Small Business Marketing Old School Versus New Tools

by Kristin Slice

Old-Way_New-WayIn marketing, things move quickly. Each day brings a new tool. Each week, a new trend. Marketing has one strategy that has stood the test of time: Build relationships and reach people.

The tools we use to build relationships have evolved over time. The good news is, many of the new marketing tools make building relationships easier. Used correctly, the same message leveraged over multiple marketing tools or platforms yields a higher impact.

For example, a direct mail campaign combined with email and LinkedIn connections and posts leverages an organization’s resources. Networking in person is more valuable when you have a solid digital follow-up strategy.

The future holds more and more technology that can make building relationships easier if we embrace the technology and keep sight of the goal: building relationships. They say that content is King. Then, relationships are Queen. Wise businesses use the tools available today to genuinely reach out and connect with people time and time again.

Some say that technology has separated people, made it more difficult to build real relationships. That depends on exactly how technology is used. Rather, think of technology as a marketing tool. Used in concert with all the marketing tools we now have access to, businesses can build a stronger foundation of relationships than ever before.

As marketers, we need to have a tool that we sell people or other businesses. If we told people that we “help your business build relationships,” the first question is always, “How?” Valuing relationships is not something every marketer understands, but when you do, it is integrated in every tool. Every direct mailer, business card, social media post and blog that we put together for our clients is designed to build relationships.

It is easy to get lost in a sea of marketers selling one tool or to get swept up in the storm of the latest trend. As a business owner and a leader, it is your job to keep the course and remember the only way to get to your treasure is a slow and steady course of relationships.

Splash. Giving innovative leaders the tools to build revenue through Printing, Graphic Design and Marketing.

We’re on a mission to empower small businesses and build community. We make it simple to market your business. Custom proven strategies. Locally owned and operated from the Scottsdale Airpark for over 25 years. 

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