Identity theft comes in many unexpected guises that can harm a business, a realization that prompted LifeLock to sponsor the recently launched Council for Identity Protection. Says Todd Davis, chairman and CEO of LifeLock, “It is our belief that challenges in the digital age are not independent, but must be viewed with a more integrated view of the problem and ultimate solutions.”
Founding board members bring diverse expertise: Stephen Coggeshall, Ph.D., chief technology officer of ID Analytics, a leading consumer risk management solutions provider whose powerful fraud solution he helped design; Ori Eisen, founder and chairman of The 41st Parameter, with ten years in the information technology industry; Chris Jay Hoofnagle, director of the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology’s information privacy programs and senior fellow to the Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic; Markus Jakobsson, Ph.D., principal scientist of consumer security at PayPal and holder of more than 100 patents; Kevin Mitnick, considered to be the “World’s Most Famous Hacker” and author of several books on fraud and criminal methods; and David Montague, founder and president of The Fraud Practice whose background includes an in-depth application of innovative solutions for preventing business-to-consumer e-commerce fraud.
An issue they recently addressed was the wholesale lifting of a business’s website, including testimonials (attributed to fake authors) and claims on social media that the copycat business owner worked for the copied business from 1994 to 2004 — but it wasn’t founded until 1997. It’s not so unusual, as copycat victim Smith Publicity was informed. “I’ve seen it before,” says board member Eisen, referring Smith Publicity to services such as