Leadership & Giving Back: Honoring Our 2024 Women of Achievement

by RaeAnne Marsh

“If I’m not for myself, who will be for me, if not now, when; but if I’m only for myself, what am I?”

Taking a close look at the third part of this quote from Hillel, a noted Jewish philosopher who lived in the first century BC, we agree with the sentiment that doing good for others completes us as individuals.

Our Women of Achievement awards this year celebrate women who take that sentiment to heart and stretch outward with their talents and time to help build a community that fosters a better life for others.

This is part of the leadership they demonstrate in achieving success for their individual organization.

This issue presents our 2024 Women of Achievement — 14 women from different segments of our economy. To honor and celebrate these women, we present on the following pages profiles of our honorees, and let them share their stories in their own words so that we can get to know them.

And they will share the spotlight at our Women of Achievement luncheon event on Oct. 15, when we will come together to celebrate them. We also honor (Hon?) Barbara Barrett, this month’s Guest Editor, as this year’s recipient of the Linda M. Herold Lifetime Achievement Award.

Please meet our 2024 Women of Achievement.

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