Grow Your Business in the Philippines – a Member Success Story  - Greater Phoenix In Business Magazine

Grow Your Business in the Philippines – a Member Success Story 

by Cesar Trabanco

What do you do when one of your largest customers needs your help — right now — but is outside your home country? Do you have the connections you need to resolve their challenge? Think about it for a second. Is it realistic for you to be everywhere — to be able, for instance, to make one call that will make your task a little easier and less risky?

Global Chamber® helped Delta Technology do exactly that.

Lyle Rusanowski, CEO of Delta Technology and member of Global Chamber, received a call from one of his largest customers who needed his help. His distributor based in Manila was short-staffed and having trouble keeping up with the installation and maintenance calls of his Delta customers. He needed to hire local people who could be trained and quickly put to work.

Lyle reached out to Global Chamber and was immediately connected with Global Chamber Manila Executive Director Colin Christie, who worked directly with Lyle to help him and his Manila distributor. Colin identified candidates, secured meetings and even attended meetings to help with translation and to work through some of the legalities involved with direct hires in Manila. He assisted with the language and cultural differences and contributed several options for approaching hiring that would enable Delta to expedite the process.

Colin’s experience in outsourcing back-office services and his connections in the region were instrumental in helping Lyle find reliable resources, understand local hiring practices and feel comfortable in moving the process forward.

“Colin helped make my trip to Manila successful and productive. I left the visit with a much better understanding of the challenges involved with local hires and opportunities that it provided. And most importantly, I left with good options and a path forward.”

Cesar Trabanco is the business services manager at Global Chamber®