The Global Wellness Institute™ (GWI), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to empower wellness worldwide, reminds wellness seekers that there is evidence-based, medical research available on mainstream wellness modalities. Since the launch of in 2015, the GWI’s researchers have made it their mission to help individuals more easily sift through … [More]
Cleanly Aware: COVID-19 Tips & Strategies
As the pandemic unfolds, U.S. schools and businesses are taking extra precautions to keep their environments clean and healthy. For example, OpenWorks — a commercial cleaning and facilities services company that specializes in corporate, healthcare and education facilities — has seen a sharp increase in demand for cleaning and advanced measures, such as electrostatic … [More]
Keeping Safe through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Safety for each of us depends on all of us following safety guidelines. That has never been more true than now. The information on this page comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There is a critical difference between COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses: With most respiratory viruses, people are thought to be the most contagious when they are sick and … [More]
Who Needs Ergonomics? COVID-19 Tips & Strategies
During these trying times, people are working from home in what has become an unplanned work-at-home experiment the likes of which we’ve never seen. “While many of us have had work from home opportunities in the past, this is going to pose a great challenge as no one really had time to prepare. It’s important to keep ergonomics in mind as you adjust to the new normal and your … [More]
Don’ts and Dos on Coronavirus
Some of the views expressed here are controversial. So, do ask your doctor. I hope you have one — not just the HMO or retail clinic “provider.” Don’t panic. That is always good advice. If you, like the world’s economy, operate on just-in-time inventories and did not take advice to stock up three weeks ago, do not join a mob at a big-box store. Somebody there is no doubt … [More]