Arizona Gives is celebrating its 10th anniversary of the Arizona Gives Day event on April 5–6 this year, with the “early giving” period starting March 15. Since 2013, the online giving platform has raised more than $30 million for nonprofit organizations across the state to benefit Arizona communities.
As a business professional, you may be wondering how your business, your staff or even your clients can get involved to supporting the nonprofit (aka social) sector on Arizona Gives Day. Here are six ways you can do this:
Spread the Word. Encourage your employees and/or your clients to donate on from March 15 to April 6 through your various communication channels — newsletters, emails and social media. On social, make it even easier by simply sharing content from our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter social channels (@azgives) or via LinkedIn (@aznonprofits).
Match Your Employee Donations. Take it one step further and commit to an Employee Giving Page on Your business will be assigned a code for employees to enter when donating, which will allow that donation to show up on an administrative page where your business can then match employee donations at a percentage or amount of your choosing.
Create a Fundraiser Page for a Specific Nonprofit or Nonprofits. Businesses, just like individuals, can create fundraiser pages for one or more specific nonprofits of your choosing on Once these are created, you can communicate with your employees and/or clients to help collectively reach your fundraising goal. Your business may even decide to pledge a certain dollar amount to these organizations as well.
Provide a Matching Grant for a Specific Nonprofit. Perhaps your business has a participating nonprofit near and dear to it OR a cause area that is important to it. Businesses may want to reach out to a participating nonprofit found on and provide a set matching grant amount for every dollar donated on to that organization. Matching grants can encourage individuals to donate, essentially allowing them to feel as if they are “doubling” their donation.
Provide In-Kind Advertising for Arizona Gives. Donating advertising space (digital, print, radio, TV, outdoor) from anywhere in the state can assist the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits with promoting Arizona Gives to the public and help the public understand the importance and impact philanthropy has on our nonprofits and communities they serve.
Support the Arizona Gives Program Financially. Businesses can support and help sustain Arizona Gives by sponsoring the program and, in return, receiving marketing and branding recognition throughout the year. There are also newsletter advertising opportunities if sponsorship is not an option.
Getting involved in Arizona Gives is easy! If one or any of these options is of interest, you can find more details at or reach out to me directly.
As a reminder, donations are accepted on the platform year-round and fundraiser pages can be created at any time. The Arizona Gives program is managed by the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits and Arizona Grantmakers Forum.
Jennifer Purcell is the SVP & Director of Development at Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits