Corporate Volunteerism Elevates Workplace Culture

Align initiatives with company’s core values

by Don Alix

Goodwill never goes out of fashion. Many employers and employees want to support those less fortunate but may not see how to find the time or opportunity to do so. As employers, prioritizing corporate volunteerism initiatives is something that can make an indelibly positive impact on workplace culture, including employee morale, engagement and social responsibility. 

Corporate volunteer programs allow employees to easily give back to their community while providing a sense of purpose. When corporate volunteer efforts are authentic, the initiative’s mission easily fits within the company’s culture and impacts its community. The fringe benefit is corporate volunteerism can also serve as a tool to attract and retain talent. 

To establish and find the best fit for corporate volunteer initiatives, it is important to: 

  • determine what kind of help the community needs;
  • incorporate employee feedback from the very beginning so there is immediate buy-in;
  • establish corporate guidelines, such as how much work time employees can spend volunteering at the charity; 
  • secure charity/organization partnership opportunities that align with the company’s values; 
  • quantify the success of the program, such as the number of organizations helped, employee participation rate or the total employee hours volunteered; and 
  • recognize and reward volunteers for their participation. 

The benefits of corporate volunteer efforts are endless.

Develop a Balanced Workplace Culture 

A mix of volunteer activities draws employees from varied backgrounds who are passionate about specific causes. Actively supporting a wide range of volunteering opportunities can demonstrate a company’s commitment to diversity, which can create a more inclusive workplace culture that values and celebrates differences.

To nurture and promote a workplace culture that prioritizes volunteerism, organizations should align volunteering initiatives with the company’s core values and mission. It starts with a company assessing what the community needs and finding the ideal charity partner(s). When companies integrate volunteerism so it becomes a fundamental part of the organization, employers foster a culture that brings social responsibility, collaboration and employee well-being to the forefront.

Foster Team Development 

Engaging in volunteer activities as a team takes employees outside their usual work environment and encourages them to work with each other in different capacities. It provides an opportunity for collaboration and relationship-building among colleagues throughout the organization. Teams can strengthen their bonds, morale and camaraderie through these shared experiences of working together toward a common purpose and goal. Additionally, team members may find a new skill when they are put into an unfamiliar environment. 

For organizations and employees to get the most out of corporate volunteer initiatives and team development, employees should be encouraged to participate as a unit. The employer must take this into consideration when beginning volunteer initiatives, as it is only possible if employees feel they are given or provided the time for team volunteering. If volunteering feels like a burden to employees because work piles up, it will not be as successful as initially intended. 

When teams do volunteer together, having them debrief afterward enables them to learn more about each other, how they work together and the volunteer opportunities/skills they want to work on in the future. 

Boost Brand Awareness 

While corporate volunteer efforts should not be viewed solely as an investment with a direct return, engaging in philanthropic activities can elevate a company’s reputation both internally and externally. Internally, corporate volunteer efforts work well to increase employee engagement and retention. The work that is seen by the public can position the company as a best place to work for potential employees and consumers who see merit in working for and with companies with like values. 

Corporate marketing channels can promote and help raise awareness for the causes a company chooses to support. Highlighting employees volunteering within the organization can further engage the target audiences for both the company and the benefiting nonprofit/organization. Using social media, in particular, encourages others to get involved, further expanding the company’s reach.

Corporate volunteerism is a crucial element in making a positive impact within communities. Prioritizing such initiatives, companies can cultivate a sense of purpose among employees, strengthen teamwork and enhance their reputation and, simultaneously, give back to the community. The result overall is a strong workplace culture. The ripple effect of these efforts extends beyond the immediate beneficiaries, creating a more socially responsible and engaged workforce.  

Don Alix is a Phoenix-based district manager with Insperity, a leading provider of human resources offering business from five to 5,000 employees the most comprehensive suite of scalable HR solutions available in the marketplace. 

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