Career Ready Tempe

by Tempe Chamber of Commerce

Career Ready Tempe is a youth-workforce pilot program, funded by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Career Readiness Lab Grant and the City of Tempe’s Innovation Fund. The program aims to prepare Tempe youth to participate in the future workforce and to develop the youth-talent pipeline in the City of Tempe so that it aligns with industry needs. The program places juniors and seniors from Tempe high school districts into paid internships to gain insight and education in a variety of industries, including fashion, nonprofit, finance, engineering and municipal roles.

Internships will be held during the summer months of June and July 2024. Students will complete a total of 120 internship hours over six weeks. Priority admittance will be given to students who are income-eligible (household income of 200% FPL or below). Students must complete an application and interview process to be selected for participation.

Photos by Delaina LeForce

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