To Export: Connect, Embrace and Commit

by Doug Bruhnke

Exporting is not easy. Less than 1 percent of U.S. companies export. But at least 20 percent of U.S. companies have operating systems in place to be successful with international expansion. Here are three tips to help you be more effective in your global growth.

1) Connect. Start your global journey on the right foot with good ideas and resources, and then stay connected to those resources as you go. Too few companies get started with international business, and fewer still do the right things down the road. Because three months later, when there’s a bump in the road, you’ll need to see the bump and respond effectively to it.

2) Embrace. Love this journey you’re embarking on. It is a world of new culture, countries, differences, complexities, food, logistics, marketing, law, accounting — all of the key areas that will support your business success. Wrap your brain and arms all around it. You may not like some of these things — like international tax. Yikes. But someone in your world should love it, know it, and keep you on the straight and narrow.

3) Commit. Too many of us have had global ideas and, because they seemed too scary, too risky and too much for us to tackle, period, we stopped. Often what’s missing is the commitment to your idea, your business and your opportunity to grow. It’s challenging and daunting to export. But you can do it, and it’s something any business can do if you’re connected to the right people and you make the commitment to see it through.

Doug Bruhnke is the founder and CEO of Global Chamber®.

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