How BUSINESS can help support our medical professionals on the front line

Valleywise Health | March 25, 2020

Valleywise Health is calling all nail salons, dental offices, med spas, hardware stores, schools, colleges, auto shops and more! The Valley’s doctors, nurses and other medical professionals are facing an extreme shortage of PPE (personal protective equipment.) If you or your company can help make a difference, please consider donating unopened, boxed and/or sealed PPE to … [More]

How to Increase Your Internet Speed During COVID-19 Isolation

CenturyLink | March 25, 2020

COVID-19 is forcing many to work and complete school at home but the very devices in your home, how you set up your home office and even the age of your home’s wiring is dragging down your internet speed. If you’re going the wireless route, get ready for a 15-40% data usage bump throughout this period of social distancing, which can lead to slower connection times, dropped … [More]

SAFETY: Governor Ducey Expands Telemedicine Coverage for Arizonans

State of Arizona Office of the Governor | March 25, 2020

Governor Ducey today issued an Executive Order requiring health care insurance companies to expand telemedicine coverage for all services that would normally be covered for an in-person visit. The order helps ensure that Arizonans who may be sick or under quarantine can access care from their homes and avoid potentially risky trips to a health care provider. It remains in … [More]

Local non-profit temporarily pivots mission to help students and high-need populations during difficult times.

Support My Club | March 24, 2020

Support My Club, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting students on their path to graduation by engaging communities to fulfill the needs of high school clubs and teams, announced today that they are pivoting the purpose of its technology to serve other local nonprofits. As COVID-19 continues to have an increased impact on communities around the globe, Support My … [More]

101 North Eatery & Bar To Participate in the Great American Takeout With Curbside Takeout, Delivery and Cocktail Kit and Grocery Essentials

101 North | March 24, 2020

Today, March 24, has been named the Great American Takeout day in order to support restaurants around the country. During the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19 many restaurants have been forced to adapt to meet the needs of their local community. L.A’s 101 North Eatery & Bar made instant changes including no-contact curbside take out and delivery options. With free delivery … [More]

Governor Ducey And Superintendent Hoffman Announce Childcare For COVID-19 Frontline Workers

State of Arizona Office of the Governor | March 24, 2020

Governor Doug Ducey and Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman jointly announced a partnership to launch Arizona Enrichment Centers starting next week to offer childcare for the children of first responders, critical healthcare workers, and essential public sector workers, including child safety workers. This announcement comes as school closures have been extended … [More]

OFFER: Discounted Recruiting Fees as HotFoot Recruiters Navigates COVID-19

Hotfoot Recruiters | March 24, 2020

Since the inception of HotFoot Recruiters, the team has operated under a core value of “People First.” This empathic value gives the company the requisite strength and guidance to face the difficult challenge posed on the globe by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), one which the World Health Organization recently declared as a pandemic. Their prayers go out to the people who … [More]

Arizona Together Initiative, Linking Arizonans To Resources During COVID-19 Outbreak

State of Arizona Office of the Governor | March 24, 2020

Governor Doug Ducey today launched the Arizona Together initiative to support Arizonans during the COVID-19 outbreak, connecting individuals and businesses to resources, raising money for community organizations and providing information on volunteer opportunities. A website,, serves as the centralized location for Arizonans to find help or provide … [More]

VIDEO: Governor Ducey, ADHS Director Dr. Christ Share COVID-19 Updates (Mar. 23, 2020)

State of Arizona Office of the Governor | March 23, 2020   Today, Governor Doug Ducey and Arizona Department of Health Services Director Dr. Cara Christ held a briefing to share updates on COVID-19. The Governor announced the issuance of an Executive Order clarifying businesses and operations deemed “essential” by the state and providing certainty to business owners, employees and families. He … [More]

OFFER: Macayo’s Offers Lowered To-Go Pricing Overall

Macayo's | March 23, 2020

Missing Macayo’s? The feeling is mutual, and the Mexican eatery is now offering its local comfort food to-go menu at lower prices to make you feel the love at a time when you need it most. Beyond the dinner table, Macayo’s is also maintaining a steady supply of pantry essentials (cases of water, gatorade, bags of tortillas) that have become increasingly scarce at local … [More]

OFFER: Free Chatbot Service for Franchisors in Beauty, Health and Wellness Industries | March 19, 2020

To help beauty, health and wellness businesses deliver high-quality customer engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic, announced it is providing its AI-powered, automated chat service free of charge throughout the course of the COVID-19 closures. Eligible companies include chiropractic, acupuncture, hair salons, lash and wax centers, fitness centers, massage centers and … [More]

SAFETY: Governor Ducey Issues Executive Order Detailing “Essential Services”

State of Arizona Office of the Governor | March 23, 2020

Governor Doug Ducey today issued an executive order clarifying businesses and operations deemed “essential” by the state and providing certainty to business owners, employees and families. The order is a proactive and administrative measure to ensure consistent guidance across the state. “Arizona is focused on limiting the spread of COVID-19, while providing relief to … [More]

Larry H. Miller Dealerships Announces Effort to Ensure Essential Transportation Needs Are Not Affected in Current Climate

Larry H. Miller | March 23, 2020

In line with current social distancing guidelines, the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies and Larry H. Miller Dealerships announced today a complimentary concierge vehicle pickup and drop-off service for customers with service appointments in an effort to help those whose health might be at risk, and those who are providing critical services get to work. “We want to be great … [More]

East Valley Chambers of Commerce Release COVID-19 Business Impact Report

East Valley Chambers of Commerce Alliance | March 23, 2020

The East Valley Chambers of Commerce Alliance (EVCCA) released today the findings from a survey conducted of its more than 5,000 members to determine the immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their revenue, operations, and supply chains. The report includes responses from nineteen industry sectors and nearly 70 percent of respondents represent businesses with less … [More]

POLICY CHANGE: MVD reminders: Office appointments required, license expirations extended

Rick McCartney

The Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division reminds customers that all MVD office visits require an appointment. Only services that have to be done in person are available. This does not apply to Authorized Third Party providers. To reduce the number of people who may require office visits, Gov. Doug Ducey last week issued an Executive Order extending the … [More]

SAFETY: Governor Ducey Announces Launch Of 2-1-1 COVID-19 Hotline

State of Arizona Office of the Governor | March 22, 2020

Today, Governor Doug Ducey announced the launch of a new statewide COVID-19 Hotline through $2 million in funding provided by the Arizona Department of Economic Security. The hotline is administered by 2-1-1 Arizona and the Crisis Response Network and will offer an entry point to field questions and concerns from Arizona residents about COVID-19. “As we continue to combat … [More]

MEDICAL CARE: The CORE Institute Offering Orthopedic Urgent Care

The CORE Institute | March 23, 2020

The CORE Institute has announced that it will now be providing orthopedic urgent care services at their Phoenix area locations in order to help ease the burden that is likely to be placed on emergency rooms, urgent care centers and hospitals in the coming weeks as they brace for an influx of new patients with COVID-19 related symptoms.   Please visit their website to hours of … [More]

VIDEO: Governor Ducey Update On COVID-19 (Mar. 20, 2020)

State of Arizona Office of the Governor | March 20, 2020 The Governor was joined by Arizona Department of Health Services Director Dr. Cara Christ, Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs Director Major General Michael T. McGuire, Arizona State Treasurer Kimberly Yee, St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance CEO Tom Kertis, Arizona Coyotes President and CEO Ahron Cohen and Arizona Department of … [More]

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