Whether it’s time to expand to a new market, expand operations or open a new location, most businesses need a loan at some point. Traditional loans work well for many financing needs. But there are other creative financing options — sometimes with more favorable terms — that a businessperson should consider for his or her next project. There are many ways to finance growth … [More]
Managing Risk for Business Owners
People often associate “risk” with big things, like a fire, accident or major theft. After all, the definition of risk can be most commonly described as “a situation involving exposure to danger.” But risk can be more subtle, like rising raw material prices or a slow sales period. And what about a business’s risk of losing its top salesperson or its most experienced … [More]
Financial Considerations before Launching a Startup
Even seasoned entrepreneurs will tell you taking your startup from a pipe dream to an actualized business can be an overwhelming process — requiring a serious time and financial commitment. One might have the right idea. One might have the drive. One might even have the initial funding to get one’s startup off the ground. But what really sets an entrepreneur up for long-term … [More]
Finding Financing to Fit One’s Business
For smaller businesses, debt sometimes gets a bad rap. But for many businesses, access to a business line of credit may be not only necessary, but a smart move. Knowing how to select the right line of credit and manage it wisely, rather than managing everything on a cash basis, can help a successful small business become a larger successful business. Financing options can be … [More]
Q4 Market & Economic Update: A Solid Year for Growth
Growth in Arizona slid in the second half of 2016, and is expected to remain at a somewhat slower pace into early 2017. Despite that, the past year has shown a solid expansion in population, jobs, and income, which is expected to continue through 2017. Phoenix was the fastest growing region in the state; through the third quarter of 2016, Phoenix ranked 2nd nationally for … [More]
Q2 Market & Economic Update
Over the past year in Arizona, as well as the Tucson and Phoenix metropolitan areas, growth has risen broadly across most major metrics, notably population, wages and jobs. The 3 percent rate of job growth statewide has also outpaced the national average. Conversely, despite the favorable growth outlook over the next several years, the state is tied strongly to national trends … [More]
Q3 2015 Market and Economic Update
Heading into the fourth quarter, Arizona is showing continued, though measured, positive momentum. According to Arizona’s Economy, a publication of the Economic and Business Research Center (EBRC) at the University of Arizona, as of August, total nonfarm employment in Arizona was up 2.03 percent and hourly wages had improved 2.72 percent year over year. In addition, the … [More]
Q2 2015 Market and Economic Update
As Phoenix moves into the dog days of summer, Arizona investors are mindful that market volatility is heating up due to uncertainty over a resolution of the Greek debt crisis and the timing of the Federal Reserve's first rate hike in almost a decade. Local investors in global financial markets are nervous because Greece and its creditors have failed to agree on a debt deal to … [More]
Arizona Agriculture in 2013
Last month, the 2012 Census of Agriculture mailed forms to farmers and ranchers nationwide asking them questions relating to all areas of farming and ranching operations, including production expenses, market value of products and operator characteristics. In 2007, Arizona was seen as a major agricultural state, ranking third in the nation for total value of vegetables, melons … [More]