At the Global Chamber®, we believe if you want to have a global career, you should have a global career — wherever you wish to live. And your company should have access to special global executives and professionals to lead growth. That’s why part of our daily goal is to connect members who want a global career to more companies that offer global jobs, and vice-versa. Browse our job opportunities and join our global talent community.
And if you have a consulting business that targets global companies, you can connect in through our global tribe, too! Take your career across borders and have the life you want. As an executive looking for talent, gain access to the global tribe. As a consultant, connect to global companies who will value your services.
For instance, an executive recently left his sales leadership position at a high-tech company and joined Global Chamber® to gain access to opportunities that would be a fit for his unique global skills and requirements, including him wanting to stay in his metro. After an onboarding call, the regional Global Chamber® Executive Director provided three warm introductions plus a list of possible companies to introduce to consider. Before processing the list, one of the introductions turned into a call and a coffee — and a warm connection was made to a “perfect fit” job. That turned into a job offer and new position within a few more weeks. That’s the way it can work!!
Global Chamber members who are open to new global career opportunities — jobs and consulting gigs — gather to discuss new business, jobs, consulting and other new opportunities at Global Career Roundtable sessions worldwide. Globies have special talents that many companies don’t and can’t understand; you know what I’m talking about!! Talking through opportunities with other globies creates a warm shoulder and an open mind to create new connections and opportunities.
Get better connected to global career opportunities across your region and around the world.
by Doug Bruhnke is CEO and Founder of Global Chamber®