It’s amazing how connecting dots makes the work of HR and recruiting teams so much easier. Knowing what the business does, how it makes money, and what’s happening in that industry is important. So is knowing what hiring managers are looking for – and how to interact with the right candidates. And yet, many recruitment professionals are not doing these things. The best HR … [More]
Job Hunters’ Pet Peeves – Employers, Take Heed
Layoffs have surged over the past year, causing an increase in job hunting. As this hunt is the reality for many Americans, the system of applying for a new job is hardly seamless, even when done online. From hard-to-navigate online job portals to being ghosted by an employer, many candidates have job-hunting pet peeves that make the process difficult. JobSage was interested … [More]
Quiet Constraint – The New Workplace Villain
The 2022 Workplace Culture Report recently released by Kahoot!, the global learning and engagement platform company, reveals that “quiet constraint” is Corporate America’s current hidden threat at work. According to the data from a new third-party survey of U.S. enterprise workers, more than half (58%) employees say they hold in valuable knowledge they could share with their … [More]
Attract Executive Talent in a Post-Pandemic Recruitment World
Much talk of labor challenges, employee turnover and the Great Resignation this past year has focused on rank-and-file workers and mid-level talent. But CEOs and other top executives have not been immune to these forces. The Great Resignation Spreads to the C-Suite Nearly 70% of executives are seriously considering leaving their jobs, according to a recent Deloitte report. … [More]
How Employers Can Rehabilitate a Toxic Workplace
A McKinsey study from July found that toxic workplace behavior is the strongest predictor of employee burnout and intent to resign, with more than 60% of negative workplace outcomes resulting from toxic workplace behavior. In fact, according to a study from MIT Management Review, a culture employees describe as toxic is 10 times more likely to lead to turnover than … [More]
Women’s Pay Today: 3 New Stats to Know
While recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows women’s labor participation is on the rise, the gender wage gap continues to be a top concern for many female professionals. Recent White House data shows the average woman working full-time, year-round, for wages or a salary earned 83 cents for every dollar paid to their average male counterpart. A recent Robert … [More]
Will Rudeness Slam the Upcoming Tourist Season?
A national survey recently asked residents in the 30 largest metro areas to rate their cities in a way that could give potential tourists a glimpse of what to expect if they decide to visit there. It asked them to evaluate the rudeness levels of their cities to give travelers a sense of what kind of attitudes they might encounter. Phoenix did not fare well in the Preply … [More]
It’s an ‘Arms Race’ of Lavish Job Perks
The great resignation and war for talent have brought out the best in employers. From better pay to flexible hours, and resources for managing work/life balance. But, where do they draw the line? The war for talent, the ‘Great Resignation’ and the challenge of compensating staff in inflationary times all mean that employers are now offering ever more lavish benefits, in a … [More]
Can “Quiet Quitters” Be Fired? Yes, But Be Careful!
People are fighting back against going the extra mile; instead, doing only the bare minimum at work. This is “quiet quitting.” Seventy-nine percent of American workers are burned out, compared to just 9% who are thriving and engaged, according to Gallup. Employees who are not engaged perform 33% lower than their engaged counterparts. Employers know who the quiet quitters … [More]
The Brain-Friendly Workplace
The workplace of tomorrow is a hybrid ecosystem that thrives on flexibility and diversity of thought, enabling all employees to reach peak performance. Every person’s brain is different, and, by taking an inclusive view toward neurosignature diversity, organizations can get a competitive advantage. In The Brain-Friendly Workplace, Friederike Fabritius offers a science-based … [More]
Leading Inclusion
In this groundbreaking book, organizational psychologist and executive coach Gena Cox, Ph.D., delivers the message that humans vary, and human variation is normal. Yet true inclusion that embraces these variations remains elusive in the workplace. That traumatizing state of affairs will continue until executives lead inclusion from the top of the organization. Drawing on … [More]
Pilot Program Highlights Why Hybrid Working Needs a New Approach to Talent Development
Insights from a talent development project with a large US metropolitan public works department have highlighted the key learning challenges faced by managers in today’s hybrid workplace. In May 2022 confidence in managing hybrid employees showed 53% of managers rated their confidence 3 or below on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being high. In the same month, 57% of managers … [More]
Suntec’s Philanthropy Benefits Community – and Employees
Suntec Concrete and its employees have been doing their part since 2008 to help vital members of the community: teachers. Again this year, Suntec, the largest commercial concrete contractor in the Southwest, delivered care packages to nearly 100 teachers across Arizona, Utah and Colorado as part of its Teacher Appreciation program. Suntec adds a special touch to this … [More]
How to Have Difficult Conversations About Race
Negotiation expert Kwame Christian’s motto is, “The best things in life are on the other side of difficult conversations.” If we want a more equitable workplace, and a more equitable world, we have to talk to each other about race. But, for so many of us, that’s easier said than done. Many people avoid conversations about race because of fear — fear of discomfort, damaging … [More]