News from Global Chamber

by Global Chamber®

Chapters on Every Continent

With chapters on every continent, Global Chamber® offers members the ability to be connected to someone you know, like and trust in every region of the world. Do business in one metro? Join a local chamber. Do business across metros? Join the growing number!

—Kim Bridges, marketing manager at Global Chamber®

Growing to 500 Metros

We’ve mapped out a global growth plan for Global Chamber® to 525 metropolitan areas around the world. The metros were chosen based on size and connectivity to other cities — and, in particular, we considered the worldwide Sister Cities International network. Join us to connect to opportunities in other metros.

—Shiena Amigo, community developer at Global Chamber®

Virtual Groups

Global Chamber® offers the world’s first virtual connecting tool by a chamber of commerce that is dedicated to helping companies grow across all borders. Lower risk and accelerate global growth success. It’s simple and global, making you unstoppable! Contact us for more information.

—Arielle Cottrell, marketing manager at Global Chamber®

Export CirclesSM

Export Circles combines the known benefits of peer-to-peer advisory with a focus on exporting and international business. You can be surrounded by the export resources you need, available for your every move, and have a board of global business advisors to discuss challenges and opportunities real-time. Contact us.

—Don Henninger, board advisor at Global Chamber®


Nobuo Yoneyama with Ambassador Fujisaki and a delegation that came to the U.S. in 2015.


Luis Nunez with Mayor Acosta and other leaders launching in Sonora, Mexico.


Korina Smith presenting at her launch event, at Squire Patton Boggs in downtown Dallas.

Denver, Dallas, Detroit and Delhi

Global Chamber® is ahead of schedule in our global rollout, in 40 metros by year-end 2015 versus our goal of 30. We have big plans these next few years to get to 525 metro areas, and allow member companies to better connect across every border, every day and in every segment.

Here are pictures from our executive directors around the world:

—Dakota Drake, operations manager at Global Chamber®

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