Rebecca Clyde

Co-Founder and CEO,

I am breaking barriers as a female founder and LatinX leader by shaping the future of genAI in a safe, accurate and personalized approach.

Why do you believe honoring achievement is important?

Honoring achievements is vital as it acknowledges dedication and innovation, fostering a culture of recognition and motivation. Recognizing milestones and efforts encourages a growth mindset within our business community in Arizona.

Celebrating accomplishments cultivates a sense of belonging, driving others to strive for excellence. It sets a positive precedent, promoting healthy competition and collaborative learning, ultimately leading to increased productivity and innovation. When achievements are celebrated, individuals feel valued and appreciated, leading to higher levels of performance.

On a larger scale, honoring achievements bolsters Arizona’s business ecosystem. It showcases the region as a hub for talent and forward-thinking enterprises, attracting investment and fostering a reputation for excellence. As success stories emerge, they inspire others to pursue their aspirations, contributing to a vibrant and dynamic entrepreneurial landscape that benefits both local and global economies.

What insights have you gained in your career that would inspire others?

The most crucial lesson from my career is that believing in myself and my purpose forms the bedrock of success. Hard work and determination are vital, but without self-confidence, their impact is limited. Embracing a growth mindset amplifies this belief, propelling one to view challenges as steppingstones, not barriers.

Equally important is building a supportive community. I have always surrounded myself with mentors, collaborators and cheerleaders in order to foster resilience and shared learning. The synergy within a community fuels motivation and creativity, magnifying the results of my individual efforts.

These principles have been my guiding stars. Self-belief fuels the engine of hard work while community sustains it. The combination propels growth. I urge others to cultivate these traits as they navigate their paths. My journey underscores that success is an ensemble effort, harmonizing belief, hard work, community and a growth-oriented outlook.

What can we do — now — to make a difference for young people/women in Arizona?

To positively impact young people in Arizona, we can take immediate action through several avenues. First, investing in inclusive educational opportunities, beginning with early childhood initiatives, sets the foundation for lifelong learning and achievement.

Second, establishing comprehensive career pathways from early high school years equips youth with relevant skills, preparing them for diverse job opportunities and fostering economic empowerment.

Third, creating an inclusive pipeline ensures underrepresented youth have equitable access to resources, breaking down barriers and cultivating diversity across industries.

Fourth, nurturing an entrepreneurial spirit and connecting young individuals with mentors and role models in business fuels innovation and professional growth.

Through this approach, we can amplify opportunities, champion diversity and inspire a new generation of leaders, contributing to a vibrant and inclusive future for Arizona’s youth.

In A Few Words

  • What was the last course, certification or training you took to improve yourself professionally? Google For Startups, an accelerator for startup founders, and Business Scaling Program at Stanford University through the Latino Business Action Network.
  • What would you say is a single characteristic OTHERS might attribute to you that defines your success? Relentless
  • What is the one thing you feel you could work on professionally to be a greater success? Delegating more
  • What is the one professional skill you have that has gotten you where you are today? Communication
  • What is the single greatest issue facing Arizona today? Access, particularly for underrepresented communities, to quality healthcare, education, career and new business opportunities.

About Me

Rebecca Clyde is the co-founder and CEO of, the genAI chat cloud company. With more than 20 years in digital marketing in the technology industry, she is passionate about advancing women in tech and served as the co-managing director for Girls in Tech Phoenix for three years. Prior to, Clyde founded a digital marketing agency, Ideas Collide, now in its 18th year of serving global enterprise clients. She was previously a marketing manager at Intel and holds an MBA from Arizona State University.

Rebecca Clyde is co-founder and CEO at

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