COVID-19 Impacts International Travel

by Rebecca Bernhard

Crossing U.S. borders has never been easy, but today’s business travelers face an unprecedented range of issues amidst a constantly-shifting legal and regulatory landscape. Within the past month alone, the U.S. government has rolled out three new sets of travel restrictions: an expansion of the “Trump Travel Ban,” a so-called “birth tourism” ban, and a travel ban designed to … [More]

Who Needs Ergonomics? COVID-19 Tips & Strategies

by Mike Hunter

During these trying times, people are working from home in what has become an unplanned work-at-home experiment the likes of which we’ve never seen. “While many of us have had work from home opportunities in the past, this is going to pose a great challenge as no one really had time to prepare. It’s important to keep ergonomics in mind as you adjust to the new normal and your … [More]

Don’ts and Dos on Coronavirus

by Jane M. Orient, M.D.

Some of the views expressed here are controversial. So, do ask your doctor. I hope you have one — not just the HMO or retail clinic “provider.” Don’t panic. That is always good advice. If you, like the world’s economy, operate on just-in-time inventories and did not take advice to stock up three weeks ago, do not join a mob at a big-box store. Somebody there is no doubt … [More]

Largest U.S. International Broadcaster Moves Global Newsrooms Remotely into Journalists’ Homes During COVID-19 Pandemic

Voice of America | March 31, 2020

As the COVID-19 global pandemic continues to spread, Voice of America has moved its entire global newsroom remotely into the homes of hundreds of its journalists around the world in order to continue coverage of this historic moment.  VOA is the nation’s largest international broadcaster, providing news and information in more than 40 languages to an estimated weekly audience … [More]

Adaptive Reuse: New Life for Phoenix

by Dustin Riley

It’s been said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” The views of a vacant, neglected office building may not conjure up beautiful thoughts, but a close look may show this rundown building to be the perfect place to live. That vision is what allows us to breathe new life into an aging office building through adaptive reuse development, transforming it into a unique … [More]

Don’t Get Ill Over Earned Paid Sick Time

by Alejandro Pérez

Earned Paid Sick Time is a surprisingly complex law that requires exacting compliance. Failure to adhere to its requirements can expose a business to serious liability. But, it’s nothing to get sick over. Careful planning and thoughtful policies will help avoid potential litigation. I review employee handbooks on a routine basis. One thing I find most employers get wrong is … [More]

Recruitment Practices Fall Short

by Maciej Duszyński

With unemployment rates hitting all-time lows, the tables have turned on employers. It’s a job seeker’s market and they get to choose. One bad experience, and it’s the hiring company who’ll get the “thank you, next” treatment. So, what do the candidates expect of the potential employer? Zety asked 1,010 Americans about their experiences and expectations for the recruitment … [More]

Restaurants Take Girl Scout Cookie Dessert Challenge

by RaeAnne Marsh

Too many people equate “Girl Scouts” with “ Girl Scout cookies.” The program is far more comprehensive and defies a simple summary, but it’s true that the cookie sales program keeps Girl Scouts in the public eye. Girl Scout cookies have come a long way from when, baked at home by the Girl Scouts themselves for fundraising, they were also evidence of culinary skills. Local … [More]

Risking: The Heart of Daring Leadership

by Eileen Rogers

Vulnerability is not a concept I learned in business school. Nor, for that matter, theories about soft skills such as self-awareness, risk, emotional IQ, shame or courageous leadership. Yet, for today’s leaders to be relevant, effective and impactful, these ideas must become part of our everyday vocabulary and being. “Command and control,” “armored leadership” and/or fear … [More]

Legal Pitfalls of Unsolicited Texting and Calling

by Garrett Olexa

For businesses that use texting as a marketing tool, it is critical that they become familiar with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). Some of the largest well-known companies in the country have paid millions in settlements and verdicts for alleged violations of the TCPA. Capital One reportedly agreed to pay more than $73 million to settle a TCPA class action. Dish … [More]

Gender-Specialized Telehealth Solutions Can Improve Employee Productivity

by Bill Goodwin

As the price of healthcare continues to rise, many businesses have to make tough decisions where it comes to providing benefits that offer care and services their employees want and need. Those decisions must encompass what to provide and to what extent, in order to maximize employee engagement while controlling costs. And, in today’s low unemployment environment, companies … [More]

How to Halt the Tide of Environmental Decline that Threatens the Viability of Our Modern World

by Simon Lamb

This question haunts everyone who cares about the world our grandchildren will inherit. Older readers will remember how it was just half a century ago — vibrant and thriving. In the post-war economic boom, governments were oblivious to the slippery slope ahead, the warnings of respected ecologists left unheeded. In due course, this generation will pass on, and, like those who … [More]

Investment in Smart Buildings Moving Up the Agenda

by James de la Salle

Our new research among landlords, property managers, agents and suppliers reveals that investment in smart building technologies is finally moving up the agenda. There is increasing recognition of their ability to create efficiencies in commercial real estate, bringing costs down, increasing tenant satisfaction, improving space management and ensuring strong energy … [More]

Leadership Disrupted

by Andy Maurer

At its core, leadership is about cultivating relationships, building trust and inspiring influence. Leadership guru Dale Carnegie was so convinced of this reality that he spent his lifetime teaching people how to “win friends and influence people.” Leadership development consultants Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman studied 300,000 business leaders and identified 10 key qualities … [More]

Paranoia and the Big Attention Gap

by Mike Hunter

The problem with industrial espionage is not only that is growing in volume and complexity every day, but that its threat is being used by rivals and governments to discredit perfectly honest and legitimate businesses that do not deserve the slur. What is also curious is that the danger need not be only non-existent, but not even something an individual rival is greatly … [More]

Tax Issues for Arizona Retailers and Taxpayers

by Otto S. Shill III

In the summer of 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court officially recognized our country’s significant shift from local to online sales of goods by overruling the longstanding precedent that previously prevented state and local governments from imposing sales taxes unless a seller had a physical connection or “nexus” with the state. While earlier decisions had determined that physical … [More]

Pushing Down the Pain

by Andy Maurer

Something is stirring deep beneath the often-polished exterior of startup founders, CEOs and entrepreneurs. Studies have revealed startling rates of toxic stress and disruptive mental health conditions among this population. A study by KPMG Enterprises revealed that 66 percent of founders say their role is extremely or very stressful and 40 percent reported working seven days a … [More]

Financial Wellness Is Workplace Benefit for All

by Rob Schwister

As more and more business owners offer retirement and healthcare benefits for their employees, the question is: What else can I do? This isn’t purely altruistic; while employers do want to help employees live well, benefits are also critical to a company’s success. Eighty-five percent of Americans are nervous about their financial lives, and 65 percent lose sleep over money. … [More]

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