Trying to Find Your ‘Why’? Maybe You Should Concentrate on Your ‘When’

It’s become a truism in some circles that the road to success and fulfillment involves finding your “why.” Once you’ve found that “why,” the thinking goes, you are on your way to purpose and fulfillment. But perhaps latching onto your “why” actually involves discovering your “when.” Maybe “when” we exist on the continuum of our journey is what provides the key to … [More]

What HR Professionals Need to Know about HR Tech

by Tomas Laurinavicius 

HR technology refers to the many different kinds of apps, software and online tools that allow already established and aspiring businesses alike to properly manage their staff in a fairer, more efficient way by tackling virtually every single aspect of human resources. The importance of technology in this particular field should not be understated at all; it involves … [More]

Heading Back to Work at the Office? Here’s How to Ease Tension

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, complicated by the Delta variant, more employees are being called back to the office and many are not happy about it. A survey by GoodHire found that 45% of workers would either quit or start a remote job search if required to return to their office full-time. And 68% said they would choose remote work over in-office work. The two-part … [More]

How Top Recruiters Create New Avenues to Find Premium Candidates

by Kathleen Duffy

Maybe you’re a frustrated hiring manager who has filled the same sales position over and over, only to see employees leave after a year or two. Or perhaps you’re a member of a board that is struggling to find a new CEO to lead a firm facing significant market challenges. Across the U.S. nearly three-fourths of employers are having a difficult time finding qualified … [More]

Labor Shortage? Could Be a Job for Our Military Veterans

by Rose Tring

As the economy continues to surge in a post-pandemic recovery, veterans are among those seeking opportunities for employment in a labor market desperate for experienced and dedicated workers. Labor experts say it’s a job-seekers market now with more opportunities available than people to fill the positions. Although the country is not at full employment, part of that is a … [More]

In Company Protocols, What about the 2.7 Billion Deskless Workers?

by Joe Ross 

So much has changed in the last year, and the way businesses operate is no exception. The pandemic accelerated the pace of change for many companies as they were forced to abandon old ways of communicating with their workforces, especially the 2.7 billion deskless workers. Corporations had no choice but to say goodbye to notices on bulletin boards hanging by the time clock and … [More]

Beyond the Résumé

by Aaron Elder 

With the equivalent of 305 million full-time jobs being lost globally since COVID-19 hit, the future of the workforce is a complex topic these days as it has changed so quickly over the past 12-plus months. Now, as the world reopens, there are still 7.4 million job openings to be filled across industries, and experts continue to predict an increase in Americans moving on from … [More]

Corporate Social Responsibility Matters in Attracting Talent

by Heather Salerno

To support global hiring efforts, Appcast recently announced findings from the 2021 “Decoding Global Talent” series. Compiled by Boston Consulting Group (BCG), The Network and Appcast, the report reveals the impact of social and COVID-19 crises on U.S. workers’ preferences and expectations. Nearly 209,000 workers in 190 countries — including more than 6,300 workers in the … [More]

Avoiding the Turnover Tsunami 

by Ville Houttu

Employee turnover is always a looming concern for businesses. But, as the pandemic slows down and the world begins to recover, employee turnover has started to emerge as one of the most pressing issues in the workforce; in fact, many experts are warning of a “turnover tsunami.”  According to a recent report, more than half of employees surveyed in North America plan to look … [More]

Partnership Announced to Provide Cost-Effective, High-Quality Employee Benefit Solutions

VensureHR, the human resources consulting and support division of Vensure Employer Services, is proud to announce a partnership with Papaya Global, a cloud-based SaaS automation platform for payroll and workforce management. This partnership helps support VensureHR’s global initiative to streamline essential business tasks, minimize business-related threats, and provide … [More]

Arizona Workers’ Compensation Claim Frequencies are 42% Above US Average, Says Report

AmTrust Financial Services, Inc.

AmTrust Financial Services, Inc., a global specialty property and casualty insurer, today released the AmTrust 2021 Contractor Risk Report, identifying common injuries and the resulting time off work for the specialized group. The report, based on 26,000 workers’ compensation claims over 10 years, found that companies in business less than four years make up 75 percent of … [More]

Are Your Best Employees Accepting Recruiter Calls?

Finding and hiring the right talent is often a difficult task for companies, but retaining workers with high-level skills is becoming even harder as people leave their jobs in droves, looking for improvements in pay, work-life balance, management, and work culture. In digital marketing – a crucial component for business growth – talent retention has never been more critical, … [More]

Disruptive Innovators Open Themselves to Attack, 5 Pitfalls to Avoid


Disruptive Innovation refers to taking a complex product or service meant for a highly skilled consumer and making it more accessible to a broader population. The disruption occurs by displacing established competitors. Companies like Uber and Airbnb are great examples of disruptive innovators. However, businesses that upend their respective industries' long-standing rules to … [More]

The Best Ways to Optimize Productivity

by Adam Witty

The pandemic has brought with it myriad challenges that will likely continue to impact us for years. But these strange and unprecedented times have also ushered in some unique benefits that are definitely worth noting, especially when today’s twenty-four-hour news cycle is bringing you down. And when it comes to professional progress, this one is a biggie: … [More]

What the Hybrid Workplace Means for the Future of Hiring

by Nick Iovacchini

Right now, there are two critical things currently happening in many workspaces that could shape businesses for years to come. The first is that hybrid work is becoming the new normal. People are slowly streaming back into the office thanks to the COVID vaccine, but many are still working from home, either for logistical or health reasons. Thus, a combination of working from … [More]

Feedback: August 2021

by Larry Hofer, Barbara Kennedy, Brad Schenck, Mary Vesely

Q: How have you gotten the word out about, or marketed, your DEI policies and achievements?  Larry Hofer VP of People Services Cox Communications’ Southwest Region Sector: Communication At Cox, we champion inclusion, reflect our diverse communities and empower our great people to build a better future together. This is our vision for Cox’s diversity, equity and … [More]

How Tech Companies Improve Sourcing New Talent

by Portia Kibble-Smith

Contrary to popular belief, there is not a talent crunch in the tech industry. Rather, the real issue lies in how tech companies are sourcing and selecting technical talent. As a new group of graduates enters the workforce, companies should think outside the “normal” recruitment lifecycle box. One of those ways is to recruit outside of traditional campus talent … [More]

Employers Delay Promotions Due to Pandemic

by Travis Laird

The pandemic put a pause on everything, including raises. In a recent study by professional staffing firm Robert Half, more than half of U.S. employers (59%) revealed that they put off promoting top performers due to COVID-19. In addition, nearly four in 10 U.S. workers surveyed (38%) confirmed that their careers had stalled since the start of the pandemic. They report feeling … [More]

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