Letting People Go: The Secret to a Peaceful Exit Lies in a Transparent Entrance

Firing an employee is the most dreaded of all leadership tasks


No one likes to lay people off. It’s upsetting, painful, and even traumatic—and not just for the person losing their job. In fact, studies have found that managers are almost twice as likely to suffer a heart attack in the week after they fire someone. Unfortunately, letting people go is part of being a leader—and, as many companies ramp up layoffs, it’s a task you might have … [More]

What Businesses Should Consider when Hiring Veterans

by Carlos Lamogliachinchilla

As the country honors the dedicated service of the U.S. armed forces this Veterans Day, it is worth noting many military personnel are currently transitioning into civilian life. These individuals are making this shift at an opportune moment. Traditionally an underutilized and frequently underestimated resource for business leaders, veterans bring a wealth of skills to the … [More]

Talent Strategy – How to Weather the Storm 

6 tips for CEOs and CHROs to navigate uncertainty

by Jesse Meschuk 

CEOs and CHROs began 2023 facing exceptional challenges. A weakening economy, a stubbornly tight labor market, persistent inflation, banking instability, war and a new cultural dynamic in which workplace talent is dispersed globally make the job of managing modern workforces exceptionally turbulent. Navigating these challenges requires an honest, hard look at talent strategy. … [More]

Music Improves Workplace Productivity and Keeps Employees Connected

Create a positive culture that hits the right note every time

by Ross Honey

The most innovative workplaces are proactively seeking fresh ways to stand out from the crowd by dancing to the beat of a new tune and cultivating an environment where teams go against the grain of isolation. Separation from the rest of the team is not what fills our work lives with meaning or satisfaction, so employers are uncovering new opportunities to boost productivity and … [More]

Phoenix-Based Marketing Co. Unveils Whitepaper on the Central Role of CMOs in Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Televerde, a global marketing, sales, and customer success company for B2B businesses worldwide, announced the release of its much-anticipated whitepaper titled "CMOs & Chief DE&I Officers: Joined at the Hip for a DE&I Revolution." Authored by Televerde's Head of Global Marketing Kellie Walenciak, the whitepaper critically examines the pivotal role Chief Marketing … [More]

Best Ways to Recruit Gen-Z Workers

by Heather Cordova

In an era of rapid technological advancements and shifting workforce demographics, businesses must adapt to remain competitive and ensure their long-term success. One of the most significant demographic shifts on the horizon is the rise of Generation Z, who are poised to constitute approximately 30% of the total workforce by 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor … [More]

Filling the Gaps for the Upcoming Retirement Wave 

Ensure knowledge and skills are not lost

by Don Alix

In today’s tight labor market, many managers and business leaders are grappling with the difficulty of recruiting and hiring quality candidates. Exacerbating the challenge is the nearly three million people who retired early due to the pandemic as well as 10,000 baby boomers who reach retirement age daily. And this rate of baby boomers reaching retirement age will continue … [More]

Dealing with Generational Conflict in the Workplace? Focus on Strengths, Not Stereotypes


With four generations in the workplace, there’s bound to be some friction. From “Okay, Boomer” dismissals to gripes about entitled Millennials and tech-obsessed Gen Z, each generation has its own complaints about the others. Meanwhile, Gen Xers tend to be perpetually overlooked—which is hurtful in a different way. The one consistent theme through the generations is that at … [More]

New Study Reveals Alarming Work Dissatisfaction Trends 


A groundbreaking study conducted by Bastion Transform, a part of Bastion Agency, has uncovered startling insights into the prevalent unhappiness among employees in today's workplace. The report reveals that a mere one-third of employees, accounting for 36%, report a high level of satisfaction in their current roles while a staggering 55% express skepticism about their company's … [More]

Hearing Crickets? Five Tips for Coaxing Feedback from a Silent Group


You’re leading a staff meeting or team huddle, and you ask your employees for their input and ideas. Seconds tick by, but all you hear is…crickets. No one is willing to speak up (or make eye contact, for that matter). As you wait for a response that isn’t coming, you feel increasingly uncomfortable and demoralized. We’ve all been there, says workplace management expert Jo … [More]

5 Elements That Make a Good Company Culture


Successfully attracting and keeping talent that helps your company continue to flourish is heavily influenced by one key factor: culture. Many job seekers are even placing a higher value on a company’s culture than their salary when choosing a position. This is a value Better Business Bureau Serving the Pacific Southwest (BBB) holds high, not only with new employees, but every … [More]

Caught Up in an Employee Conflict? Here’s How to Get Out of the Middle


One of your employees is butting heads with a colleague, and they’ve come to you for help solving the problem. This is what you hear: “I can’t talk to So-and-So about this; they’d blow up and make my life miserable,” or, “I tried to smooth this over, but it didn’t work,” or, “You’re our leader; can’t you help?” All of these complaints are typically accompanied by the … [More]

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Propelling Women’s Roles in the Workplace

by Annie Rosencrans

The newly passed Pregnant Workers Fairness Act requires employers with 15 or more employees to make reasonable accommodations for people affected as a consequence of pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, such as fertility treatments or postpartum depression. This is a step in the right direction in helping bring mothers back into the workforce and in narrowing … [More]

Bye-Bye Boss: Why Good Employees Leave and What to Do about It

by Kate Zabriskie

“I can’t take it anymore! We’re short staffed, I’m killing myself to hold it together, nobody says thank you, so goodbye! Life is too short for this. I can work somewhere else.” “I was doing just fine working from home. Now they’re making us go back. Call me crazy, but spending three hours in the car doesn’t excite me. I’m updating my resume this afternoon.” “I’m not … [More]

Why Diversity Efforts Are Crucial: Seven Considerations for Business Leaders

by Susanne Tedrick and Bertina Ceccarelli

You've no doubt likely heard the term diversity, equity and inclusion (or DEI), given such an increased and intense focus on the subject in the last few years. DEI programs, often led by human resources departments, are seen as offering valuable education and interactions and adding to an organization’s moral and ethical “compass.” But DEI efforts are also viewed as measures … [More]

The True Cost of Losing an RFP

by Lisa Rehurek

The most immediate effect of a lost RFP is the absence of new revenue.  Companies depend heavily on their proposal teams to secure opportunity wins on a consistent basis. New contracts equal new revenue, that’s obvious.  However, when a company loses an RFP opportunity, the ripple effect is felt throughout the company. The annual average win rate for government RFP … [More]

Interest in Employee Tracking Trending Up

by Mike Hunter

Recent studies have found that 7 in 10 large companies in the U.S. will be monitoring their employees in the next two years. Careers and resume advice site StandOut CV reviewed which states are most likely to monitor employees according to Google data and determined just exactly what an employer is able to collate and monitor when using these tools. According to Google … [More]

Cybersecurity Training for Employees Is the Most Popular IT Investment among U.S. Companies, Says Survey


Cybersecurity training for employees, as well as the purchase of cybersecurity solutions/services (61% each), are the most popular IT investments among US businesses this year, according to the newest research by NordLayer, a network security solution for businesses. The majority of US companies (67%) have in-house cybersecurity specialists to take care of that, while 24% … [More]

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