertise and Altruism
Born out of love and operating in altruism to aid those in need, Cancer Treatment Centers of America is making strides in the way cancer is treated and in how hospitals impact community. CTCA was founded in 1988 by Richard J Stephenson following the death of his mother, Mary Brown Stephenson, from cancer. To keep his mother’s spirit alive, Stephenson vowed to change the face of … [More]