Katherine Dei Cas

Executive Vice President, EMD Electronics

Leadership is a skill rooted in authenticity, transparency and a genuine commitment to an environment where both people and ideas can thrive.

Why is honoring achievement important? How does it impact our business community?

Recognizing and celebrating achievements creates a powerful ripple effect that resonates through individuals, organizations and entire communities. By honoring accomplishments, we not only validate individual efforts but also set a standard of excellence that inspires and motivates others. 

In the business world, innovation often springs from the collective strengths of induvial talents. Using recognition as a source of inspiration helps reveal new pathways to success and draw parallels across fields or industries. Validating remarkable work also fosters a culture of positive reinforcement, driving continuous improvement and sparking creativity — key ingredients for any thriving organization. Moreover, celebrating achievements enhances community cohesion and instills a profound sense of purpose and belonging. 

Personally, I find true fulfillment and purpose comes from acting in service of others — on a family level, community level or even global level. Recognition reinforces our connection to one another, reminding us of the powerful bonds we all share. 

What is the single most important thing you have learned throughout your career that would inspire others/other women?

As a female, the illusion of career balance often leads women to feel the need to be everything to everyone and perfect at all things. Career balance is about making choices that best fit your personal situation and often involves making sacrifices. Comparing yourself to others can be a recipe for disappointment because no one has the same definition of career success. 

The important thing is that you focus on understanding yourself and what matters to you. Once you are comfortable with your own definition of success and with making choices that allow you to be your true and authentic self, the world of balance will be yours and that is when you will find true happiness in family and career. 

Juggling a career and family is never easy. What’s important is giving yourself grace to not chase perfection and accept that there will be conflict and choices that have to be made.  

What do you think we can do – now – to make a difference for young people/women in Arizona?

To make a meaningful difference for young people and women in Arizona, we need to focus on enhancing educational and career opportunities. This can be achieved by investing in mentorship programs that connect students and young professionals with experienced mentors in various fields. Expanding access to vocational training and STEM education can equip them with valuable skills for the future job market. 

The drop-off age for young girls in STEM is much earlier than for boys. So, providing educational opportunities early on in elementary school can encourage girls to continue pursuing STEM. This can be paired with programs that help guide them as they advance in education. 

Additionally, creating more affordable childcare options and support systems for working parents can help women balance career aspirations with family responsibilities. 

By fostering a supportive environment that prioritizes both education and career advancement, we can empower young people and women to reach their full potential and contribute positively to their communities.

In A Few Words

  • What was the last course, certification or training you took to improve yourself professionally? Public Speaking Course focused on dealing with high-impact, high-stakes communication situations.
  • What would you say is a single characteristic OTHERS might attribute to you that defines your success? Resilience
  • What is the one thing you feel you could work on professionally to be a greater success? Balance
  • What is the one professional skill you have that has gotten you where you are today? Curiosity
  • What is the single greatest issue facing Arizona today? The state’s remarkable growth brings opportunities but also unprecedented challenges. I am proud to see our community coming together and taking decisive action to foster a sustainable and inclusive environment where talent thrives and innovation blossoms.

About Me

Throughout my 28-year career, I have garnered recognition in the semiconductor industry as a leader who effectively drives operational excellence and business performance, as well as talent development and diversity. 

While proud of my professional track record, I find true fulfillment in serving others, particularly through community leadership and advocacy. I have collaborated with ACA, government institutions and key stakeholders to advance the semiconductor ecosystem in Arizona, while raising awareness about industry challenges and the need for collective action. Additionally, I serve as a volunteer board member with Child Crisis Arizona, advocating for community support of their mission for safe kids and strong families, and with the Aztec lacrosse organization.

See all 2024 Women of Achievement

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