Building an International Economic Network (“BIEN”)

by Alana Chavez-Langdon

BEIN-logoAre you making all the best business contacts? Connecting your business to just the right people in a new trade region can be challenging. The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) and its partners have launched a first-of-its-kind website that allows companies in Arizona, Mexico and Canada to directly connect with each other. Using a comprehensive database, you can search for compatible companies that you might not otherwise have known existed.

“BIEN,” which means “good” or “right” in Spanish and French, is an acronym for “Building an International Economic Network.” The website ( enables small and medium-sized companies to expand their supply chain networks and identify growth and collaboration opportunities with other businesses in Arizona as well as with those in Mexico and Canada — Arizona’s top two trading partners. 

Participation in the database is free, and it’s easy to register your business on BIEN. Simply click the “Join” link at the bottom of the BIEN home page, create a business profile, and, within moments, your company will be mapped and available for business connections. The self-reporting system allows you to add information about the products and services you offer by industry category. Site visitors can find businesses using various search factors, including company name, distance or type of business. Connection opportunities are unlimited — examples include supplying products and services, facilitating cross-border commerce and exchanging information.

The website is available in English and Spanish, and soon will be available in French. It’s hosted by MAG in cooperation with the Arizona Commerce Authority, Arizona Department of Transportation, Arizona Mexico Commission, Canada Arizona Business Council, U.S. Commercial Service, Global Chamber and other strategic partners.

Alana Chavez-Langdon is the regional analyst in the International Economic Development and Infrastructure Initiatives at Maricopa Association of Governments.

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