Stars and Strikes Bowling Fundraiser Generates more than $5,000 for Veteran Scholarships and Awards

by David Key

Pictured (left to right): Deputy City Manager Keith Burke; Councilmember Arlene Chin; Former Councilmember Robin Arredondo-Savage; Councilmember Doreen Garlid; Tempe Chamber President & CEO Colin Diaz; Tempe Veteran Services Coordinator Abe McCann; Councilmember Randy Keating; and City Council Aide Tonya Gray. Photo by Andrew Lwowski

An unprecedented 27 lanes of bowlers, broken down into teams of six players, participated in 90 minutes of bowling. The highest-scoring team and highest-scoring bowler were awarded with prizes. Both prizes went to returning King Pin Sponsors, Just Fur U.

Community members and sponsors of the event raised more than $5,000, which will be used toward scholarships and awards for active-duty servicemembers and veterans within the Phoenix area. The funding will assist in the presentation of two annual events organized by the Tempe MAC: the Copper 5 Awards and the Red, White & Blue Awards.

Pictured (left to right): Deputy City Manager Keith Burke; Councilmember Arlene Chin; Former Councilmember Robin Arredondo-Savage; Councilmember Doreen Garlid; Tempe Chamber President & CEO Colin Diaz; Tempe Veteran Services Coordinator Abe McCann; Councilmember Randy Keating; and City Council Aide Tonya Gray

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