Global Chamber at Thunderbird – Update 

by Yvonne Luker

Global Chamber® moved into our new global headquarters from SkySong into the new headquarters of Thunderbird School of Global Management in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, in April, 2022. We thank CEO/Dean Sanjeev Khagram for the support and collaboration. Thunderbird School of Global Management is the world’s premier leadership and management school and was named No. 1 international trade higher education school in the world through Hinrich Foundation. Thunderbird is a worldwide network of leaders, managers, entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs innovating across the private and public sectors to shape a global business future.

“Welcome, members of Global Chamber®,” said CEO Dr. Sanjeev Khagram, director general and dean of Thunderbird School of Global Management since 2018. Dr. Khagram has overseen the revitalization of Thunderbird, now part of Arizona State University, ranked No. 1 ‘Most Innovative School’ for five consecutive years.

Come visit us in Room 109 on the 1st floor, southeast corner. Members and leaders stop by all the time, and just let us know a day or more ahead for our planning, too. Last month, Marco Gomez stopped by (shown), founding executive director of Global Chamber® Lima, Peru.

We hold events in the Global Forum — that larger round room near the entrance of the building. Our first large event in that grand space was the Global Semiconductor Summit last year, and we have a reprise coming up in February, in coordination with Consulate General of Japan in Los Angeles and semiconductor leaders from the U.S., Japan, Taiwan and more.

We also hold events in our room on the 1st floor and in classrooms primarily on the 3rd floor, including the signature events Women in Global Leadership PHX and the International State of the Metro PHX. And we hold ‘After 5’ events upstairs at The Pub, like December’s post-Advisory Board meeting with Dr. Sanjeev Khagram, Tempe Mayor Corey Woods and the Doc Jones Ensemble, playing jazz. Welcome!

Yvonne Luker is managing director at Global Chamber®.

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