Strategic Growth for Leaders: 10 Success Keys to Elevate You to the Next Level

by Mike Hunter

As new technologies expand and converge, we witness industry, connectivity and innovation advance at accelerating rates. The emergence of generative AI, specifically, raises questions about the future of human agency. Add to that, the scale of global tension environmentally, economically and politically — never mind residual effects of the COVID-19 pandemic — are upending the … [More]

The Mac & Cheese Millionaire: Building a Better Business by Thinking Outside the Box

by Mike Hunter

In The Mac & Cheese Millionaire: Building a Better Business by Thinking Outside the Box, best-selling author, entrepreneur, and culinary innovator Erin Wade shares her inspiring and often hilarious journey of leaving her corporate lawyer job to open a hit mac-and-cheese restaurant, taking you through the challenges and victories that paved her path to success. By sharing … [More]

The Disruptors: How 15 Successful Businesses Defied the Norm

by Mike Hunter

Fearless, innovative, driven and daring. These are the qualities of a disruptor: a business that is willing to take risks to achieve incredible success. In The Disruptors, leading business journalist Sally Percy investigates the stories behind some of the world's most innovative businesses, which took unconventional and trailblazing approaches to overcome the competition and … [More]

Neutral but Not Silent: Boosting Voter Turnout with Nonpartisan Engagement

by Kristen Wilson

In today’s rapidly evolving social and political landscape, nonprofits play a crucial role in fostering an inclusive democracy through nonpartisan voter engagement. Engaging in voter education and mobilization efforts, without designating or encouraging support of specific political parties, allows organizations to contribute positively to the democratic process while … [More]

The Essential Guide to Nonprofit Board Governance: Insights from an Executive

by Kristen Wilson

Serving on a nonprofit board is a significant responsibility, offering the opportunity to shape and support the mission of an organization committed to the greater good. With these responsibilities comes a set of duties that demand both strategic acumen and a deep commitment to the organization’s success. As a nonprofit executive, I've seen how exceptional boards can propel an … [More]

The Excited Intern: How AI Can Empower Nonprofits and Businesses to Make Smarter Decisions

by Michael Morefield

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, artificial intelligence is often perceived as a complex, futuristic tool, reserved for tech giants and data scientists. However, when understood on a fundamental level, AI can be likened to an eager intern — full of potential, ready to impress, and capable of augmenting the capabilities of your staff, but not yet a replacement … [More]

Strengthening Arizona through Leadership and Collaboration

by Kristen Wilson

We are proud of how our organization has become a cornerstone of support for the nonprofit sector in Arizona. Our mission is clear: to empower and unite nonprofits, grantmakers and mission-driven businesses across the state, ensuring they have the resources, knowledge and advocacy needed to drive meaningful change in our communities. At AZ Impact for Good, we believe that … [More]

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