The fire alarm rings. Instantly, trained personnel leap into action. The dispatcher pinpoints the location and provides clear directions to the firemen and firewomen headed to the scene. Upon arrival, the first responders assess the situation and react with seamless teamwork and precision. Everyone has a role to play, everyone is prepared and the situation stays under … [More]
Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies
This book shows businesspeople how to apply the marketing savvy they already have to the social media their prospects are using, helping to get and keep more customers, make more sales and boost the company’s bottom line. Find the business side and explore the variety of social media options and research where the target audience hangs out. Discover ways to simplify posting in … [More]
Blogging to Drive Business: Create and Maintain Valuable Customer Connections
Plenty of businesses are already blogging and millions more are considering creating blogs. But how does a business build a blog that really works — really builds business and profits? How do companies identify and craft the blogging content and communities that will be most effective for them? This how-to guide shows how to go beyond “one size fits all” business blogging, … [More]
Kristin Bloomquist: Harnessing the Power of Relationships
To Kristin Bloomquist, general manager of Cramer-Krasselt’s Phoenix office, an advertising career is all about creating relationships. “I got into the work of advertising because I was fascinated by the creativity of it,” she says. “I also loved the business part of it … [the ability] to partner with clients to grow their business.” Examples across a multitude of clients … [More]