Cómo negociar su contrato de arrendamiento comercial durante COVID-19

por Edgar R. Olivo

La pandemia, las protestas, la falta de liderazgo, la economía en declive y la poca confianza en el mercado, han hecho la negociación de un arrendamiento comercial un problema financiero grande para los propietarios de pequeñas empresas. Como vemos todos los días en las noticias, las pequeñas empresas están a la vanguardia de los toques de queda y los cierres obligatorios. … [More]

How Small-Business Owners Are Negotiating Their Lease with Commercial Landlords during COVID-19

by Edgar R. Olivo

The pandemic, protests, lack of leadership, declining economy and low confidence in the market have made negotiating a commercial lease a major financial problem for small-business owners. As we see every day in the news, small businesses are at the forefront of stay-at-home orders, curfews and mandated closures. Most cannot afford to wait for these major obstacles to pass, … [More]

More than $748M in Arizona Unemployment Assistance Issued Last Week, Highest Ever

Arizona Department of Economic Security

The Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) announced the availability of Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), which provides a 13-week extension of benefits to individuals who have exhausted their state unemployment insurance (UI) and remain unemployed. PEUC launched on June 7. “While Arizona is safely reopening, there is still a significant need for … [More]

Loan Program Adjusted for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

Federal Reserve Board

The Federal Reserve Board on Monday expanded its Main Street Lending Program to allow more small and medium-sized businesses to be able to receive support. The Board lowered the minimum loan amount, raised the maximum loan limit, adjusted the principal repayment schedule to begin after two years, and extended the term to five years, providing borrowers with greater flexibility … [More]

Return to Work: Trust and Transparency are Keys to Renewal in Reentry

by Mike Hunter

“The new phase that we’re entering is almost like a spaceship coming back to Earth,” Adam says. “We are reentering mid-pandemic. People are wearing masks at work, not able to huddle up physically even if they're in the same office.” People accustomed to seeing each other daily for long periods have been apart and changed due to their unique circumstances. How organizations … [More]

Doctor’s Top Tips for Making Your Workplace Safe

by Dr. Jonathan Spero

The offices, warehouses, and manufacturing plants that America’s workers are starting to return to may look the same as they did months ago, but the feel inside will be largely different. The coronavirus has changed the workplace environment as we knew it for the foreseeable future. Companies welcoming back employees to their facilities are subject to a duty of care that … [More]

How Businesses Are Implementing the CDC Guidelines to Reopen Safely

by Edgar R. Olivo

As reopening across America is underway, many businesses are left wondering if they are doing enough to follow CDC guidelines to keep their workers and customers safe while making a profit. This is one of the many challenges small businesses will have to overcome soon to regain confidence in the marketplace. The CDC has published guidelines and decision tools to safely reopen … [More]

Small Business Administration Updates on PPP and EDIL

Small Business Administration Arizona

The Small Business Administration Arizona, today, released the following updates for Arizona small businesses related to the PPP LOan and EDIL Loan programs SBA Releases PPP Loan Forgiveness Application and Instructions The SBA, in consultation with the Department of the Treasury, released the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Forgiveness Application (Spanish … [More]

Child Care, Youth Sports Can Resume with Guidance

State of Arizona Office of the Governor

Governor Doug Ducey and Arizona Department of Health Service Director Dr. Cara Christ today provided public health updates for Arizonans, including issuing guidance for organized youth sports and activities to resume. The Governor also signed an Executive Order increasing collaboration among Arizona hospitals and ensuring patient transfers can take place smoothly and … [More]

Hands-Free Door Adapters & Modular Sneeze Guards Boost Safety and Morale at Work


Businesses looking for quick, effective ways to protect employees and customers, as well as enhance their feeling of well-being, can now access Hands-Free Door Adapters and Sneeze Guards from Indow. These innovations help reduce disease transmission in the workplace. Indow Hands-Free Door Adapters allow people to open doors with their forearms instead of their hands. They’re … [More]

Tempe Offers Free Expansion of Premises Permits for Qualified Businesses

City of Tempe

Starting this week, businesses can apply for an expansion of premises permit at no charge. This permit allows businesses to expand into the right of way, their parking lots or other spaces with the appropriate permissions. City staff is expediting review of these applications to ensure the safety of our community and first responders while providing businesses more room to … [More]

New Polls: Minorities Struggle to Secure PPP Loans


Alignable.com, the largest online referral network for small businesses, has just compiled the results of several recent polls on the Paycheck Protection Program that show it has fallen short for many small-business owners. Some of the hardest hit include companies owned by minorities and minority women, as well as small-business people just starting as … [More]

Phoenix Municipal Court to Require the Wearing of Masks

Phoenix Municipal Court

To provide guidance and direction in transitioning all Arizona courts back to full operations from the COVID-19 public health emergency declared in March 2020 by Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, the Arizona Supreme Court, the governing authority of all Arizona courts, has issued Administrative Order 2020-079.  The order directs all Arizona courts to implement plans to prevent all, … [More]

Phoenix-Based Bank Donates $150,000 to AZ Coronavirus Relief Fund

State of Arizona Office of the Governor

Western Alliance Bank has donated $150,000 to the AZ Coronavirus Relief Fund, supporting Arizona’s medical professionals and families in need. The fund has received more than $8.2 million in donations, which will be used to help mitigate the medical and economic impact of COVID-19 in Arizona. “Arizona’s business community continues to step up to provide aid where it’s … [More]

Manufacturers Unveil Industry COVID-19 Shared Practices

Manufacturing Leadership Council

The Manufacturing Leadership Council, a division of the National Association of Manufacturers, released a new collection of emerging strategies and operational practices that leading manufacturers of all sizes are implementing to keep their employees safe and facilities operating. The MLC’s “New Operational Practices to Consider in the Time of COVID-19” brings together the best … [More]

Phoenix Grants $14M for Small and Micro Businesses and Restaurants

City of Phoenix

The city of Phoenix is helping its small businesses, microbusinesses and restaurants to the tune of $14 million. With a new round of grants, the mayor and council are directing a portion of the city’s federal CARES Act funding into the hands of struggling Phoenix businesses through the Phoenix Small Business Resiliency Grants Program. The Resiliency grants include a second … [More]

HVAC Systems Can Help Protect You, Your Employees and Your Customers

by Allison Sakara

The World Health Organization has determined that environmental factors such as poor indoor air quality, poor water quality and noise pollution are detrimental to the overall health of the world’s population. The CDC Interim Guidance to Businesses and Employers recommends all businesses “increase the amount of air exchanges in the common work areas and other rooms employees … [More]

Consumer Study on Tech Services during COVID-19 Pandemic


TechSee, a global leader in Computer Vision AI-enabled visual assistance, has published the results of a U.S. study on consumer expectations of technical support and technician visits during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results indicate that while most still expect their providers to resolve service and equipment issues as quickly and effectively as before the pandemic (57 … [More]